The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)

ITIDCSC MATrJtlALf Tds Sydney Moralng HsfsltL SsturdsT. July 22, 1950 17 aTLTLDrNC MATUUAIJ rtfT CONTROL gwiLDPaj anp wkmm 1TNPIM rnmni 1VNDIM i goTOnra rjvekiwi mm WATER SUPPLY. TXnDTRB endoned aa aueh, are In. vlted and will be received aL tha namril fwa C6tiHgfL of env1 6 STDNEY. QUOTATIONS ait invlttd for tht Supply and Delivery of: aq, iv.

vouan mn, 34O0 tons Medium Sandy Loam. Uniform Tunica. Trousers and, Caps to bt manufactured from Blue Indigo Strgt Ui bt aupphtdl by Council. Quotatlona for (a) tloat 1 Tues mvn. 0rtWW art Invited, vM ba Uu to 11 noon on 11th Aug-iriMO.

lor tht supply and delivery fast only tin Lath, or sJUrnaiivtly lowest oc any Under not ntctt thoRPE. Shirt Clerk. Sot dm Jr naniHiu. tSdCPA KAHTH BORING PLANT TOiDERS. euliably endorsed, ire kMy uivited and ui oo received by ZTndersigned up till 9 i m.

on Mon-Z 14th August, lor tht aupply S' delivery of on only Earth Boring Jins for bole sinking for eltcUlclly Attention Is drawn to tha provisions let Art regarding tht country M1ln 5tht machlnt offered. "th, lowest or any under not a mm. cntd' num. Shirt Otsrk. CUMNOCK, UVT'SO.

CMOS OF A MB OCA. CONTRACT 1501-U ERECTION OF HOUSES. Tenders endorsed as audi, and ae unenled by tha proscribed deposit, a iamiA and will be received by itmitnid till 4 o.m. Oil Friday. nth Auruet.

WW for th completion a I Contract No. 19301 Erection of ne TUnbeT-framed and Flora Oemtnt Tindirri may tender for tha trao we of ona or more of tha house. m.rb and uieclfteatloni may ba In acted aL the Council Chambere. Bowra-J2, or purcheaed at a coat of IS n. wum, inui ww.

Opuonl Cham bora. GWHAVILLE, 18th July. 1850. OF HORNSBY. 3 MEW BRICK COTTAGE VACANT FRESH TENDERS are hereby Invited.

toTHURSDAY. 3rd AUGUST. 1950, Tin lor tha Purcheae from Coun- 3l of the New Brick Cottage recently 1 nn lt fronting bell Street. -I Lodge Street. North Hornsby.

The ntuie li faithfully built, and tootle tttW belnf provided. WOWT dka during tha uauaj office houra. Mon- QHIRE OF iTio prldaye. 9 30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

FARKS SUMMER SPORTS TERMS: Caen on completion. SEASON. 195O-1051. Chambcra until 12 noon on Monday. xvui nupnai, iavi.

ivr mi lonowing; co*kl'RACT W.2.1: ruction of one (1) 1 gHon Elevated Concrete Reservoir at Oakland. Iweat or any Under not necessarily accented Preliminary dtpoalt 1 par cent, of Under price. SecMon S17A of the Local Government Act respecting Empire pieftftnc will apply. Specifications Buy be procured from the Council Consulting Engineera, Messrs. Outterldge, Haakina and Davey.

00 HunUr Street, Sydney, for a depoalt of 20, which la relundable on receipt of bona-Ada Under. H. B. MOYI.E, County Clerk. Council Chambers, SHIRE OF MACINTYRB.

TENDERS FOR MAIN ROADS WORKS. TENDERS are invited and will ba rt-esivnd bv the undNilinid un to 0 on Monday. 7th August, 1950, for Main kg a worn, at under: CONTRACT NO. 1950 5. (.1 R.

NO. 187 1NVERELL-ORAMAN Conduction of deviation at Palmer Corner BM 740-8M 4190 from Inverell Inc. fencing, earthworks, installation of pipe cuivirt ana gravel pavement. lh NO. 137 INVERELL-ABH- FORD.

Construction of pipe culvert and eiiproernti ai irom lnveren. c) M.R. NO. 135 INVLKEIX-OUYRA Rerunittruciton. Inrludlna earthworke.

in talletlon of pipe culvert end gravel pavement 26U 300 2SM 1800 Irom Inverell. Tender nuit ba eultably endoraed and muii ha accomDanled by a Drellmlnarv depoalt of 1 per cent, of the bulk avun 01 ine icnacr. Speclflcatlona may ba Inspected end tender forma obtatnea at ine uenan-nmt of Main Roada Divisional Offlr-e, Glen Innea, and Head Office. Sydney. and me snira umw.

nTBre" OILROT, Shirt Cltrk PHI RE OFFICE, INVERELL. V7 Amilleal loin aultablv endorsed, art In up to inursoay, oro nujiiii, in a for th tua of Parka. Re- ion and Playing Grounds In the for the summer sporia season. Applications to be omitted for; a) Saturday Afteinocna; rbl Ordinary Week-day Afternoons SEPARATE OFFERS to be submitted each ground, and a price to be offered for the whole of tht Summer Sports Be aeon, "wet or fine." public HOLIDAYS art to bt excluded inv annllcatlona. Council reserves to itself tht tight to allocate three t3 Saturdays during the season from time to time a may be considered advisable.

ah application atai clearlv tha or lea offered and am mini may ba paid for the whole season (not at per day), and Include particulars of name of Club, executive officers, secretary's address, etc. In cases where TENNIS COURT provision is made on any parks, special applications to be made to which Council will give consideration on tha baals: twelve 12) months' reservation. i Hlgheat or any tender not neceaaarlly accepted. F. A.

CRFHOHTON. Shirt Clerk. I Council Chamber. Horn by, lRth July, 1950. SHIRE OF WYONO.

TENDERS ERECTION OF SUNDRY BUILDINGS, ETC. TENDERS, suitably endorsed, are hereby invited, and will he received by undersigned up till 9 30 a.m. on Thursday, 17th August. 1950. for the carrying out of the following work, namely Erection of Public Conveniences, Tocwoon Bay Camping Ground.

Removal of existing Public Conveniences, Toowoon Ray Camping Grcund on to concrete flubs. Erection of Public Conveniences, The Entrance Rerlamalltn Area. Erection of Public Conveniences, Canton Beach Camping Ground, Erection of Dressing Shfda and Public Conveniences, Wyong Recreation Area. Fencing of Oval, Wrong; Recreation Area. The concrete bricks required for the ructlcn of the several buildings will auppllrd by the Council and tenders only required for the supply of the remaining materials and for the necessary labour.

Tenders may be submitted for the of the sbnvement icncd ork or any separate Item. Plana and specifics' icna therer.f may obtained nn application to the Chief Health Inspector. Tenders must be accompanied by a riepcslt eoual to 1 per rent, nf the amount of the tender. The lnwet or tender will not necessarily be accep- GOLDINO. Shirt Clerk.

Council Chambers, WYONO. 20th July. 1950. TION AND GRAVEL RE8HEETTNG TENDERS, clnsing st in a.m., or August 15th, 1950, are Invited as folic war CONTRACT 50 B. Rockcedtlel Pan.

dora a Pass Bona, construction of lenctn fir 4m. kkh CONTRACT 50 7. Ouirlndl Premer Rd at Spring Ridge. Construction of 3m. lenath.

CONTRACT 50 8. Caroona 4D Road construction oi lengtn or dm. uwii CONTRACT 49 2. Construction ol 2850ft of Haydon's Roid and nf 5ft 5ft box culvert and approaches nn ine wuirinoi rioaci CONTRACT 50,9. Gravel rcsheetlnt.

comonaing Nundle Road. M.R. 106 and 1.1.200 c. yds. for the Bundelia Road, M.R.

129. Ccunclt has the it eel reinforcement needed lor box culverts under Contract 50 8 and 49 2. while there are no box culverts under Contract 50 8. This should assist contractors tendering; for more than one Job, as thev will be able to start ine jooa lor wnicn steel is available while awaiting supplies for ine remainder or ine wora. Tenders will be considered for carrying out all or any number of the works or If desired oortlon only of a oar- ticular contract.

Where tendering for more than one contract, time needed lor completion to be stated Specifications may be Insoected and mu Baah zoo A oy UAI, of 0.E from HP In Han I Speci be OASES. CRATES. All tVpaa and' tuts quickly ant effl- cltDtly made. Country orders atUadtd juoiaiion bvbubviv. BaXMONT CASE AND TIMBER BOX FRAMES, CAsem*nT FHAMFS, Oashea to detail, promptly.

Cleai Oregon. lazing. Dislnbuuvia of rie- (act spring an oaam.a. NEPTUNE JOINERY WORKS. XB2693 Lavendet Cieavtiit.

Nunll IIATHS I.iV Eiiglish.Whltt, Cuinb. Sinks and Draining liuwrda, Cupboards, Bastus, Us Btoves Gas Coppers Ota Bain Healers, sink Healers, uaa Fires, Oas Hot Wster Storage Heet-ars, Fuel Stoves, Fuel PcrlaU ctPrs. Chip Healers, Esse lpe co*ke Btotes, new lane stock clear. Caalt. BISHOPS.

133 Biuadway, Usar Gf.t Bros. MA641W. BoXFRAMEs. limber Frame or Stick la detail. 14 diva.

DOORS: 6ft Sill 2lt Bin. 6ft Bin ttlu Flush pine. Open Light, a Lignt Pari HMm Framed Idee and Ijfdae. CAsem*nT' SASHES. Stock 3ft lft 61n, 3ft 6ln If i Bin, 3ft oiti lit luiu 3ft 6ln 3lt no.

i ear, uiaea or un- lavaH HARRISON'S TIMBER PTY. 548 Canterbury Road. ELMORE LF342 BALTIC. BALTIC 71n Weatherboards. t).

b. iu ana ui -a ROYAL HARDBOARD. 6. 8, 9. 10 and 12 Vi 4 SWEDISH INSULATION BOARD.

Star tnaida Wilta and Ceilings. AMALGAMATED TIMBERS PTY. LTD. 221-423 cvwaia Direct, MASCOT. MU3131.

BOXFRAMES, CAsem*nTS, SASHES, DOORS. In elar OrMon or Ma Die and 1st- clasa JOINERY of every description made to detail promptly. GLASS WEIGHTS. CORDS, UNIQUE 8AU BALANCE. Regular dell vet lee to every suburb.

A. B. CARR PTY. 50 Parramatta Road. Homebuah.

7.30 to 3. Hon. to rn, umoiui i nun. CYPRESS Flootiug supplied and laid I1Y914U. CEDAR Wind.

Sashes. Doora, cheap. LL2372 bet. 9-12. Sal.

or Moll. 1EMENT Stan, sire and 12 6 23 Hill St, Arnciine. ttlSTERN. new. low-down, while.

15 i Neilsen. 27 Ramsay Rd. Flvedotk. in AST IRON. 5 611.

4ln lor w. aiibi. u.i. ouutr, jwi.i. (1YPRESS Flooring, supplied and laid.

UW7069. (1 AST-IRON Boll Pipe, exchange for Gal. Pipe or Gal. Iron. PU5440.

lONCKKi B. rounaauon rie MA5545 aft hrs TUO so ft Kin ilo 700 aq. It. Vjiu, piain. i 171 om son, CANE-IT FY 1288 tO.

flEDAK Stair Rail, 45ft, complete. 47 v- McLachlan nusncuiter ay, UnnHav Oflr wanted. CONCRETE BRICKS and BLOCKS, sUndard specification. Earlv delivery FRANK J. COPE.

Mavis St. Revesby. (tO MB 12in CIRC, SAW, Uin Planer Spindle Moulder. 1710. Prelghi free Woodmarhtnrn, South Brisbane draw-cord loui." Concealed meclian-; lam.

Kirach Co. (Aust.) MX1071. CEMENT KICKS, i or pattern: 1300 2nd-hand Bricks. 44 a canon street. ivuiih.

tIEMENT 1 1LL-MAKING EQUIPMKNT FOR HIHE. Ring FJ9161 for fur- CAST-IRON Porcelain Bath, with legs, good condition. Apply day or evening, 32 Brighton Boulerarde. Hondl Beach. C.S.R.

Hardboard. 8x2, 6 2, 3 2 2ft Sin lft. 2ft 6in 6in. Ring FA 2383. after 8.30 a m.

(COLUMNS lor vtrandaha. porchea in cement. Garden Ware. WIN 1 EH and GEHRIG. 733 Harris St, Broadway.

MA4220. Open Saturday. sMOPPER TUBE. Immediate delivery. with Oa or Electric rtnerm not O.

FAUL, 1U1 Mur water syiiemi. r. Uffirnnhra Jnnet KJ2306 CIONCRL'1-K PIERS. Made with Metal and Sand. Good Stock.

O. L. LEECH. 260 Railway Parade. Koaarah.

LW4U28. CANVAS BLINDS. Every type Fadeless material. We call, measure, quote, ana erect BLAIR and CO. 232 Cleveland St.

Chlpyendal MA2287. MA7485. CONCRETE BUILDING BLOCKS, rarruln hmhH aiinroval. available immediate delivery. ELDER SMITH and CO.

LIMITED. 4 Bridge St. BW1331. COMPLETE Cement Tilt Outfit, 2 Machines. tJOU 1 Ridge Capping Machine.

24 Moulds. Staner and UniiMi I'AmntMipr mil fit Wltll 2 hn Motor Bacuflct 250. Young. LX1 jl7. i (iORRDuaTEO rKitarsA.

ine wuan VJ Roof and Wall Lighting Hiltrlil. lightweight, ahalterprcol. cleaner than ind Mif to fit. Made to match 30 Booth St. Annandale MW3342 -1EMENT T1LE-MAKINQ EQUIPMENT: AC Le, i la 10 on- ii Purchaser's brand on pal let tea.

Good delivery. Write or 'phont lor lull par ticulars. WHITNELL PRODUCTS. 4S Ytngoora Road. Belmore.

UL1586. C. D. MILLER and CO. PTY.

LTD. (Est. 1913). TIMBER and PLYWOOD MERCHANTS. 277 Parramatta Road.

II A BLR FIELD. Opp. A W. A. 'Phones.

UA28B5-S. Specialists in Oregon. Hardwood. Pac Maple. Mouldings, Floorings.

Linings. WALLBOARDS: UNITEX and CHLY-TTLE. for all internal uses and bathrooms. Inquiries Welcomed. QONCRET1 "LIGHTNING" MIXERS.

HIRE or SALE (Terms Arranged). Quick, Efficient Service. Trouble-fret Use. Delivered Your Job and Collected. Lightweight 3 e.

ft Mlxtra. (Electric or Petrol.) HEAVY-DUTY 3Va FT. MIXERS. Use our Modern Fleet. 'Phont Hire LM51113, LM3236, after houra UW7053.

LIGHTBUUN and CO. Stanmore Valley Road. Wan a wee I OORs, Ready, Garage. Front, Port al noie. riusn, surwo JOR.S 40 9.

Silkv Ottk 46 6 Ribbon Wsl nut 67 6, Fig Walnut 72 8. Plywood Dia. irlhiitnr fl Rvaant flt env. M.14fiyfl. TYOORS ol fill kinds, 'flush.

Irom 37 rroni, rrmme ana Doors In good duality. aL F. 8. FEL- in good quality. i lnJWiiui, m-j Tha hiehett or any Under not neoaa- rily accepted, A.

CRHGHTON, Shirt Clerk. Dwnrll Chamberi, Horneby. VJh July. 1950 STROUD SHIRK COUNCIL. TENDERS, cloalng at 4 p.m.

on lit 14th Auguit. 1950, are Invited for ill eupplv at tha following plant: I 1, Heavy patrol grader, dlesel en-1 gine, tandem iJrtve; 1211 blade and ecarifler. 1 Heavy bulldozer, blade not lem than 10ft and capable of pitch and tilt adjustments. Utility truck, approximately 15-cwt capacity: fitted with ladder rack as usually Supplied to Electricity Undertakings, attention la directed to Section 51 7 A the Lccal Government Act regarding inference to British goods. The hiiEhet or lowest Under not necea-arlly accepted.

i L. O. ALLEN. I Slit re Cierk. i SSIRE OF HOLBKOOK.

BITUMEN SKA LINO CONTRACT 6 50. fender ire Invited and will be reared bv the undersigned up to 5 p.m. v. Tuesdav, 15th August. 1950.

for j320 square yards of Tar Priming and Surfacing on Main Road No. SU Section), between a and bm irom He i brook. Speclnca-tm may be Inspected and tender for mi Ei be obtained at the Shire Offlre. H.broclc. and the Department of Main Fteadt.

Sydney and Wagga, during office K. A. ROBERTS, Shirt Clerk. Bhlre Offlce. Holbrook, 39.

17 7 '50. CHTRE Or DALES. 3 CRUSHED AO OREO ATE. Tenders (endorsed) and accompanied the prescribed deposit will be rewired by the undersigned up to 9 a.m. Friday.

11th August, 19.10. for the i.pply of furfaclng aggregatt aa fol- FOR. COOTAMTJNDRA Viln gauge. 275 tona. 7 16m gauge, 70 tona.

FOR. ALLEN DBEEN: Vjln gauge, 95 tons. 3 16m gauge. 30 tons. Jpfdflcatlon and tender lorms may be ibined on application.

Tenders to inxly itatt time of dellverv. O. H. PORTER. Cwtamundra.


AND HAMBUCCA HEADS WATER SUPPLY. CON fR ACT No, 1950 2 SUCTION WS1X. ETC. TENDERS, endorsed as such and ac- vt invited and will be received bv thei11 dliUfi.ed till 4 p.m. on 18th August.

1930, for the completion of Contract lift. 19M) 2 W.S. and Construction of Reinforced Concrete Sue- 'tn wen. rump wen. Meter pit, ana vitee at.

creel Shire, for from in such full of tha (a) (b) (c) (d) (t) (f) const be are whole for BUILDING MATT RIAL. Water pipe" "4m, "loooft; txoh. foj it oncae, or sen. bos was. r.v.

YvsATHEKBOaklw, ein, rusu Bmlth. Johnston St. Annandsle, WB331S WINDOWS. UNIQUE, new, 1U per uar cent, discount. WHITE.

IT Kooloura Avenue, llarbord. Wauj aua riAjn iui Bupptiesj and Pikad Ralhrocms. Kitchens. Shop Fronts. Cafes.

All colours. carter. rs-Jiun ncp win cau. VA 1 tJtt'KOOFINU OF FIB It O. RUSTED OAL.

IRON AND ALL BUILDING MATERIALS. BUILD ALL Weatneriiix Coat completely waterpiools Flbio. brick, cement, build ing ooaraa, sewn porosity, prevents aamp neaa with permanent rock-hard Uxturtj nnlsh. gtd. 3 years.

Applied by brush, Attractlit colours and pastels for txt. and Int. uae. BUILD ALL Filling Compound lor cracks snd holes. FOX BROS.

Fix. 70 nw OS. Sydney. MA6611. NOCK and KIRBY LTD.

(Bmldlng Material 417 Ucorgsj Street, Sydney. B024o, KICKS wauiea: uvw soid prke. WL1987. BLDU8. Bought for removal anyvntrw.

Demolition work earned out, IA12078. a Bailey hardt. IJ1NE Tree Bought, Removed. ane where, also HardAood Trees, Legs, I.M2978. Bailey.

Leuhhardt. WANTED up Ut 400 feet 1'ila XCd 4tn taiv. piping. JA6922. WANTED: 4000 Br ick a aa ndstocka, secoiida or commons.

WB2674. WANTED, OREGON. S.H.. lOin 2i 18ft. also 4 2 20ft.

UL2007 WANTED, Concrete Mutr. Must bi good. FVIU3. WANTED, Flat Galvanise! Tron, S4 26 any qty. I.L103, Air ANTED, Cement Mixture.

mUlty at-tach. Good cond. XL3303. WANTED Gal. Corrugated Iron, good condition.

FJ2493 lln Qatv. pipk: eiso com 20.000 2nd- hand Bricks Reollea to 74 Dunning Avt. Rosebery. FF1362. WAN! ED: Regular Supplies Itjln and 2ln Squaies or Boards.

Mountain Ash or Spotted Gum or similar. 72 Mrnciuie si, narat. tiwwiwo. ANTED: 2000 Medium to Choeolato Coloured Fact Bricks. Can exchange equal value Flbro to your requirements.


7 rooms, fully I'oves. nict Sell as frtng furnished electric house, lneom. 4 concern. ONLY 1250. Ring LB5604.

all week-end, Dcuble-fronfed Shot), 3 bed loemi nart tv turn vac nnu. Hcme-madt Pies. Fish, and Hamberger. Opening for sandwiches. Good takings.

Plant in good order. Good reasons for 88 Warner's Avenue, Bondl. ILK BAR. Gosford district, most a'. 1 tractive business, mcdern shoi sd plant, main centre, near bench.

theatre, and dance hall. Tuinover 140. Profit 30, Com I. 2 -bed reside net available. 3230.

J. F. HICKS end Railway Bug Bund, i fcrd. 'Phone, 122. 11ASTRYCOGK Buslnese and F'hOld of new residence and bakehouse for sale, Well aituated In P'matta dlst.

Bakehoua well equipped. Nearly new panel van. Two rented shops in expanding district. OrpeU and refngnator go with heme, Immediate vacant possession. King JX3124 SHIRT MANUFACTURING BUSINFSS.

Weil eetablihed business for at a going concern. Plant in excellent condition. Floor pace approx 4IS00 iq. ft. Turnover over 5300 monthly.

For full particulars wri'e A A L'TU ER-. BOX 8H4 G.P.O.. SYDNEY. MIXED BUSINESSES. Amnncut many hordes.

Lnrge F. shop, well est nice 2-bed cott. ai5.pi. nay ton cut scues, c.c. Tob.

50. Automatic emers. llirhnng plant, low ren'. O. 120.

Urgmt 1775. A.v. Principals only. After 1 pro. T.M4959.

Jj 1948 Model Car. A good busirieis. concern cratinB Suburba at present, could be enlarged. hull Single man Books cm km earc Quick sale, complete. (130.

LA1904, LA4343. MIXED, sciiool Mo plant. 2 etc. Tak-tnus 180-2'H. summer, prof.

4.1. Tob. quota Fully lmnihed icntt.V inc. Slayer pinna, wssh machine, sink heater, ousehold lr.g Phone. Pr.ce A.V.

r.pp. C30rt. Apply 1 Newman Street. New town. RESSMAK1NG-LINGERIE.

AI pnsn. ss in hjut. l.u.. rent 'Phone, i Price with stock, 2100. Terms.

LB. 34 New Slh, cluse FU201W (UEr HOUSE, wallacia. 20 bed mis aercm. lor 60 guests, fullv inrn Tariff 11 3 lit Swim. DOOi.

golf course, tennis court, 'phone. lon lease. 5 p.w. 2300 ROWLING, L.B A 323 Church St. Parrarnatta.

tfWKSOl cte UF2223. OPPORTUNIT person Interested Interior, Soft Furnishings, acquire small well-eat abll shed Business showing profits. Exclusive clientele and onucts. Price 4nO. stsnd investiga tion.

Owner leaving Sydney. Particulars 16153. Herald MFG. Art Candles Business for Sale. Au(.

wide sales, btg profits, Iittlt space reeid. Easy process Owner obliged quit premtsea. Price lncl. equlrment, materials, only 200. Call Sat.

Morn. Tti Murray st. pyrmont, or poena Fl.1t 75. RESTAURANT IN MOUNTAIN CITY. Loiii-efctabhihed.

2 dining rooms. Seat 1(10 Net prof. abt. 53. Largo plant.

5-Rm, Furn. Dwelling. P. Musi be sold iwlng to 111 health. PRICE 4250 OR NEAR.

DANIEL CURRIB, 2:13 Bond! Rd. FW.1946. FW6401. Mi IXED rRt Enow Lge. aea- ide resort, wxiy.

tag. 210. Protlt 40. Valuable plant. VAC POSH.

4 bdrms etc. Feltex throughout. Oar. 4600, plus 8 A FOHHKS and CANTERBURY. LF1744.

I.HOCK SA1X3NS, large modern shop Willi residence, and branch LP. Shop, excel, T.O. averages 190 P.w. Price 2600, s.a.v. SeU one or both.

MOSMAN ESTATES, 340a Mllltaiy ltd. Merman. XM4490. MIXED, F'HOLD, Brick, tks. 131, nrols.

25. All nlant. stock. 330. Bk.

Home, 3 bed 1 k. Sew. orge. Nr. schl, 4250, S.A.V.

ARTHUR ROBINSON. LB. 346 Church SU Parramatta, UW8536. HAIRDRESSER and Tobacco Business, centre nt large industry. Hours 9 tn i4bI1w Mn ttattiprfaw TVs BIH.DING MATERIAl-S VfW Ptbro.

13S aq. yards. Weak-end, IS Unbar Uy St. South OranvUU. -AILS, NAILS.

IMPORTED XNOIJBK JOLT HEAD NAILS. SUM 11, 2 11, 1 I 14. I'4 13. 1 16. In Stork for Immediate Delivery.

Mimruum Order lewt, any air. MAXWKLL. KING. A COMPANY pry. ltd.

70 siiug Street, BX2421. BX4741. ONE bU COn AGE. 2 rooma 12 12. and kiU'henvtlt.

new iron roof, and u. floor, doors, windows, built sections, itady lake away. lmU7B. IJALINOs. lorw.

411. 38 per 100. LA2440, Monday. IwiEK Caps and dm Capping. 4ft long.

UJ477U 13 Cole St. Concord. lil.YWOOD 13 loin for cupboard doors. 6 3 37 6. 3 46 3 per siieet.

is KeiH st, city, swwwb. IJAL1NGS. tttt. 4 2 9ft lu stock Posts snd rails, Proud, Biara St, ivkdrhi-aij. cream, green, to fit York.

Hurray Basina. 6 6 Price and 044 P'malta Rd. Croydon. UA2743. 11ERS, cone re it.

Oln 9in. 141n 14tn and base. Tim. Framed Houaes. Ihomsou.

MA3545; aft. hours. A 5929. OALINQS: 5IL and Tit. Posts: 9 6x2.

7It. 6ft. Short rails. 'Phone, Hyde 944, Saturday. lACTrrc MAf iww ieei.

aim arivn, aeisct doiibla dressed. Widths Sin Mm. in long lengths. ARCHER. 3 Arinya si.

Kinggrove. PEHSPEX Shatterproof Plastic Window Panels. In transparent or misty opal. lu vuur rMulrttntnta. BINGHAM UHOS 30 Booth St, Annandale MW3342 1AINT; Best quality Ked Bituminous Paint for Roofs, ttc.

Economical, easily applied. Tht IhaxdicK Unnria K-riHav M437M 11 LY WOOD: 'IMlIp Oak. suit fluah doors, eu. Bl 33 U. 48, per 100 aq.

ft: or 80 per bundle of 9 itiecta. rret acuvery metro, aiew. PV2123. awi.vwnoD stock sUea. Plain and Fancy: also WALLBOARD.

Chevy tilt Veneers. PANELS, suitable Shopfltteni. Cabinetmakers. Builders, etc. Open Hat.

DELIVERY ARRANOED. 24a Aberrrombie St. ott Broadway. MA68J6 wi.vwnrni viutl aualnv sixes In 3. lbm 6 2 to 7 3, from 6 also in -A A l.

in 3 Sin. and 13 16in. Abo liituiAt'liia Board Wood Pulp, 'aln; ft Plywood Distributors, 13 Regent city JJ.J4698. liLYWOOD. I or 1000 sheets.

Veneers. All types, thicknesses, etc. Veneered Panels Made to Ordtr. J. JONES PTY.

Delivery open auraays Regent St. Rodfern. 'Phono, MX3033 PLYWOOD. PLYWOO All Kinds In Stock. For Immediate Delivery.

Yariou Si'-es up to 8 feet long 3 I6tn to atn thick. HARDY and SONS 431-473 Glebe Road. GLEBE, Phone MW26U3. T1LYWOOD: Best quality waUrproof or commercial ply. all aites.

up to 25ft .11 ihli-kneuH nil to lln. CUt crder All kinds of Doors (flush doors 1 i and Table Trim large variety of Veneers and Mouldings at F. S. FELBERT. 138-148 Regent Si.

tteaiern inr. w. MX3770. OPnSst. PIKETT'S READY -CUT HOMES Fibro and W'buard Cottage, llvlng- rocm to i.

1 chen llx. batn and laundry. Tile or iron Koor. uenvery ui. Transport arranged.

Plans and Spec, prepared iret. Other plana availably Prices from 535. Write or call Ior Catalogut. Cltv Offlce. 2nd Floor.

Kembla Margaret Street. 'Phone, BX1933. Head Office and Works. Spring wood. ll-U QUANTITY Lead, Fibro Angle Stripa.

Window Flashing. Elec. Copper. Lino. Rundav.

46 Foch Avenue Oymea. p-int Units for bulld- IV eis and hutne-owners. For dfiiUi see Machinery Column. HE1NFKC1NG. ex stocks.

Original bundles. Cut to length oi fabricated to design. Lowest price. Ring Mr. Grace.

FU6761. ROOFING TILES. CEMENT. Immed. del 30 a 1O0O.

Bellamy and lin. im HrVh'nn Ht Harbord. XU1223. Mon. day to Friday only.

EADY-CUT or PRE-FAB. HOMfcB. I easy to erect. Hardwood or Oregon. Dellv ei within month ol orde CAMPBELL and DEN I NO, Box 7 PO.

I.awfon. or 'Phone 178 Iy auimVied pamulett. incl. roof. Oar roiri sifle 20 by l'i.

04 10 CS.V!? from roiinis RFADY r-i unuMi. RASSE'lT ST. MONA VALE fjOOFING TIIES: Exchange lz squares It new Marseilles pancin nm 200ft cf 100ft of 4ln Dnwnpipe. 500ft to 61n Guttering, Must be new local. Price adjustment.

Apply LION TILE CO. PTY. m. UMBzo ROOFINO TILE: The Vibrated OON-F1TILE, lasting colours of 8 different shades. Olsed and unglazed.

Fullv T-u, nMltlnt ill offlctsT standards. Increased production. speedy delivery. conckcib. nnion-ERS PTY.

Reserve Rd. Arlarmon, XB5143. OAND. Ashes, from one ton lota. Sand.

OTEEL for Concrete. 7 16 Round. Ring Mr. Kent" MX1923. SINK, green.

Porcelain. 4 itit-hand flBtigt. JX2915 SALE. Removal. 2-rm.

W.B. 90 sat. 102 Cooper Rd, Yagoona. SLEEP-OUT. Cant-lte lined lo bt rt- moved.

65. 16015, Herald. SAND: Clean Building Sand. 7 tons I 3 '12 'Phone. LB6169.

i SAND, best Rotany. 7-ton loads, dervd J. R. KNOX and SONS PTY. LTD I Est.

22 year. MUIO04. Night. PJ1924 SAND. Ashes, Ballsst.

Filling. Metal, Bush Sand. North Short District. STAN BOOTH. I.W1384.

OHEET Corrugated Fibro. 24. orana new Apply 6 Carter St. Camraeray. 10- STEE1.

Ton Hln. Round. 18ft lengths, for Salt. K. schaffer, 229 SLEEPOUT ROOM, about 11 11 or Caravan Wanted.

FJ3373, 7 Gale Rd. Marcnibra. STEEL Reinforcement Rod. 2 torig aln. 43 ton; 6 terns tn and in.

37' ton. No 17634. Herald. STAIR and Balustrade, also uvermantle French Pulished Taamanian black-wood Redwood Slatr and Balustrade. Private, FM1827 STFEL WINDOW PR AMES, retldentlal type, earlv delivery.

Deialla on application WILLIAM ATKINS PTY. LTD 449-451 Kent street. Sole Agents for K-M steel Products Limited. RX3701. STEEL, suit Brick lob.

Ped basin, copper pipe. Rubber Barrow, Oas Stove. Sink. Jambs, wall ties, etc, Sunday. Smith 29 Slmmat St.

Banks-town. STEI.L! oi tcui i Eibu We are direct milt agents and are able to supply a wide range of Imported Steel. Includ DUAtA Dltr.u nnt ENAMELLINO IRON, MILD aw-L PLATES. ALL SIZES OF FLATS. ROUNDS.

AHUliM. tnnnnauo, n.s.ea.. REINPvJKUlriu nuu, nr. BmiiUp Unnthlv Shipments For quantities 10 tona and over delivered wharf, capital cities etmm yaknuulaiub REAR) PTY LTD. 28 MARTIN PLACE SYDNEY.

Telegrams: Yannoulatot, Syd ney. BWZ94I. TWO Register Gratea. modern type. relent, condition Rlrur XM460O.

TIMBER, suitable Handyman. Weekend and nights MU2704, mwo Prefab Flbro Rooms, tach 12ft Oft. electrically wired, suitable temporary dwelling. rw i so TUIJS: Quantity 4x4 Kit. and Bath.

room Wall Tiles. Engl. SeU cheap, lot or portion. XY1B60. Steus.

Etc. made to order. 'Phone, 1 I I fcttlon Mains and Connections. Plans SHIR.r, vpot cSm RICK LAYERS require email Joba and S9 Hvpaira. rrioa.

CIONCRETS Floors. Paths, Foundations. etc. 'Phone Robinson. BL2216.

CIONCRETS FOUNDATIONS. Drifts, Floors, etc. MAHKH. A 88 59. H71TAUI rraotta emieo.

laoour vbv. B9na Lawtou. MW2296. for tiuote. CARPENTER.

Joiner. Quotas, (tEMENT HOME Builders. Plant. Plana. E52 7i Perms nen Ave, Karl wood.

tARPkiNTUi. Kit. Shou. omie Repmlra, Alts. Mathtruw.

MA7480 Foundations. Paths, umea. etc, Uamer and Malone. LM26U1. ttOOPER LOUVRE.

Enclose youi Verandah. LA4023 lor csiimatta tlOOPEH LOUVRES. Exptttly lint a lied fciiecial Lock in a Devuea. LA3512. lAKl KN r-lto.

ttep airs, Aaaitions, Aiunlons, Ko jou wo "lOl-DROOMS AND RKFKUlfcKAl ION iHAMaLKS ouiu to requucaienis. HRAUtUHD INSULATION KTY. Box 3531. U.P.O.. Sidney.

Tele. BX35S4 DAMP Walls cured ry experts. Absolute run aaaured Written a'let on all work. E. Conner, 9S lUitnl St.

Redfcrn. LA WO I I tiLOOfl bamjinu, roiisning oy himim Ring FXS006 or LB5384. tiENCES. WtoughL Ircn. Panels and Gates Supplied.

Erected. DENNIS. Holniadsle Si. Marrirkvtlle. LM4334.

Booklet oi Heme oeaigna. risi and Sptclflcatlons prepared to suit individual requlremsnta. F. G. OOtiE snd 164 Pitt Street.

MA2012 tLOOR Sanding ana Policing experts Immediate Bcrvlce. 'Phone for par. tlculais. MJ4C22. W.

Carbeny. 59 street, Linaneia. LOOKS Sanded and Polished at V4 Coat ol Carpets. Beautilul appear-nice. Ring Britlih Flour Bandlnx Co BX5375; night UM833U.

Red or Natural colour Malthokl Flooring supplied and laid to all lypea a wood or concrete floon. Waterprool. durable, and economical. Ring for tree quolatton and prompt service. UA2983.

SLHVIVL nwrinu rnwnuiu PTY. 31 Byron St ret t. Croydon, GARAGES. Taking Orders for brick, ills roof. Plana and spec.

D. Kendall. 1 First St. Ashbury. GARAGES: Again takinc orders lor CcmeiH Brick Rendered.

Tile or Flat Roof Plans and Spec, frompt erection. SUPERIOR. Eco*k ATI NO CO PTY 16 Hunter St. BW4197. UJ2604., ironi tcompietcai a-oa; Frame. 12: Lav. Frames. 6la: room, complete, other stes. Quick delivery.

Cooper's Ready Cut Homes, Catllngtord St, Regents Park. Open Sat. morning. HOME PLANS. from 33.

4-hr. aerv. Open Sat. morn. J.

A. CROFTS, 14 Spring St. SydBUlB90. II OME PLANS. BPFC.

Guaranteed ap- Sdney. BL3068, IRON Roola Renewed, or Repaired. 17631. Herald. rNTERIOR Decorator.

Trhmedlatt attention anywhere. FY437S. INDENT TILE PTY LlMll'iCD. Supply and Fix Wall and Floor Tllea ant' Supply Sanitary Ware. 293 Sussex Street.

M2.143. JITCHKN Cabinets, all sizes. FW3168. KITCHENS MODERNISED. Cupboards Built to suit your home.

Wt make and Install. UA380S ET me build you a ganujt. FF1442. MAONESITE FLOORING: Ideal fot Cafes. Bakehouses, Flats.

Bath, rooma. Clubs, etc. Laid by Experts. MORRIS UAS152. XTORTH SHORE.

Building Repairs. Additions. Fencing. Lattice, Floors. XB5317, day.

night, ilans and BPH.cs.. anywnere. any s. time, win call. JiWHoaa.

PLASTERING wo iit1- JA10A4 1)A1NTING. Kalaomtnlng. Small Jobs no ubjeciion. uranara. huivii.

UAINTING. Papering. Repairs. First' wore. Anywnere.

rwuo anvwheie Rvde 1520. anytime'. 11A1NTINO. Papering. lst-clate work and material.

FU7953. PLUMBERS. Guttering Repairs, etc. M. Christian, 304 Palmer St, D'hursl PLUMBING, new gutters, d.

pipe. Supplied, Fixed. Gal. FA3365. I ILANS.

Bank or Soc. Palmer. 50 Wether i II St. Lldrombt. UX7991.

PLASTERING. Patching. specially walls, prompt att. UA7414. PAPER HANGER, expert, quick, clean roena.

Ircm 42 P. Hall. FM4397. PAINTING. Papeilng.

Decorating, Repairs. Good woik since 1930 Palniwsll M3680; aft. hrs. FU2589 PLASTERING done, old, new work, small, prompt atUntlon. TROT-MAN.

LM5206. Builders. RaUs reasonable. Prompt ACTA. 15 O'Connell Street.

BW7431. PAINTER would like to meet builder able to supply contracts, anywhere. F. Scale. Aahby Ave.

Yagoona. UL273U IJLASTERlNa. All kinds, first-class work. Walls, floors, ceilings. Best tradesmen.

R. Melville and Sons MW3395 PLANS and Specifications Prepared, quick service. Moderate rates. Dcwllng. 72 John 81, Pet ei sham.

I LUMBERS available for all classes Work. Hot Water a specialty. Prompt attention. Chllde and Undsworth, UF2702 or FF3435. TAINTKAR Decorators.

Shoot. Fac- IZ torlea. Offices. Homes. Week-ends, no extra cnarge.

tmm attent. anywnere J. 1UULE. ABttrtW, TaAINTERS AND DECORATORS: XT No delav. reasonable prices.

8 Dec- la lists in country work. B. Steele and iitf nose st. cnippenaaie. uaow INTERNAL atid EXTERNAL TREAT' MENTS, with beautiful new colours and papers.

Fiats, cottages, or Buildings. UA5B90. R. F. Thomas and FA7311 Papering, and Decorating.

Expert craftsmanship. First quality materials only. SUPERIOR DECORATING CO. PTY. 16 Hunter St.

BW4197. UJ2604. and erected XW7189 REINFORCING Steel, Sin, also Oatv. Wire Netting. 1" 17 42ln.

Immediate delivery. L. Ullrich. MA21 14. ROOFS repaired, siste, iron, gutter, down nine renewed.

roofs SDrav- painted. UY2197. BJ UAOX-cut rramea erectea. per -a By sq. 176 Catherine St.

Lelchhardt or 36 Berala St. Auburn. I ROLLER SHUTTERS: Rich. Brady and i Sens Piy. Original Makers I Esiab.

over bO years. MWI033. ISULLE.K sriu i r.tts in Eteei Manuiac- lured and Repaired. Call or ma Id Brothers (Ea-t) Limited I. MXIU71, Kuor Kr.rAiKa, Males, iiies, iron Root Repairs, Painted.

TANQYL 2 Lander St. Redlern. UX125B. ROLLER Shutters, Wood. Steel, made, erected, rep.

Austral Roller Shuuei Pty. Ltd 171 Greek St. Glebe. tNOVAllows, cariKniry, faun ins Plastering. Plumbing.

tradesmen. Melvillt and Sons. MW3393. AND SPRAY PAINTING SFRVICF A comprehensive and specialised roof ing service to the home or property owner, agent, or builder. We Inspect your roof and st no charge and withmi obligation submit a report cn Its present condition and a quotation tor work required for the following roofs: litem nouru, wBier-prooieo, repmrra and spray painted In silver, red or green AAphalttc palnta, or In wide colour rang ot PAB1EX oil-base paints over ftinr chromate Primer.

Gives years of per- tect protection ana attractive appearance. ASBESTOS CEMENT ROOFS. Spray Painud In full rsnge of colcured PAR-TEX paint. Very attractive finish. The American answer to a paint inr uwiw cement surfaces, will not peel, amax-ingly durable and waterproof.

FLAT MALTHOID ROOFS and FIjOORINO auDTjlieri and laid, re Mired or renewed. we art approved PA BOO HAnnuiu application. Our large atari can offer vou tmme dlate service. Just ring A 2983 for representative to call; or write SERVICE Kuurinu ana rmcminu nx. uiu, 31 Byron Street, Cioydon, SUPALOUVRES with Fly Screens.

ln-stlaled promptly by skilled trades men. 'Phone. LA3018. for qucts WALL, Floor. Tllelayer.

W. T. Short, 94 Jtimea St. Punchbowl. UY2409.

repairs promptly cNecutta by Experia Ring Bulldtna L'aumment Denailment Call MX1071. Write Box 1578, G.P.O., Sydney. LL WATEnrnUVr YOUR FIBRO HOME. We offer a anectallsed. comnrehensive waterprnoflng service using tried and oroved Bulldall.

the Itauld waternroof building maltrtal. Beautify ycur flbro noma wun a moaern texiure-niusn look. Permanent, rock-hard, water proof surface. Completely resistant to lime, mnnir. aixaiis, ana ecias.

uusr. an teed 5 years. Attractive colours and pastel shades for Interior or exterur work. We Inspect, report, and quote witnout cnarge or oougaiicn. ROSS ENTERPKISLS, 661 George St.

MA297P. PEST CONTROL inatlnn and Bkil4 Rimalra Free inspection. Work fullv guaranteed New Guaranteed BORER Treatment with Pen tachlor phenol (recommended by Forestry Comm. and C.S.I.R.). FLEAS.

BUOS. RATS. co*ckROACHES eraaireiea oy new. is re memoes. Contractors to Govt.

Hoapiula. AUSTRALIAN PEST SERVICES Pty, 32 Pitt St (cnr. Bridge st), Sidney. BU3584-6. After hours, XL4204 Alto at Brisbane and Melbourne, HOUOHTON and BYRNE LTD, 28 Years In Pest Control, BORERS and WHITE ANTS: Treat.

ment by akllled operators. Repairs by our own carpenters. Follow-up SUPERVISION SERVICE at moderate annual fee. Inspection! made by trained building In spec tore. Full report and prtco submitted.

OUR VACUUM Fumigation gives 100 per cent, kill or BORERS in PIANOS and all modern and antique furniture. SPRAYING FOR VERMIN; New power process glvea 100 per cent kill of all vermin and their eggs. Definitely better than cyanide fumigation, ho Incotv vtnienct. No danger. RAT CONTROL: Our exclusive method used in hundreds of business and Indus trial premises, rung ior aavice.

co*ckROACHES: Soted modern rton poisonous clean up. Annual contract for Food Factories, Hotels, ttc, 11 aesirea. MOTHS AND CARPET BEETLES Complete kill, no odour, no need to lift carpns. ANTS: New control method for Food private Kesioences. etc.

SILVIRFIHH Every jr.b guaranteed Nn inconvenience to routine FUMIOATION induftrlal snd demesne AIL WORK EXECUTED PROMPTLY. HOUOHTON BYRNE PTY. 2 Bridge Street Rvdnfv BW2.141 4 lines), RW4A63, Afrr hours. m4n2. Also at Melbourne.

Br It bant, and Adelaldt, Nu. St. J4 2 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. LlORT- NING 3'-. c.f.

Power Cone rote Mix. ere, also l. UiUUf Man Mlatrs. wm. naugnion et to, jamiawon 4i, avaney uuiim, lOR bALE.

appruft. 4 roll new Mai- thoid. Aid: new Tensaso Sink. Aft Oln. grvou, also) 116 new Pircplsre Urukeliew luatic lealurr, A 1 6 29 Mooit bt.

ley (near golf links). Please call week-end. I.MUKO. UUHOC HUJlr.UB. avail Bl-inot iiumed.

deluirv. Easily nuad and durable wall Ptite. ttuip, wilb luipoiifj hurt ttuetlng it al uuii.uinu eurri.ira, 969 Cautubury Rd, Lakeuiba. 1.23 10 ENC1NO: AIL AS FENCING Pa II and Chain-Wire troca supplied ana eieciea in an NMi, uu. for muois A 1 1.

AS rt'NClNU PIT. LIU 122 Patrauiaila hd. Croydon. UJ2902 IOH HIHE. TOH HIKE, CONCRETE MIXERS, Power and Hand.


Phones. FJ1327 t-T 4 29 VLUSH DUORS. PLYWOOD SHKET8. UAXWKM I I'flk 1H auri "ON LTD. Supplieia and rixeia cf IoiniUe Teita Cot i a Tiles and ttt added lollowmg rsstnilal BulK.lna Piudut la to their organtaiion-- dickoii rrimr National HUSH Semi-Sulw Pailflc Mailt-.

GVPHOCK: S1A1NLESS a-rvei. SINKS mcie to oidei votir otutis now with MAXWELL PORTER and SON LID. 107 Kedtern atrett. Reiiicrn. Telephone.

MX1323 and FFNCINn and Barbed Galvanised Wire available. Prompt shipments Irom overseas. Minimum order, 10 rolls. H. SMART P1Y.

23 Macuuirie Place. Sydney. BW1471-72. BU4904. BU4869.

1AL. ti. 1. a. 86 Railway vi av, staiunrie.

GUI TEH Upjpe. heavy guugt. 40 nMU st. Wunj Hills. FA6941.

fiUTlhR and DOWNP1PE lor Sale. 1U tounit ii nt GAKAyts ieuip. D'Arll. Inspect any time. Uonuv.

ol Tramway St Mascot (ALV. Pu-e. Jai l'ain. D. pipe.

VMIlev Gullev. XU3923. GARAGES, all sues. Iron or Tiled Kouia. Heady-cut.

uaileU and brmt-d. in swiloiis Opm ueck-eiid. 114 Wattle Ave. CARHAMAK. opp.

SUtion. GALVANIi-'iiD Chum Wire for fencing, anv width. tioou1 delivery. Ba Gute and Ft tne Co 76 Panamstta Rd. Stanniie.

'Phone. 1.A2302. I ATES. BALUSTHADcJ. GRILLES, ll HAM) HA1I.M.


MM nit nwuy a. g-i 7. 'uti Ttr fties -in to tn muv Bit, 9lt. 10ft lotifr tut walls and ttilliiBH UICUf-ON PRIM EH and CO. PTY LTD 7H IViy ft, Svdnev.

BX3791 (1 ARAGE. from iromniele) 6.i: name. 1'J'i: Lav. hiaincs. Cj: 2 Renins, ccni't'ete, olher sl'e- Quick delivery.

COOPER'S If EADY-CUl HOMES. Cjilin-'lcid Sliect. lieaent Paik Open Saturnsv ruin Out upplies New Coin Flat Iron pip-. Ridn- Valley Iron, Fibro. MasonHe.

and fa pipe. Bird and poultry wire netting. ieaa Course doors, windows, box frame, b'de materials mnv useful articles at Little Bav Rd. S. Hand yard Matravtl'e GALVANISED Iron plain or corrugated Small Larue Buyers.

Consult Australian Factor Representative HUGH DUNN. Bund Street. f-iLASS AND MIRRORS. niau sminllefl and Glaed. Table-lop, DresMn Table and Wall Mirrors.

Cooper and Nro Louvres. oi. nf Australian and lm- tiKirted Figuttd KOllfd. Imixiricd Sheet THE MAPPS GLASS PTT LTD 14 'Ml KING STREET NFWTOWN jie Read) 'Phcn L3ti'l li GA ALVANISED CORRUGATFD IRON. Best Enpnsn Minerva nrsno.

7ft and 8ft Lcneths. 24 and 26 Gauge. Immediate Delivery frrm S'ork. AMALGAMATED TIMBERS PT LTD. 221-22." Ccward Sirect.

MASCOT. MU3131. i ALVANISED CORRUGATED IRON, imPORTTD 1, 611. 24g and 2fig. also a o'neri.

Ten lots and sheet Cash with order. Mon. to PH. only. THE WALDON TRADING 114-116 Glebe Roart.

OLF.BE. MWUfil. MW11R2 Q. ALVANISED CORRUGATED and PLAIN IRON. Imported, Shipment From Overseas August.

24. 26 gauge. 6ft, 8ft. Minimum order 30 sheets. As limited quantity, necessary order now.

L. H. SMART PTY, LTD 23 Mscqutilc Plare. Sydney. BW1471 TJ OMES supplied." W.B..

trectcd o'r prV remoy io rreci, i a appt. Bailey. hardt ARUHUAHU. 6ft and 8ft xl ft immediate delivery, also shelv ing 9ln. and 121n wide.

1 6 per ft. plvwood dcors, etc. 14 Waratah St, Croydon Park. UJ1282. HARDBOART HARDBOARD.

HARDBOARD. S.R. and lm)cned Hardboard available from --D. HARDY and SONS 41 C.lehe Rd Glebe. Tele nh ne.MW2 083.

JTARDWOOD SECONDS. 3 2 4 2. 4 3. and 4 4, Random lengths Only. Will Sell WESTERN TIMBER COY.

PTY. 37 Hercules Street. DULWICH HILL. I in ft months after receipt order.

Price, TNPULATINO WALLBOARD. Ivory Fin. A lsh, xtin thick, in 6. 8. 9 4.

also Gvprock. Chewtile Plywood, etc. trrhllnru (tall SkiPlln uiMin in uwti HARRISON'S TTMBFR PTY LTD 348 Cantrrburr Road. BELMORE. LP3432.

TRON, Corr. and Flat. Gutter. Ridge. vaney, mer caps, pipe.

ana Gall. a and Sewer Pipes. Lead Maaoniu. Ply. Doors, Sashes.

Baths! Basins. Sink. Sunrav. Excelsior Steves. qiv Electric and Fuel 18 OXFORD ST.


KB TO 12 4. SUPEH-FINISH. Ready lor Prompt Delivery. WESTERN TIMBER COY. PTY.

Timber and Juncry Merchants, Hcreulrs Street, DULWICH HII.LL. 'Phone. LM1418 3 lines). JM PORTED HARDBOARD. Now available In 12 4 I Vi sheets.

Distributors of the New Hard-wet ring C.S.R. Asphalt Floor Tile. Supplied and fixed to existing floors, GEORGE HUDSON PTY. LIMITED, Bridge RoaoV Glebe. KOSI STOVE, No.

2. new, walnut Onlsh. Ring JX2913. I ATT ICE In good condition. 34 Julia a st, Asnneid.

I ADDERS 8 only, new, 12ft a 20in. Business hours. 13 Prospect 4t, Carlton. IAMINEX Decoratlvt Plastic Sheets. a suuniy and cutting service for Table atd Counter Tops, etc.

BINGHAM 30 Boom si, Annsnaaie mwjj I ADDERS: Largest stock In Aust. a G'terd. Safety Extension Ladders. Steps. Treaties, Garden Furn.

L. T. KFNNETT P. 27 City Rd, Darlington above Cleveland). MX3374.

open Sat. I ADDERS: KF.NNETT Wellbllt Exttn-l imn. Wire-bound. Adjustable, all sues. Stent.

Hand Trucks, teed. Mfra. C. KENNETT LADDER CO. 12 City Road, Sydney, opp.

Grace Bros. M3924. VfETAL SAND. Prompt deliveries. 1I Marrisr.n.

LF3422. MOTOR Care Sides. 163 River Road, Hrvesrv. Onen 7 days a week. OULDINO of every descrlpilon.

Also ivl Milling for the trade. Wood-moutdeis 87 Dcbroyd Pd. Haberfleld. MOTOR CASE SIDES, In Section, suit Timber Flcortng. ConcreU Forming, Oulhcuses.

8 Mini BROS. PIY. Bav Street. Botanv. MU1782.

MALTO ROOFINO. 40 oar roll. Paint. IB 6 all col. KINO.

464-4(16 Ellrabeth St. city. FA7691 MAPLE Fixings and Sash Stork for Sale. Unlimited auprltea. Prompt de livery.

Air conditioned Homes rty. utn 35a Victoria Rd. Parramatta. UW730B jirge range permanent "lours. Output 230.000 per month.


iflofeTTIirTN Hwooei Ftonrine1 1" hoards. Seantllngs, Mf storks tilt net on ana rennng matsnaia, immtaiatt atiivtrf in nn super iota. K. BYRNE, JA8311. il T.

a 1 to Cut A a I sq St 44 to I I "1 fcijt-r a rn ir A'anrf' Borer BptclailaU. Complete Eradication sua ran teed. EsttaaaUs Iitj, 224 Hold on St. Ukemba. UL2237 In Past Coutral While Ant and Borer Experts.

Insptcliont and Quotes free- Building rtpalrs, skilled tradesmen- 07 nurra sta w. JB370S, JU9132. TWAIN'S WHITE Ant Exterminator PtT. la tA awavsa iijum VI Citaah Austfalla a Oldest Firm of Pest E. terminators.

While Ants. Borers. sJllvtr- nsn.eic.Exterminatta. wdo. wi irie a nA IY1 PTY 92 Pitt Bt.

Sydney. UL12S6. SW7340 II 1 AN IB, Bunito, EXPERTS. COMPLETE PRO 1'EOTION uIiitl tM'lM id UOHKKS small ANNUAL Premium. ERADICATION and ice.

lor tuvaauAi-nw, v-hw mil Mi. lutiv trained Trades men Positive Extermination of CARPET BEETLES and FURNITURE BORERS. QUOTES FREE. SATISFACTION ASSURED. W.

A. FLICK ana tu. ru tt ri.i9hh And ai New castle, Brlsbaut, Adelaldt, Perth. Use Mort- Ant Once. for.

all. Work O'tted- With Mort-Ant you art bast Expert. All stores. W. M.

HUOHE8, IB Daryl Street. Sana aouci. uwoibo, BUILDING MATERIA! A SHE8, Clinker, delivered, anywhere. MW26J7. ASHES, Sand.

Metal. Any quantity Prompt attention. Harrison. LP3427 ANGLES snd Flats, all slats. Reinforcing Steel.

I mined, del. Hawlty's. 112 rureil Road, Hurstvlllt. LU1213 ANGLES. Flats, and Reinforcing, all 1-abrirating Work.

Prompt delivery 104 George Street, Redlern. MXI213 A 71 Parramatta Road. Aunandalt: A Piping, 3 8ln-3ln Fittings, all sizes. Arch Bsis. Sinks.

Sundries. Sold BISHOP'S: Oas Stoves. Heaters, Ranges. Coppers, Fl, Stoves, Grates. Boilers 153 Broadway, nr.

Oract Bros. ANGLE IRON, Flat. Bars. Oatea, Hand Hiiil. Fences.

LOWE 702 Canterbusy Rd. Belmore. LFUa. A IK VUE STEEL WINDOW FRAMES for Homes, cheaper than wood. Inspect at Show loom.

2nd Floor, Lyceum Htme. 214 Pitt atrtet. M6154. A Plot ring. Lining Boards.

3 2. 4 0 2. 6 2. H'woud. Oregon.

Doors, sanies. Baths, Sinks. Tubs, Pipes, All 2nd-hand Build. Materials. AT HOADI.EYS HARDWARE.

S22 Oeuiuc Street. Railway Square. Tcr- raO UL'sros. sinaa lrtm 3 2 0: Dished from 4114; N.r ArpvllP Dralnera 1126: CUU- Ooiirda foi slnU Irom 4 '4 '6: Wall Cupboard from Feints. Tools.

ttuiiaers uaraware. mhjii. AT IIOAULLY ana suns, central rvirra innrtlcad and tenoned. I Aa mntt 'III all Doors. Gyprock Wallboard.

from stock. Swedish Haidbnard and Insulating Board, tcood of sles. Baltic Weather boards ana Lining-boara, riiwi Bedroom Suite Panels. MA4180. ALL CTJVtsra ano-nano duiwi uiThuttu inn OTKHt Hardwood.

all sies. Flooring. Lining, Partition Beards, Boxframes. and Caaement Frames new and 2nd hand. Hundreds Doors and Snehes, Slnka and Basina.

di, at NAD1N 491 Prince a Highway. Sydenham LA2497 A SPECIAL DISPLAY of Australian and English Wall and Floor Tiles, with Fittings to match, all shades. Fixed bv expert traacsmen. inaprrimn m-viled. Rawsell and Clucaa Ply.

25 Parker Street, Haymarket. Sydney, Phone, M2088. i iniNDirlr mnA fCk PTY LTD. A 603 Prince's Highway. Tembt.

HARDBOARD and INSULATION boaiw. I). Uanla 4 1. 2 3 lit. 3 2 4 2.

4 3 Prtlng Bead. Stop Bead. Quad. Sash Stock, Arcnitrsve. riusn uowi, 12 Girders.

Ironbark. 'Phono LL2702. Open Sat. morn. ATTRACTIVE TILLS, TILES, TILES tor n.ih.mi Kitchens.

Butcher Shoot. ttC Hoih wall and Floor Ulaa. 30 shades 8lb Yoik St. Syuney. Our RepresenUtive will call.

Our Stall ot Fixers at your Service ARTHUR M. un-i-wn rn wr uin. HV'Uivi lineal 37H PHnsniaita nu. riufiiwni" to older. 8 7.

at KtSl with giast. 177 Swrduh Wsllboard. 4 4 to ri Mi, i in Htoli hIois finish, no paint required: 'Flush Biid Glass Doors, vmeW'Be7ti. ull range. Irom 41 Cane-It.

aypron, iocj stix-ks Mouldings, Shelving. Saltic boards; 9 Baths, Uae Coppers, Baths, a sins nki. LM4JBQ, ANGLES CORNER ANOLES, Immediate Delivery. Aw tuns, itooi i iumw. Any type of STRUCTURAL STEEL, Contact IMPROVED CONSTRUCTIONS PTY.

IjiMll B.U. Structural and Mechanical Englnttra, West Pennant Hills. WM1071. ARCHITECTURAL moWffORIC: Ballustrsdes, Standard Gates, Rail-tncs. Col1apible Gates.

Ortllts. Stair cases. Indoor and Outdoor wtva-rtust rurnituie, nuimers unnwau. SYDNEY ORNAMENTAL STEEL COY. PTY.


Contains pent a ch lor phenol, rt-cnmmendrd bv the Forestry Comm. Clean, lasts longer, give- belter pant trstion and surer protection. 16 70 3 gallv Available John Danka and Son and H'wart Shops, cr direct: AUST. INSECTICIDE INDUSTRIES PTY, 32 Pitt Street. BU33S4-6.

ASPHALT TILES. ARMSTRONGS. Wt Ptcudly Present ACCO'llLE. Available In large range attractive colours and sites. To cover your floor, whether it be Umber or concrete, li is unsurpassed for appearance and long wearing.

Wt will advise, quote, and expertly fix your requirements, and our will call cn vour reoutst by ringing ARTHUR H. DILLON PTY. BX3924. AT S' LFONARD9 TIMBER CO ru LTD Herbert Street, near station. a i-loan.

FLOORINGS, MOULDINGS. FAT 11131 BOARDS. Detail Jointry. Plvwoou. DOORS lariie slocks.

In SINGLE PANEL. LEDGE and FLUSH tjpes, In Maple. Oak, and Pine. CHKVYTILE let modern Kitchens and Buthroctns In full ranse of colours MOIXJH CAR CASE SIDES. L'mpt Delivery by Hoad or Rail, MOBILE CRANES FOR HIRE.

69 Parramatta Rd, Flvedock, UA341I IIA32n7 OREGON ranse of all draaaarf alwa and Mculdlugs. viz. Plo. Ralls. Jambs, Ovolos, Sash Stock.

PACIFIC MAPLE MOULD IN OS and Sash Stock and DA. A to 12 a 1. Baltic boards, Plywood. It 1 Shelving. DOORS DOORSDOORS.

Lares ranee- Fluah and Olasa Dmn on Slock. Pacific Maple, Pint Oregon. Oarage Pairs. GYPROCK, LUSTER TILE. SWEDISH HARDBOARD.

fl. to 19 4. Insulating Board. 6, to 12 St. Steel and Plant lo ainka.

8 Palnu. Country orders supplied, ail BtJlLDlNOs Bodily Moved C. Smith. 73 Bunntrong Rd, Klngsford PJ1676 ina iia, oreczc, ieu ior Si OS. UMH334.

Monday. BRICKS, Cement, good quality, early north bide. XM7689 aft 7 p.m. BATH Pore very good condition. 10.

6 Kelvin St. Ashbury. BRICKS. 1000 Texture, lor Salt, 14 Aboukir St. Dover Heights.

BRICKB: Kanr Delivery, i 3 I AI. Cement. FA2341. S-12. BEAVER HOARD, slightly damaged, i flu 38 Liverpool St, Rose Bay.

1 ASIN, Metiers, cream, Gloucester. net. 9U 6. XB4981: JA68U7 Blocks improved ntinforced, for all buildings, foundations, 'Phont, LB2231. IS 6 1 6 avail-Fa.

fencea. aaraaes. appro v. early delivers. UL2982.

aivir.i3. w.uwi vonm. will tx-X change for a aheeta Fihro A a 6 30 p.m. -8 pm. LL137S.

BRICKS. 30.000, Machine, 2nd -hand, for sale cheap. Wool Stores, Wattle St. Pyrmont. BRICKS For Sale.

WUidan Cement Works. 87 Hal ate ad St. South HuraU tilt. Ba, c.i.r.B., imponea. immediste Delivery.

colonial Overseas Com pany. BW8S40. Silica sunn a AkUes. etc. Promot deliver v.

Rrad'huw. FF2231. Tl RICKS. Blue metal atan. 1mm del.

D. Hendall 172 Vlcdst 81. off Miiperia na, itcvesoy. itAi.UHTHADt.1 orines. Hand rails in I) Wrought lion or Tube.

Erection if required. BA8CO 76 Parramatta Hd. stanmore -rnone, laz3U2. LAtov. Tj RICKS: Rustle Texture Bricks, de- uvery November December Anplv LEO wriNGOTT.

76 Clarence St, Syd ney. BAOOl, BXaDOi, BRICK Piers, large quantity. su)tabl Umber frame Cottage, large quantity, chtap. Wool Stores. Wat lit st, Pyrmont.

BATHS, east iron, enamel, whiu, Im-rjorted Snectal nrlct. Leo Welntott 76 Clarence Strett, Sydney. BX2661, DAl J3H. XS Dcora, Jambt, in clear Oregon and maple. Best wotk.

Precision Joinery, crooawen Ave, aairanaa. rAww, laOXFRAMFS flashea. etc. to detail I Door, tx stock. Prompt dtl.

SMITH joinery winsi, iu wan era rat, Hurstvllle. LU4243. IY OX Frames. Saahat. all tvoaa of flrat.

1 class Joinery In 14 day a at Wood's Joinery Works, rear S4B Foreat Road. sexiev, opp. nrt niation. TaUDGB CO I J3 ROOMS Btldtt Qual I Easily onerattd. Insulated Doora ot various types, with modern plated hinges and snap-action fasteners, Jas Budge rny, at envoy at.

niexanana, IsRICKS art unnecessary. Uaa our ore cast Concrete Piers, accept ad by all Councils. Slaet Oln Bin flln I4ln 9in i Sin. snd Footings, 14in ft 14in 4in. immediate delivery.

Mono rreie riv. vniewooa. unusi, BUILD Your Own HOME. Sav pound Gel the bfwt Timber Frame in Svd nry. Rrady Cut to your own plan.

Quirk Other materials arranged. Send rthn for quott lo- JACKSON, Box 2724C. (I O. Bint MAI 243 for BUILDERS! Save money with one of our word Working Machines, Send i or particulars inr nur: Junior Portable Woodworker. 10 A Combination tuner universal Woodworker.

One the above will suit your jiu roost. mncninp.riT At Sydenham Railway SUtlos. lo. ail 21t TENDERS Olven for tha Supply of FRAMES. SASHES, DOORS, and lat-elaaa JOINERY of every description In clear Oregon or Queensland Mapls.

una, wciima. Loras, ana unique Balances. Delivery to every suburb. A. B.


Tenders era invited for tha atriictlou of a concreta pavement about reel by 2UU fact at MorlUke Worki. Draw ine and 8 use I flc at ion mi bn ob tained from tht Principal Detigniug Bncinewra umce. ranter bireei. ay market uoon tMvmcnt of dcuoalt. Tenders close 12 noon oa Wed- neeaay, aucusl io.


AND MAINTENANCE OF VALVES. Tenders, for one or mora of tht fol-lowing Items, endorsed with tha aooro prlata numbers, will ba received the Secretary of The Hvdro-Elartric Commiulon, Hobart. until Noon. THURS- J1K AUUIBT, 1H3U, I0r Ittt tUppiy the follow ine Valves: C.E.19S: Two 72ln Valves for Trevallyn Power Develoiiment. C.E.lMo: Two 54in Control Valvea for Lake Auguata Storage.

C.E.197: To 601 Oate Valvea for Trevallyn Poer Development. C.E.198: Tuo 421n Gatt Valvea for Lake Ai.austa. Sioraee. 2O4: Two 42in Oatt Valvea for Nlvt Potter Development. Coplea of Specifications are available Head Offlce, Hobart.

for a fee ol 11 per copy, returnable upon receipt of a bona fide under. W. R. SPINNER. Secretary.

HI HOU SlNli COMMISSION OF WfcW fcOUTH WALUt. TENDERS, suitably endorsed and addressed to the Secretary. Tha Housing Commission of N.S.W., and deposited tht Tender Box In Building 'A' Issue and Tender RoomMint Building. Macqusuie Street. Sydney Phone.

B05ti or BW8651). will be received up to 2 p.m. on the dates apectneti the under mint ioned works. Plans. ticat Ions, Bill ol Quantities twlteie inuicaira a w.

ana lenaer rorma may obtained on petsonal or written application to the above address. 1. BUILDING CON IK ACTS. TUESDAY. 251h JULY, 195U.

TIMBER-FRAMED COTTAGES. BASS HILL: Job No. llttt) (14), RYLsTONE: Job No. 1971 (5). Plana, may also be Inspected In reepect of Job 1971, Ry 1st one.

at the C.P.8., Rylatone, Llthgow. and TUESDAY. 1st AUGUST, 1950. BRICK VENEER COTTAGES. LAMBTON; Job No.

(7), luor n. TIMBER-FRAMED (VANDYKE) COTTAOhS. FAIRFIELD: Job No. A 2148 (6), A.2148A 6. A.2148B (5).

KICK CUTTAULCi. RArVDWICK: Job No. A. 2217 (2), and one (1) Brick Garage. TUESDAY, 8th AUGUST, 1950.

TIMBER-FRAMED COTTAGES. RLVESBY: Job No. 1898 413). B0GOABR1: Job No. 1927 (3).

BRICK LOCK-UP SHOPS AND GARAGES. SEVEN HILLS: Job No. 1625 (3). Plan, speclflcatlona, for Job No. 1025 may be cbtainea on per aonal or written application to the omcce oi w.

watson enarp, 1 Arthltect. 56 Young St, Sydney; and In the case of Job No. 1927. Hogbrl, may also be Inspected at the C.P.S. at Boggabri, Nairabrl, and nneda h.

MINT BUILDING. MACQUARIE BT, SYDNEY: Construction ol Tender Committee Room." SPECIAL COTTAGES. RYDE; Job No. 418 (49i. Completion.

(Extended irom 25th July, lH.iO.) TIMBER-FRAMED COTTAGES. EAST MAITLAND: Job No. 594B (11), completion. r.xtemled irom mm juiy. Plan and apeel heat ions may be Inspected nt the Newcastle otncea ol tha Commlsalcn.

Housing Commission Flats, Darby Street. Cook's Hill. LITHGOW: JOD NCe. 193DD (81. 19iiOE (81.

(71. (Ek tended irom tht 23th July. Plans, may also bt Inspected at the C.P.S. at LHImow and Bath- urst. TUESDAY.

lSlh AUGUST. 1950. T.F. ANDY Kb 1YPE) COTTAGES i 100) I as one Contract, comprising: I LI1HOOW: Jobs Nos. 1930 (6).

lfloOA (6) 1930d (Of. J9uvi (7), 1931 1131. JANNAM: Jobs Nos. 1707 Iflj9 (37). 1 WALLbrtAWANG: Job No.

B2226 L2). Plans, may also bt Inspected at the C.P.S. at Llthgow TIMBER -FRAMED COTTAGES. WARIALDA: Job No. 1974 U).

BALL1NA: Job No. A2117 (51. HARDEN: Job No. A2232 (21, BRICK FLATS. PARRAMATTA: Job No.

1694 24). Plans, may also be inspected In rtstect of Job No. 1974. Wan-aid, at the at Wartalda. Inverel 1 and Moree, and for Job No.

A2117. Balltna. at the C.P.S., Haillna and Lismore, and for Job tq, Aii, itaraen. at tne p. a.

at Murrumbutrah, Cootamundra, and Coulbuin. 2. OTHER TENDKRA- MONDAY. 24th JULY, 195U. USMUL1UON ANU HCUUVAL OF BUILDINGS.

For the purchase for demolition and removal of buildings and services, comprising the Community Housing Centre, at Centennial Park Tender forms, plans of buildings ana specincations available at tne Property Bianch. PEST EXTERMINATION. Pest Exterminators, interested In an Annual Fumigation Contract. In r. apect of Commission Properties in th Metropolitan area are invited to submit a tender form obtalnablt irom tne Maintenance srancn.

PAINTINO OF COTTAGES. ORANVILLE A.C. SHEETED, lai External (46); Internal (4), External (46); Internal (9). ci External 1321: Internal (81. TUESDAY, 25th JULY, 1950.


Tanker Avenue. Clem ion Park; Trimming and con- si ruction oi gravel or snaie pavement of about 250 lin. It. of roadway. 2.

Bradfleld Perk Housing Centre; Supply and spreading of luo cub yards of gravel and 20 cub. yards 3. Supply and spreading of 300 cub. yards of filling In various district In the Metropolitan Area. SUPPLY AND SPREADING OP BALLAST, ETC.

1. JOB No. 228. Port Kembla: 130 c. yards of ballast and trim ming of water tables.

2. JOB No. 463 (near Robertson St, Pagewoodi: 400 c. yds. of sand and 100 c.

yds. of loam, together with other minor work. 3. HERNE BAY HOUSINO CENTRE: 2000 e. vrii.


1. Flats project at Burwood Road, Belmore. 2. Fiats project at Lakemb Street. Wiley Park.

3. Shopping Centra at Hawkesbury Road, West mead. The work required to bt carried out Includes the regular mowing of lawns, trimming of edges, maintaining gardens and shrubs, and the supply and planting of seasonal flower planU. Contracts will be for A period of one 1 year, and all materials equipment, etc. necessary to the satisfactory performance of tht work speci ned shall be supplied by the Contractor and shall be Included in the tender price.

Tender forma. Including detalla of Projects concerned, may be obtained upon application ai tht Property Branch. BUILDERS' HARDWARE. Code No. M.

121 Sanitary Pan Coven to special size 2uuu, M. 122 Plug and washer C'wlth rubber stopper suitable for stanaaro waste opening on baths 1800 only. Further Dartlculara and Under forms, etc. available from tht Supply srancn i on one nuajoni. TUESDAY 1st AUOUST.

1930. 1. rtOAU anu PHAinsus wn STRUCTION. ETC. fa) SITE No.

923 tneaT Frances Road. May's Hill). Tha formation and gravel or shale pavement of nn. It oi rone. way.

ina construction of 8200 Itn. ft er cone, k. and g. (including vehicle cross. Ineal tht aurtnlv.

laving, and lotnt. Ing of 1440 Un. ft of C. pipes, ranging in sine from 121n to 301 ana ine rnnstruciicn oi bud-a'fliarv rirainar atmctiiret. fM niTR Nn 47A (near Jarrett St.

Clem ton Park). The formation and gravel or ahele pavement of about 740 Un. ft of roadway, and tht construction of about 1930 Un. it of cone. ft.

ana f. (cl SITE No. 15D2 (near Doorv mora St, Penrith). The formation and travel or shale pavement about 770 lln. ft of roadway, the construction of 1640 Un.

ft of cone. k. and r. (Including vehicle' crossings), tne supply, laying, and icintinc or so un. it oi lain dia R.C.

pipes and the construction of subsidiary drainage ttrurtures. (d) SITE No. 1633 (near Kookaburra Rd, Klngsgrovs). Tht forms tlon and gravel or shale pavement of about 740 lln. ft of roadway nd tht construction of about 1330 lln, ft of rone.

k. and 2. BITE Nn. 963 (near Pioneer no, seven niusi. neiraoina work, Involving excavation and Oiling of 2170 cu.

yards ct spoil. 3. JOB no, 743 (near Formosa fit, Sylvanla). Supply and spreading 4ft 4.

HARORAVE PARK HOUBIN6 CENTRE: Supply and spreading vi vov ciio, yaros or asne. WOOD PLOORfl To bt laid on cent ret at Heme stay community Housing centre, (Extended from 18th July. 1930.1 TUESDAY, 8th AUGUST, 1950. ROAD AND DRAIN AGS CONSTRUCTION, ETC. 1.

SITE No. 1621. FEN NELL BAY Tht formation and gravel or shale pwvemant oi aoout i3w nn. it or rcwdway. tht construction of 2723 Itn.

ft ef cone. k. and l. Mncludlni venirie me supply, and Jointing of 372 lin. ft i Pine cf I2in and 15in dta.

and the construct ton of subsidiary drainage structures. 2 SITE No. 10O4. SURPRISE TOWN. Clearing and grubbing of 32 acres rf Isn't.

A denoeit cf tl 1' required on earn ph Ot nana iaurti. A KELLY. Minister for Mousing, lb) (0) In to in bt st ui day, 1 By 50. and vb aud (o) p.m., lusaaay, 9, su. Quotation forma obtalnablt from Slot oa BuperlttUttdent, loau 11 ail, Sydney.


Tenders art Invited lor tht design, fabrication and erection on various Sydney of Three Spirally -a utded Oasholdera each of 4.000 OOO ruble feet net working capacity; two of tht holdera bt lu sioel taiika dealgned, fabrlcatod and erected by Uut Contractor, and one a rem i ore ra cone rev tana otiow ground to bt dealgned and elected, by tha Com nan v. Specification and Tender Form may obtained from tht Principal Designing Engl near 'a Office. Parker Street Haymarket, upon payment of 1 deposit Tender clcaa aL A n.m. on Friday September ft, I960, h. TIN DALE.

General Manager. mHK COUNCIL OF THE SHIRS OF KKARSLEY. TENDERS FOR TAR AND HAULAGE OF AGOREOATE. Tenders ar hereby Invited for Con tract 16 1930. Haulage of 727 tona oJ Slag from Newcastlt to stock piles at vvuuomci.

nuixaoa, avearairy, Muioring and Kurrl Kurrl. Contract 17-11150 Supply and application of 12.526 gallon of No. 2 Tar on main roada. Speclflcatlona may bo seen at the offices ol the Department of Main Roada, Sydney and Newcastle, and Shirt Office, Ceesnock. Tendera, addressed to the Shirt Clerk ana cnaorseu itnaer contract no.

win ose at 3 o.m. Tuesdav. 1VI August. 1950. W.

J. GRIEVE. Shire L-ier, on ire umce. cessnoca. it 7 su.

AUSTRALIAN UAS UUHT COMPANY. REINFORCED CONCRETE. Tenders art Invited for (ha con nicilon in reinforced concrete (with reiniorcimcut supplied by the Company) inn I'unurr iioxea at Mortiase works Drawings and Specification may bt r-bialned Ircm the Principal Doilgnlnif engineer a umce. Parker Street. Hay-murket upon payment of 1 deposit.

Tendeis close at 12 noon ou Wednes- uj. a 11 mi st TH. TINDALE, General Manager HE SYDNEY COUNTY' COUNCIL NOTICE is hereby given to Tn. derers of the extrusion of the closina times fcr tha receipt of tendera for the follow Ine: METALCLAD SW11VHUFJAK FOR NO. 4t)l CIT SUB -STATION.

Specification No. 1382 Extended from 17th August. 1950. to m. on InllHoUAY, 31St AUGUST.

1950. 6600-VOLT METALCLAD NEUTRAL SWITCHING EQUIPMENTS FOR sub -stations, specinaction No. 141R Rxtended from 10th August. 1950. to p.m.

on InUHoUAT, Slat AUGUST, 440-VOLT COAL HANDLINO SWITCH CTAR FOR BUNNERONG POV.TR STATION. Specification No. Extended li-n 10th August. 1950. to -i p.m.

on iHbusY, 7tn Btri km BFR. IPoO. 440-VOLT COMPRESSOR SWITCH BOARD FOR BUNNERONO "B' POWER STATION. Specification No. 1441.

Extended ft cm 10th Aiirust. 1930 3 m. on THURSDAY, 7th SEPTEM BfH. lH.lU. Tenders will be opened In Public at the times stated above.

The lowert or any tender not necessarily accepted, QUOTATIONS. QUOTATIONS alll be received by the undersigned for the supply of tha follow U) ONE HUNDRED (100) EARTHING PETS FOR CUBICLE TYPE 8WITCHUEAR PANELS. Quctatloni fcr ta rlose at 2 o.m. on TUtFDAY. 8th AUGUST.


on WEDNESDAY. 23rd AUGUST. lttbO. Oi'otation forms and further per 1 1 cu- la in refpect of the above Quotations mav be obtained irom tne comptroller Store. Old Electricity Building.

St. Au- drew 's Place Sydney, Attention is directed to tht provisions of Section 517 A) of the Local Government Act. 1919. respecting- preference to Australian or Empire goods and the necessity for clearly stating in each tender or quotation tne country oi manu facture or production. G.

S. BOYD. General Manager, Queen Victoria Building. RYDNFV 21 7 1930. WANTED, Quote for Papering and vfiPalnt 8 rms.

Labour oniy. tset. 10-12 a.m.. Sat. 4 Church St, Ash fie Id.

WATER Service and Toilet Installation. Price for both or separate. 36 Annenley Bt, Lelchhardt. LM5346. WORKS AitD ruuamu DEPARTMENT.

TENDERS, closing with the Director of Works. 225 Bourkt Street. MEL BOURNE. C.I.. at 11 a.m.

on Tuesday, 15th August, 1950, art Invited for the following: Envelopes to bt endorsed "Tender for Hem No. 13." Item No. 13 VARIOUS STATES: Supply and Delivery of approximately 465 'a tona of Nails (various type and sizes). Speclhcatlons and Tender Forms are available from the Department of Worka and Housing. 225 Bourkt Street.

Melbourne, 80-82 Pitt Street. Sydney, 130 Creek Street. Brisbane, and 93-105 King William street. Adelaide. No tender necessarily accepted.

WORKS AND HOUSING DEPARTMENT. Tenders closing with tha Director of Works. 225 Bourkt Street. Melbourne. at 11 a.m.

on the 15th August, 1950, art Invited for tht Construction nf a NEW CIVIL JETTY AT DARWIN, N.T. Tht Jetty la a large welded steel structure on steel piles with Umber decking. Contractors desirous of tendering are sdvlsed that plans and specifications are available from tha Department's Office at Darwin. N.T.; or st 22b Bourke Street, Melbourne. Vic; 80-82 Pitt Street, Sydney.

S.W.; 130 Creek Street. Brisbane. Qld. Envelopes to be endorsed "Tender for Item No, 1." No Tender necessarily accepted. WORKS AND HOUSING DEPARTMENT.

TENDERS, tloaing with the Director of Works. 225 Bcurke Stteet MELBOURNE: Cl at II a on TiipmIjv 29th August, 1950, art Invited for the louowing: tnviopes to no cnaorsea ienaer ior Itei No. Item No. 26. VARIOUS STATES: Sup ply axia ltj ivci oi approx.

un Tons of Galvanised Steel SheeU (In various sIess and gauges) Item No. 27. VARIOUS STATES: Sup ply ana Delivery or (a) Approx. 1240 Rolls of Galvanised Wire Netting. (b) Approx.

333 Tons of Galvanised Barb Wire. (e) Approx 300 Tons of Oalvanlsed nam wire. tpprox Mesh () Approx. SO Rolls of Oalvanlsed Specifications and Tender Forms are available from tht Department of Works and Housing. 223 Bourkt Street.

Melbourne. 80-82 Pitt Street. Sydney. 130 creex street. uruiDane.

ana wj-iua swing William Strett. Adelaldt. tender necessarily, accepted BUILDERS AND REPAIRERS i LL General House Repairs. Immedl-k. att attention.

Hor rocks. FA7245. i LT. and Built-in Kit. a.

etc. King. 15 Chelsea. St. Redfem.

LL Extns. Shop Fittings, etc. Immedl-L ate otiote. FORSYTH XB3835. LLL House Repairs, Painting.

Alterations. Additions. Rinr UA2782. I LL Floors Sanded, Polished. O.

Upton son. iinmea. caji. A LL FLOORS SANDED. POUSHED.

Save cost Carpets. Linos. STAIN Roughness removed. XY3895, FL1748. ALL KOOr KKFAIKS.

T(t tSU. JCXp. roolera No lob too small. Work td Mulr, 36 Bassett St. Htirstvllle.

LU13f3. A LL LUUVHM, SUfA. COUrBiK. de- llvered aulcklv or fixed. For a better quote and lob.

F. Moore, JAZ031. a ruLLY exDcriencen traneeman can iY aiinnlv and A I fliin 1vnivra nmmnt. iy. ror quotes v.

Moore, All i-amting, rtaisomining, Staining. ttc. Moderate cost. Prompt. No Job too small.

WB2813 ALL si 8 Oarages complete. Alterations, Cupboards, Louvres. H. E. Jones, HA ftnatvn Rt Aihhurv Aoco HurALUVKts promptly suppneo and Installed.

Glaci-in vnur veran dah with tnest modern ntungs. none, bAiuon. ALL PLANS and SPECIFICATIONS Belore spending thousands ask or Inspect most modern designs Friendly advice. Med. Fees.

Open Sal SMALL HOMES SERVICE, 727 peoree St (nr. Cent. MA64O0 A TTR ACTIVE HOME PLANS. 48-hour guar, council approval, moo. feea.

Ooen Sat. morn. J. A. CROFTS 7th Floor, 14 Spring St, Sydney.

BUI890 ORGANISATION of MasUr Tradea-k. men at your service. Plumbera. car. penters, electricians, bricklayers, painters snd decorators.

Again booking orders for complete home renovation, general paint ing. DUrLltlUH UttUKAIiriU CO PI 16 Hunter St. BW4107. UJ2604. A LL PLANS.

SPECS also Monoerete -x Guar, council spp BUILDERS AVAIL. Promot aervle. Adviea fra nmn oav. i uuurr iimin cui 10 inr aesign PROGRESSIVE PLAN SERVICE Savoy House, 29 Bllgh St, city. BW6183 A HOMES del lined.

PLANS ind SoeeV flcatlona Prensred. from nt jr. HOUR Service. Advice FREE. BUILDERS Introduced.


MJ4282. Near Market street. 5UILDINO and Alterations and Re-palrs, alt trades. LW3130. BRICKLAYERS want new and repair work, material supplied.

East. Sub. FW3957. BRICKETTR FTREPLACFJI and tl) OF.NERAL BRICKWORK REPAIR. For quote ring UJ4412.

BUILDER required for Cottage at Panama Wutt "Homt." 91 Ernest Street, Lekrmba, BOX and Casem*nt Frames Sashes Pee Maple. Oregon, built. In unit to detail, ind and Waters. 677 Botany md. Waterlen PF2772.

BRICKS: 6O00 eewnmons wanted ex. phange large quantity rlnwripip guttering. eat water fuptng flat iron. Cash adjustment csther war Fhont, UJ2604. 3 2 Office, Quirlndl.

and in addition, specifl- rations lor contracts an ana rtu i may be inspected at tne P.w.D. omcea, Isvdnev and Newcastle, and Thow foi 50 9 at the D.M.R. offices, Syd. BERT. 146 Regent St.

Redfern. MX3770aao piin iron, delivery two to three per week. For particulars call any tlmt the week-end. Hairdresser. Aerodrome, Mascot DELICATESSEN, large modern Shop, all near, attractive plant.

Mam street position. Turnover 150. profit 30. Closes 3pm and noon Ccmfv modern 2-bed. Residence.

3230. j. P. HICKS and Railway Bus Stani. Gosford.

'Phone 122. ind iDectflcatlona mv bo Inspected ttil Department of Public Works. Svd VI. at the Council's office. High I ml, Bowravllle.

H. H. MATTICK. Shirt Clerk. I Council Chambers.

BOWRAVILLE. 2C, H.S.W. 18th July, 1B50. CHIRE OF WYONG. 3 Tenders Construction of Two Bridges over Little JUllby Creek.

Tenders, suitably endorsed, are hereby kited and will ba received by the udersigned up till 4 p.m. cm Monday, Hih August. 1950. for the construction a two Timber Bridges, each consisting ft to 30 feet spans, on Little Jilllby at Mardl. situated l' miles si.e l' miles respectively from Develop-amtal Road No.

1077. A plan and specification of the work hit be obtained on application at the Council's office. Tenders must bt accompanied by a pom equal to 1 per cent, of the utount of tht tender. The lowest or any Under wilt not txitianly bt aocepted. J.

GOLDINO, (hire Clerk. Council Chambers, Wyong. Kin July. 1950. CHIRE OF NAMBUCCA.

0 SALE OF ROAD PLANT. iTeaden. endorsed as such, are Invited talug at 4 p.m. on Friday, 18th August. I0, for tht Purchase of tht following V.tnt i Tractor.

Alllt Chalmers HD7, fitted nniicaceer Atiacnment Tenderers' may tender for ail or any i. or any Under not accepted. Such plant may be Inspected where sptrating at tha time within the Shire. H. H.

MATTICK, Shirt Clerk. Council Chambers. BOWRAVILLE. SC. 14th 1830.

HUUt OF WARADOERY. CONSTRUCTION OF TIMBER BEAM BRIDGE. Tenders, suitably endorsed "Contract are inviud and will ba received the undersigned until 9 a.m. on the nth August, 1950. for the Construction two-span Timber Beam Bridge.

fart long inclusive of the Supply of over flood channel at Gum Crstfc. on the Slurt Highway, opproxl-stely 14 miles east of Hay. Plans, speclflcatlona and conditions of wdenng may bt inspected and other iMcraistton required, may he had, at th Department of Main Roads. 309 Cutlertagh Street, Sydney. Divisional OSces at Wagga.

and DenUiquln. and at the hlre Office. Hav. A Drallminarv Amnnui nf 1 Mr iant tne sum tendered must bt lodged in eacn tenaer. Offlce.

HAY, J. T. DALLAS, SIS- 7 "50. Shire Clerk. HIRE OF JINDALEE.

MOTOR TRUCKS Sect rata lnrir nrinrurf will Im fHrd by the undersigned up to 9 B. frlday, llth August. 1950. for uppil and delivery to Cootamundra oi; 7o t2) only 5-ton tipping trucks; Trucks to be fitted with under body ana nerry man uosaers. specinea-lion iv i liable from the undersigned.

Ten-ton tfl PlHrlv nf Hslluarv Attintlon directed to the provis'lona miiuii ci ine Laicai uovernment ACt. 1819 tMlwlln. nrrlnnr. t. kilt.

triitjB and Empire Goods, and to the wwitT lor clearly stating In the ten-J which of the goods to bo supplied manufactured or produced in Commonwealth or art British goods nin gooat, O. R. PORTER. "'tindra wTH AUSTRALIAN RAILWAYS SUPPLY OF STEEL FREIGHT rectlved at tht Rall- uBtiT omct, Aaeiatat. uTia tn inursaay, arm juij, the dtllvery of: or alternatively K6.R.

nearest l-ftf to Contractor's Worka. wpn nf drawlnta and aneclfleatlcni s.L6 wmined at tht offlce of the "t-rwaya Commissioner in Adelaide, Mel- ffflea th syoney, or may bt purcnaaeo hch aum will bt' refunded on of tht drawingi and specifications., "hould be endorsed "Tender eJn1 'Wfht FoU particular! to bt stated In ten- tender necessarily accepted, 'v' CHERRY. Sjwrettfy, Railways Commissioner. BY PUBLIC TENDER.

CITY OF MELBOURNE. mvited and win be re-eWa'il 4 3171950, for the t7i 'ctorr Premtsea. having a of Wft 160ft. 'i1 In 2 Lott of 6611 iw(t and S3 ft leoft. and will be muers 0r loU to pur r.ltort.

having a total KwSisrt1 nm lm 011 lKld jJ Xnder should bt addreesed MWd)eton. McEacharn and HJi wlfltorg, Market Street, Mel-uid should bo aocompanied by eeotlt rkd enual to 10 per ineuLi1? "wunt tendered. Dtposlts tnJrtrt will bo returned Petirins of salt ii5filt 10 per cent. accompany piirehaat money on eaeant Auiurt. 1950.

irt or any tender not necessarily obitlnrt and liiriMnn arr arisen on bwenamed Solicitors. thl" mi inctuctMl for purchssa of the art similar to thoa eat I-Trietor. Allis Chalmers' HD7. fitted! VkTS 1 in "-'wiing mi-1 28ft 8ft. M0Vln UbU- 4 4 LA3021.

Central Brick and Tile Co. Pty. or ring Bowral 4r3 2 Albert Street Ht. Ii-IOSMFTIC MANUFACTURING CO. 1 -tWO Flights of wooden Stairs, all 3ln, Hattrta Suburba.

Factory approxl-. Oregon. i mately aq. ft Furnished Flat If PALM BEACH Mixed Busfnte TO, 100. 5230, including Freehold S.V.

J. B. CANE, AGENT. B. 09.

Academy for Sale tn main street. Piano and all accessories. Long list of arM nmrai required. Appiy saiciirn, wn ana Public Accountants 111 Martin Plact, Sydney. SPORT'S Club (licensed C.U.) 3 tables, takings 60- 70.

Easily manaied. Well conducted iHislnew. stand any investigation. V.P. 6-ran.

re, also separate bachelor flat. 3000. 'Ph. for appointment to inspect, FY3313. 30 wk.

Small stock Included in purchase price. 375. (Urgent account Ill-health.) 10 William 61. Paddingtcn. HORACE SAY.

13 Sydney Arcado, King to Geo. St. Grcund Floor, MJ4237. will ad vert 1st on Monday BAKERY. HARDWARE, SANDWICH and MIXED, with FREEHOLDS.

1ANCY Woodgoods Factory. Ready market to leading stores. Big profits. Excellent equipment. Will teach i 1 rji.

and 3x1 Cypress Flooring. 3 to 5 ft. Length. 3 and 4 a Unlnas in short length: also shorts i.wu lu Cypress, Si rath field Timber UMOZ4. TILES, TILES.

TILES, for Bathrocmf, Kltrhen, Butcher ffhop. etc. Both wall and floor tiles, 50 shades from which to select at our city showrooms, 89b York Street. Sydney. Or our Repre.

tentative will call. Our staff or Fixers at your service, ARTHUR H. DILION PTY. LTD, Ring HAJl, BATHS. BASINS.

irnaliaht. TOILETS Your requirements of sanltarywart 1n' matching colours, we have large stocks! of English Baths. Basins and low-dnw 1 Suites and can give you Immediate de-1 nev and Tamwcrth. It. MACUU.V.M-U, Shire Clerk, Shire Office.

Qiurindl, 13th July. 1950. STATE CONTRACTS CONTROL BOAIVD OFFERS are invited bv the State Contracts Control Board. Harrington and uxex streets, syiney. lor tne supply or the following items be fere tht closing aaies specinea.

Nn. 257 Jt 10.n0 A.M. ioi Haberdashery, Traced unen, etc. 114 Elevating- Trucks. Platform trucxs, 110 Shrubs.

100 Hats. Caps, Shirts. 1U Buckets lor Milking Machine, 116 6 porting Equipment. 59 Cane. l'J9 Shruba.

Fruit Trees. 267 5010.30 A.M. 10 lorcn esses. 124 Letter Opening Machine, 12fi Fountain spittoon. 102 Tools.

277 5010.30 A.M. l.iu aurgicai instrument. 12ft Drum. 86 Purchase and Removal of WaaU Woollen Yarn. 84 Making1 enly of dresses.

85 Purchase and Removal of Tal Inv 68 Purchase and Removal of Bacon slicing Macnine. 287, 3010 0 A.M. 133 Foundry Equipment. 132 Disinfectant. 131 Stockinette.

140 Drugs. 11 Fuel Tank. 137 Table Forks. 133 Oalvanlaed Containers with lids. 18, 3( 10.30 A.M.

119 Bankera' Style DotiblO Wall Machine Posting: Trays. 108 Calculating Machine. 113 Calculating Machine. 11B fiDlrlt DiiDllcatlna Machine. a a ii ifi in a ljs rurcnast ana itemovai ran mimes.

237 302.30 P.M. Diagonal Tweed. Baths. Sanitary Wart and Fitting, OI. Ullk for Metropolitan Schools: New-(aatle-Maitland Schoola: Coun' try schools other than New-castle-Maitland.

for 12 mon'Jii commencing 10 -to. Motcr Car Transport, at Adamlnaby: nvrcn say: ana iranai period ending 31,12,50, 1,8,50 2.30 P.M. UmH Sraa Supply and Installation of Furnace. cnunn incea. Men's Tweed O'trrottt, Whit nrill Sydney Sand far on ra Zooloiical Park Trust.

88. SO 2.30 P.M. Fire Fighting Knapsack OutnU. Bus Bara. niat Man T.lft Cast Iron Sheaves and Steal Shaft ing ana conars.

Bandsaws and Circular Sawl, i a a i M. Rellning Electric Furnact Brlek unrkl mENDER Invited. Church Hall. Feter. an in), nricas, wiriun, a hie J.

E. Allsopp. BW7313. Build rtbra 11'. I Hara, Koat Ave, Collaroy plateau riiENDER for Plumblnf.

Ptlntlng, Eltc I (ri-al Work slT new houses. Men day, Murray's Job, Junet Crescent, Hnlier Pt, opp. Lundy Ave. neiey. mrwnrBS invited, erection Brick Dwell' ing, 11 squares.

Bradflttd. Procure ment of materials aatisiea. Mrntt. Box 801. O.F.O.

antl for Erection Timber framed Cotuge, Jannall. War Str- vioat Home, nans pra. rnuMMH, JONES 13 Sudbury sjrtet. ELMORE mENDER Required. Carpenter, erect ion cut.

Brsdfleld. Stsrt approx. .3 weeks. Whltehalr, S7 Hail street. Marouora mrkirtvaa Mnaln A 14th Auenst 1950, are invited ffr the fa-ectlon oi concrete biocr ouuaun.

o.m wi.m,H, nh Walker St He ens- burgh. Plena and specifications at club oitue. le io-i any um neffMir accented. uArDi pallet for Alteration1 I AAA.itam finh Rra ofcr Yarht Club Rrcken Bav P-ranch Wallamutta Rd.

Newport. Plans aid MMcimaitens tny be an ciun HOse or at O. W. Kenwortnv Pitt Street, nvaney, Fane, Hon. Sec.

trade to buyer. Price. 923, Hill. 95 Ridge Rt, North IJUSINESS tor Sale as a Going cul inary, Engusn r-armenwsrs in pans' a rem. one uaxenouse.

iwn ionri to meet any requirement. and Two Spare Stalls. For par- TYOORS, Flush Pine with edge atrip, La raw fitock O. L. LEECH and CO.

260 Railway) mraqe, nogs ran, uwitta, lwiuj in various timbers and sixea. avail- 5h 1 Pdi" 'JU v. VlTr D. HARDY and SONS 463 0'be o. TYOORS- DOORS.

DOORS mJ Red and White Pacific Maple, flush typt, all stock sttea available. Special Blzea made to order. All 4in kiln-dried oiii na nana r'iwi. Gyprock, and Timber Supplies, also Baltic riooring. DICKSON PRIMER and CO.

PTY. LIU. rnent BX37HI (fa lines), 73 Day Street. Sydney. 1) OOItS.

DOORS SOLID CORE VENEERED DOORS in Maple, Walnut. While and Coach-wood are being muiiulartured aa ouicklv as rsw mateilal supply will iermlt. Due ew inv exrepiionai aemana ior tnese beautiful figured doors, we ask you place your orders as early as potable nnd we will do our utmost lo have tticni available when needed. CUPBOARD DOORS. You ran cut the sixes required from smooth sanded coachwood tor paint or veneered panels lor polish from stocks coming forward In 6 3 1316 and CEMAO ASSOCIATED, 28 BOND ST, BV DNEY.

BP 2332 iXCHANOE. 40 sheets 8 4 Flbro for XL! 3 OOO lac rnmmnna r.h mA. Justment. LB2562. 1 EXCHANGE, new Metters Cream Bsth for Green Ona xnimi i or week day.

ENGLISH CAST IRON PORCELAIN ENAMEL BATHS. White. Book now for delivery In 21 dava. BHITinu IM tun BtinrtTin-ra 90 Pitt Street. Sydney.

'Phone. BL161B. L'nuiilOH WALL IILM, Xi In White. Cream, Green, and Black. Also Mottled Colours.

Second Floor, NOCK and KIRBY 417 George Strett, Sydney. B0246 FIBRO, 9x4, super 0 Cor. secondhand. 200 Sheets. Ring MU332.V IK)R SALE, Cement Bricks, standard slat.

Immediate Delivery. LW4509. lOR SALE: Cypress Flooring; truck and vt -truck loU. UW7069. 1 LAGGING, best quality.

Cabbage Trot Quarries, Tele. XUI461. FOR Ready-mixed Mortar 'phont JU1713. Lime used, no substitute. THENCE Posts, Imm.

dtl. Triangle Con--a? creu Post 72 Pitt Street. FLAGGING, Sawn Stone, eic. Prompt Deliveiy. LW1384.

Stan Rootli. 1X)RTY Ft. 3 8m bort 'gin O.D. Ccp. Tubing for W.

4. 42 St Oto. H'vllle. "LiIBRO, 2(ryds. and Eureka, 2nd-hand, JL good gas stove, 8 tht lot.

Damp-course. Slates. 20 100 run. ft. LU1335 IOR BALK, a large Steel Roller Shutters.

York, Builder. B.M.G., Oarage, Myrtlt St, Chippendale. VINCI NO Material supplied In North, ern Hardwood. Mortised Posts, ready to trert, early delivery. Ring UA7334.

FIBRO Rldgo Capping. 600 lengths of Standard available. Mr Cluga. ton. LA31I1, Monday or Inspect A.

a. SIMS 1 Wllfftrri Ht. Newtnwn "LACTORIES, steel framed, complete reaoy ior erection, various i7e, Prompt delivery. Ellis and Woods StFtel 7 Dnimmoynr WA2072. LM4344 Tj'lIRCPLACK BRICK ETT E8.

Rustic Texture A.ln a and a 21n Colmirs pink to dark red. Delivery If rectiihtd TUCKNOTS TILES ri rw a ten flt. Merrvlands. UWR451. Ivorv.

fine textured finish, never reoulrea nalntlnt. 6ft 4ft 7ft i 4ft. 8ft 4ft. and 9tt 4ft sheets Only A 9 sqtitrt yard. Trtmac Wallboard IS Wini Rd, Hem.

Bay, CY1764. 4 BUTCHERY and 8'goods. Tak. I a. 200 Main rd.

Lov. ran, TLBS, TERRA COTTA.jEMra gd. Plnf, Pull price 2000. 'icuiars write o. oaiiey.

dimming A MIXED. Punchbowl, almost at tin. U. Lov. res.

Take 170 p.w.. oa trial. Full price 267.V inc. stock. Canterbury-Bankstown, L.B near Com.

Rank. Punchbowl. UL1649 REE HOLD Oiiest HOUSt in pop-nag Lake Macquarle, with Holiday Cot tagf. Garage. Price 4000.

For lull particulars writt to J. BUTLER, 0. 9 P.O.. Belmont IARGE Frock rariory city ior bxiw 4 as going concern. Orders in hand) for coming season amount lo 30.0OO.

Would consider partner. No. 9357, Herald WELL-ESTABLISHED ENGINEERING) BUSINESS, Freehold, close proxtm ity of Perth. Good Contracts and Stocks Material. For naviculars write Box B93.

P.O.. PERTH. IJOWRAL, dressmaking business wits) Dwelling for salt as going concern. Price 493. Apply Chariot Salon, Oastlereath Street.

Sydney. ESTABLISHED Engineering Business. Va immediate contracts. Books open Inspection. For appointment ring t.wwn Special.

Due to iiineas, nsn an Chips. 130 tskings. Weekly profit 33-40. No opposition. Onmpletaj modern plant.


UX7704. A Ka MMh Material Economical snd easy to ust. For: Interior Walls. Exterior Walla. Plain and Fancy OtlHngt, Fancy Mouldings.

All Pillars. Any Bhsped Work. AviUablt In Convert lent Rolls. Wrttt for Fret Pamphlet to EMM. YANNOULATOI! (OVERSEAS) PTY, 88 Martin Plact, Sydney BW2041-2-3.

Telegrams; "Yannoulatoa, lydnty." American Klrseh. all-Y metal. Measure and tract, KIRS-CH exchange nuest House sunny Northern ft hers, lew rent, long less, for Freehold Cottage. Sydney, 2730. 16100 Herald CUTY Oround-floor shop 70frft floot spwe, ladies' hsirdresslng.

fully equipped. 8 years' least. 2000. flonft, Herald. WFLt.

rat. MllllnerT Bus. For "sit, in nrotrevshe North 8-ib. Od. nrcf Kemp WM1P40 J'OR Ssle.

Small selling Book, Only poo. 300 new. 132 ElinbtUI Strett, Waterloo. (Csatinacd aa Next Page) tU, IHUB1J blUi MA1UII..

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)


The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia? ›

The contemporary editorial stance of the Sydney Morning Herald is generally centrist. It has been described as the most centrist of Australia's three major news publications (the others being The Australian and The Age).

Is The Sydney Morning Herald left wing bias? ›

The contemporary editorial stance of the Sydney Morning Herald is generally centrist. It has been described as the most centrist of Australia's three major news publications (the others being The Australian and The Age).

What is the main newspaper in Sydney? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald is the most-read newspaper in Australia, with over eight million readers as of 2021.

Where is The Sydney Morning Herald headquarters? ›

In person. Drop documents in unsigned envelopes between 8am-5pm, Monday to Friday, at our street address at 1 Denison Street, North Sydney, with attention to a specific journalist or to the Herald investigations team. Include in the package your Signal, WhatsApp or Protonmail address for return communication.

Is the Sun Herald and The Sydney Morning Herald the same? ›

The Sun-Herald is an Australian newspaper published in tabloid or compact format on Sundays in Sydney by Nine Entertainment. It is the Sunday counterpart of the Sydney Morning Herald.

What political party does the Herald support? ›

The Herald declares in every edition that it does not endorse any political party.

Is the Herald a tabloid? ›

The paper existed as an evening broadsheet paper for 91 years, before transitioning to a tabloid format in 1982. In March 2013 The Evening Herald became the Herald, adjusting its publishing schedule and becoming a morning paper.

What is the most widely read newspaper in Australia? ›

The Herald Sun has the highest circulation in Australia.

What is the leading English newspaper in Australia? ›

These include: The Sydney Morning Herald, The Daily Telegraph (Sydney), The Age (Melbourne), The Herald Sun (Melbourne) and The Canberra Times. The two national daily newspapers are The Australian and The Australian Financial Review, which are owned by different companies.

What country is the Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald, daily newspaper published in Sydney, Australia's oldest and one of its most influential papers.

Who are the competitors of The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The Herald's main rival in Sydney, News Corp's The Daily Telegraph, reported an audience of 4.9 million. In the same period The Australian Financial Review, which is owned by Nine Entertainment Co (the owner of this masthead), had an audience of 3.4 million.

How big is The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald is the country's most read masthead, with a cross-platform readership of 7.3 million Australians, according to the latest Total News readership figures released by Roy Morgan.

Is The Sydney Morning Herald and the age the same? ›

The newspaper shares some articles with its sister newspaper the Sydney Morning Herald. The Age is considered a newspaper of record for Australia, and has variously been known for its investigative reporting, with its journalists having won dozens of Walkley Awards, Australia's most prestigious journalism prize.

Who is the target audience of The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

Source: Roy Morgan Research; people 14+ for the 12 months ending June 2024. The Herald is proudly committed to fearless, independent and accurate journalism and to generating quality analysis and opinion. We also seek comment from our readers to guarantee fairness and balance in all that we do.

Who reads The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald has maintained its position as Australia's most-read masthead, with a cross-platform readership of 7.2 million, according to figures released by Roy Morgan on Monday.

Who is the editor of The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

Bevan Shields is the Editor of The Sydney Morning Herald.

Is the Herald Sun a conservative newspaper? ›

The Herald Sun is a conservative daily tabloid newspaper based in Melbourne, Australia, published by The Herald and Weekly Times, a subsidiary of News Corp Australia, itself a subsidiary of the Murdoch owned News Corp.

Is Boston Herald liberal or conservative? ›

Boston Herald
Cover from February 3, 2013
Political alignmentConservative
Headquarters100 Grossman Dr. 4th Floor Braintree, Massachusetts 02184 United States
Circulation25,000 weekdays in 2020 73,913 Saturdays in Q1–2 FY2013 45,833 Sundays
9 more rows

What is the conservative media in Australia? ›

The primary conservative magazines in Australia are News Weekly, Quadrant and The Spectator Australia.

Is the Daily Star left or right wing? ›

Daily Star (United Kingdom)
TypeDaily newspaper
PublisherReach plc
EditorJon Clark (paper), Andrew Gilpin (online)
Founded2 November 1978
Political alignmentLabour (historical) Politically neutral (current)
7 more rows


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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.