HawaiiStories: Go Tiny...Go go Tiny... (2024)

April 05, 2002

Go Tiny...Go go Tiny...

I was just curious about who actually watches the 9PM-10PM block on Oceanic Cable channel 16 (besides me)? I don't know the reason why TinyTV and Local Kine Grinds hold such a spell over me...

Perhaps it's because I can't get enough of watching Honolulu on television. All I do is keep a sharp eye on wherever Tiny shows up, so I can say, "Hey, he's at Such-and-Such! I've been to Such-and-such too!" The constant mention of his sponsors gets annoying in large doses, however.

In the case of Local Kine Grinds, it's the prospect of discovering some neat out of the way spot where I can get some great food. I have to say that this show has really influenced my dining experiences. I guess the credo for that show is: "Never trust a skinny food host"?

Posted by Vivi at April 05, 2002 05:52 PM


Posted by Ryan on April 5, 2002 6:16 PM:

I like Local Kine Grinds. I agree skinny food critics can't be trusted. (Unless they're a critic for Weight Watchers Magazine, I guess.) And, actually, I've noticed both hosts slimming down a bit. In any case, they're energetic, not self conscious, and they clearly love local food. Makes me hungry every time.

But TinyTV? Vivi, forgive me, but I'm not a fan. Okay, I'm actually the opposite of one. :)

I have never, ever seen a man more in love with himself than that guy. He carries himself like the star he never came anywhere near becoming. Look, he's got a CD! He's got a VW bug with his name on it! He used to be on real television, remember? He's cool! Man. Watching someone capitalizing on "celebrity" that they never really had or earned is kind of sad.

The fact that 80 percent of the things he raves about are actually commercial messages doesn't help.

I'm not even sure if I'll get to comment on this before my wife does - our opinions are quite strong on the matter! :)

Posted by Linkmeister on April 5, 2002 8:03 PM:

Tiny's ads annoy me, so I don't watch his show(s). But we are devoted to Channel 4(6) and the On the Menu feature. About two years ago they told us about Pizza Manapua right down the hill next to the Aiea library. Hated the pizza variety (way too heavy on tomato sauce), but the rest of the manapua was great, either baked or steamed.

Posted by jeff on April 5, 2002 8:10 PM:

I like Local Kine Grinds. They always crack me up just being themselves. Plus, it's good fun to see where they go to eat and to learn about some of the places I've never been. But it is definately dangerous to watch that show on an empty stomach; kind of like shopping at the market when hungry.

I can't really talk stink about Tiny Tadani because I kind of knew him from the school days while growing up in Kaneohe. But...what you see of him on television is pretty much how he was back then. Friendly enough, but a little needy for attention. He was the kind of person that often invited himself to tag along with the rest of us. (Sorry Tiny)

Posted by Stella on April 5, 2002 8:16 PM:

Not a fan of Tiny, either. Though I've always thought about blackmailing my exes by forcing them to wear the chicken suit from Tiny's RoadRunner ads... (Thank goodness Oceanic TimeWarner had the sense to retire "Road Chicken" to its appropriate circle of hell.)

Never got to watch a single episode of LKG, though I once walked into Tea at 1024 (Nuuanu Avenue) and saw a picture of Bruddah Sam having a lovely "cuppa" while wearing one of the girly straw hats sold at the store. The picture was meant to commemorate LKG visiting the store and reviewing their tea-time food, but I thought it was just too cute.

For now (since I don't have cable and am too cheap to put it in my computer) I have to settle for the LKG-wannabe segments on network TV. I mean, how else to explain Lyle Galdeira and Sam Choy looking for "Cheap Eats" on News 8?

Posted by Vivi on April 5, 2002 8:31 PM:

LOL, I think I've pin-pointed why I actually like Tiny: he's the ultimate self-promoter. Jeff, I think you hit the nail on the head; he's the guy who wanted to tag along with the cool kids.

OMG: he was ME in high school! ROTFL

Why doesn't LKG have their own website? Grrrr, I would have liked to look over all the different places they've visited. I've been a longtime LKG watcher, ever since the first one at the Ward Farmer's Market so long ago. Bruddah Sam and Lina Girl have great chemistry together. No wondah dey wen marry, yeah?

Posted by Stella on April 5, 2002 8:55 PM:

I think that, at some point or another, we've had our moments of, ahem, being Tiny.

(That sounds like an indie movie: Being Tiny Tadani.)

An LKG website would be, to say the least, totally ono. Imagine the tech-programming possibilities that can be done with THAT! (stomach grumbles in anticipation)

BTW, does anyone remember the name of the band that Lina Girl was in before she became a radio DJ (and later, host of LKG)? I once borrowed the CD from the library, and, while she wasn't in the band any more (though she did sing on Tiny's CD) the remaining band members thanked her a lot in the liner notes.

Posted by Ryan on April 5, 2002 9:14 PM:

Her husband, Bradda Sam, was in Vaihi, and I think she did vocals on a couple of tracks. Is that the group you mean?

(And I did not know, until today, that they were married. When I saw the last names, I figured they were siblings! Interesting.)

There _should_ be a LKG site, darn it. I get sad just thinking of all the great holes-in-the-wall I might have missed learning about...

Posted by Stella on April 5, 2002 9:29 PM:

Nah, I was thinking about the all-girl group, the one who sang the first version of "Why You" with Fiji on backing vocals - before Fiji did his own reggaefied version of the song on the new album - and I borrowed the CD from the library specifically because of that song. Na something Anuenue something. (Not Na Leo Pilimehana.) They also sang this song (on the same CD) about Tahiti that kind of drove me nuts because the chorus was just them chanting "Yorana, Yorana, Yorana" - and it got played a lot on Island Rhythm, too.

I also didn't realize that Sam was in a band, either.

And, yes, I've always thought Bruddah Sam and Lina Girl were related.

Posted by julia on April 6, 2002 7:21 PM:

Na Wai Ho`ulu`u o Ke Anuenue.

Embarassingly enough, I was a Tiny TV fan until the day I left Hawai`i.

Speaking of Tiny tv - A couple of years ago, I was at Rest. Row with some co-workers, relaxing on a Friday night. A band was playing live music, and Tiny was there with his little camera. There was some sort of contest where you had to be the loudest table there. Although we were sitting way in the back, our table, all attention whor*s, screamed our little lungs out and won the contest.

Sadly, the footage never made it to Tiny TV.

Posted by Stella on April 6, 2002 9:39 PM:

Julia: Thanks! Now I remember the name. I think the stores might still have that album around, too (it's fairly new) but I borrowed my copy from the State Lib. "Why You" was the only track I liked from that - and when Fiji did his version, I liked that too. I'm associating that with some good memories.

Sudden flashback - I actually saw Tiny Tadani IRL at Makai Market (aka Ala Moana Food Court), only without the camera, but with a massive 5 o'clock shadow - it was more of his downtime, actually, and he was sitting down for lunch with other people. I was surprised to find that he wasn't too tall. (I think I've already met my quota of "Tiny is tiny" jokes for now.)

Posted by NemesisVex on April 7, 2002 7:50 PM:

For some reason, I was confusing Tiny Tadani with Guy Hagi.

Guy Hagi -- now there's a guy who could use some ESL instruction. (No dis to you, Stella.)

Is he still inflicting pain on the weather broadcast?

Posted by Linkmeister on April 7, 2002 9:17 PM:

"Is he still inflicting pain on the weather broadcast?"

Well, no. He's inflicting pain on the VIEWERS during the weather broadcast, though. The broadcast itself has not complained. ;)

Speaking of which, given Kim G. and Guy's marriage, and the earlier example of Pam & Gary Sprinkel, I have come to believe that husbands and wives should not work together on local news. Even Linda Coble and Kirk Matthews got cloying, IMO.

Posted by Stella on April 7, 2002 10:14 PM:

Greg: And no offense taken! ;) Between myself and fellow English-major Vivi, though, that's probably not enough ESL instruction to help Guy Hagi - even though I think his speech patterns have somewhat improved since he married Kim Gennaula and moved to KGMB-9.

You know who needs speech therapy, though? The new KHNL weather girl who subs for Sharie Shima on the weekends, whose name escapes me. And Ben Gutierrez - my God, talk about Neanderthal! How did they get THAT guy to host the morning show?

It could be worse - you could've confused Howard Dashefsky with Dan Cooke (and based on what I've heard from the rumor mill, the lines have already blurred...)

Link: Yeah, I've noticed that about married couples working in local news - in some ways I think it's the nature of the market (then again, what else isn't affected by that?) that they tend to end up working on the same network and proceed to get all mushy on us. Somehow it's a little less cloying when they don't work in the same network, like Jim McCoy and Louise Kim - or, on a more national scale, Al Roker and ABC's Deborah Roberts.

Or, better yet, they just forget about broadcast news altogether and do their own magazine-style food show, like Bruddah Sam and Lina Girl. :)

Posted by honukai on April 8, 2002 12:39 PM:

I think Sue Shin the new w'end weather girl. Believe it or not, she's from the mainland, so she *should* know how to speak.

Has anyone ever actually seen the whites of Guy Hagi's eyes? Did anyone ever tell him he shouldn't wear glasses just as slant-y as his eyes? Or worse, did anyone ever tell him NOT to smack his lips together after he finishes a sentance?

Posted by Stella on April 8, 2002 3:20 PM:

Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of this really new Filipino girl (NOT Cindy Paliracio) who was doing the weekend weather sometime back. Not only pretty bad with the weather, but she had massive overbleached blonde highlights. Must be a very new hire, since I did look her up on the KHNL site and her profile wasn't even up.

Speaking of Su Shin, I don't think she works at News8 any more - last I heard of her, she now works in public relations and hasn't stepped foot in a newsroom for a while. She's also married to Dan Meisenzahl - another example of a couple who don't have to work for the same network.

However, it could also be Joann Shin - who does weekend anchoring once in a while (although I'm not sure if she does weather like Sharie) and, as far as I know, does not sport massive blonde highlights.

Speaking of weather... does that mean, then, that Fox-2's Mistress Trini (or, as a few salacious male staffers at Ka Leo call her, "Trini Cop-a-Feely") is practically the gold standard of meteorologists, by process of elimination?

Posted by Linkmeister on April 8, 2002 3:55 PM:

Wait, wait! What about Kathy? If "perky" hadn't been copyrighted by Katie Couric, Kathy would OWN it!


Posted by Ryan on April 8, 2002 6:28 PM:

Okay, that's it. I'm turning HTML on in comments, so folks can do links. I know HawaiiStories folks are cool enough to handle the power.

Posted by Stella on April 8, 2002 6:51 PM:

Thanks for the HTML, Ryan - for a while there I was majorly worried (my IMDb links kept disappearing on me during the Preview in the Amadeus thread)...

Yay, a vote for Kathy Muneno! I just wish she'd host the morning show again, even though I think Jill Kuramoto's doing just as well. My sister once had a J-school class with Kathy back in UH (late '80s/ early '90s) and told me that she's pretty cool in person, too.

Posted by Linkmeister on April 8, 2002 9:53 PM:

Yeah, agreed, Ryan. We're all responsible folks here! (snicker)

If I'd known that link to the KITV site was gonna do what it did, I'd never have done it (hangs head).

Posted by honukai on April 9, 2002 9:43 AM:

I really liked it when Kathy did "on the menu" before her hiatus. Not to mention she's so skinny that I wasn't grossed out by her eating (like others at LKG)!

Well, Jill is a friend, so no matter where she goes, I need to support her:) Unfortunatly I'm never up at the hour she's on....guess that'll change come Sept, huh?? :)

Posted by anonymous on May 2, 2002 11:00 AM:

Tiny Tadani, don't know too much about him.
But Local Kine Grindz is da winnas like Bruddah Sam would say. To me, the show is awesome. I like it.

Posted by anonymous on May 2, 2002 11:02 AM:

By the way, this has nothing to do with Tiny Tadani or Lokal Kine Grindz. Does Stella have a life? All she does is comment about Tiny Tadani. She must be in love with him. OOOOH.

Posted by Bruddah Sam on May 7, 2002 1:29 AM:

Ya'll are too funny And truthful(not a bad thing at all). Two qualities that I love very much. funny and truthful qualities usually denote happilly curious and informed people . Thanks for letting me be happily curious as a voyeur in your world for just a moment. I appreciate a break from the (human)race. Sorry about making ya'll hungry late at night, but if its any consolation Sometimes I fall into the local kine grindz trap, when 9:00 rolls around and I have no Snacks in the cupboard(I imagine zippy's is making a killing). Here's a toast to your immortalization of your thoghts on web.
Appreciative and amused
Bruddah Sam

Posted by Vivi on May 8, 2002 8:13 AM:

Hey Bruddah Sam! Thanks for dropping by our little neck of the web. It's really okay, you making us hungry late at night. The Boyfriend and I would never have known about a lot of great food places if it weren't for LKG. Keep on showing great places fo' eat, and I'll keep visiting 'em. :)

Posted by steph on July 20, 2002 10:54 PM:

Personally I think that Tiny, Guy Hagi & Kim Genaula are all pretty self serving. I once say Tiny in Kahala Mall & pointed him out to my daughter who thought at the time he was cool...wouldn't you know, we got the full of himself cold shoulder. I wonder if he realizes that he's not really a celebrity as he thinks he is...what he is-is a short, very untalented guy who got a lucky break from some idiots running the OC16 channel. As for Guy & Kim, they're both assholes, just like Tiny, they think they're all that & act like it when they're out. Did you know that Guy was married while he was going out with Kim? His poor wife got the boot even though she helped support him while he was trying to be in the biz (which he truly sucks at-listen to how he says today...it's like taday). Kim is just a bitch who thinks she's all that when we all know she's not!

Posted by Kamaka on August 4, 2002 11:47 AM:

Eh..aloha from Los Angeles. Just wanted to give a shout out to LKG ohana. Ikaika Kimura is da wizard behind da camera and da edit boards. Special Aloha and Mahaloz to Bruddah Sam for having me on his show earlier in the year. It was da bomb, brah. My comedy CD continues to sell with Bruddah Sam's support on da show. www.touchingbrains.com
Malama Pono from da Ohana on da Wess Coast!!

Posted by Jay on August 31, 2002 10:10 PM:

To Honukai,I Do Think that Joann Shin even though she isnt from here,she does know how to speak English and she is the best Weather Person like Sharie Shima and Kathy Muneno and Trini Kaopuiki and Brooke Bingaman they are all Professionals.

Posted by shannon on September 4, 2002 9:00 PM:

LKG is a show which Time/Warner should be ashamed of....glamourizing eating disorders. ...Great message to send the already overweigh youth of Hawaii. If I sent an air check to Uncle Ted Turner...he's personally shut that beast of a show down. As ANY professional nurse or physician on-isle. Yes, the hosts are sweet and lovely people...it's the message n the medium I have a BIG BIG problem with. I have asked Bruddah to tone it down...but nope.....might loose .0005 of a "rating" point. Too bad for such disregard for the kids here.

Posted by Ryan on September 5, 2002 9:51 AM:

You have a "big big problem" with the medium? You mean television?

And what's the message that needs toning down? It's a show about food, for crying out loud. Locals like food. (This whole site is testament to that fact - the "Food" category has the most posts!) We take the enjoyment of our cuisine and eateries seriously.

So our tastes in Hawaii are for heavier fare. So the hosts aren't exactly thin. Getting up in arms over this is like trying to sue McDonald's for selling a less-than-rabbit-like diet.

Why not try to shut down Oprah for feeding American's unhealthy obsession with fad dieting? Why not try to shut down the Food Network, for that matter... hell, they have a regular TV show all about candies and sweets! The horror!

Posted by Hawaiisurf on December 7, 2002 11:24 PM:

Kathy Muneno was better as a morning show host. As the weather girl, she looks so tense and uncomfortable giving the weather. Definately not a good match for her talents.

Joanne Shin's voice drives me nuts, sounds like a cartoon voice over!

Ben Guiterrez is very smooth and his presentation flows as he gives the weather...

Posted by dpavid on December 11, 2002 6:19 AM:

Everyone has been asking for it...so here it is! www.localkinegrindz.tv We are currently working on it to make it Hawaii's largest food directory. Viewers will now be able to download PDF files with coupons for discounts, a huge restaurant directory with every place LKG has been to which is over 400 places! The best feature will be a search engine by location, type of food, and dining style. Lastly to top it all off...streaming video clips of all the restaurants. Keep watching for updates as we make this web site turn key.

Posted by Dave on December 22, 2002 1:46 AM:

I agreed with Vivi. Joann Shin's voice drove me nuts too. Does she really talks like that? I had to switch channels when I hear her voice.

Posted by AnotherDave on January 21, 2003 10:31 AM:

Who cares if Joann Shin's voice is a little high. The only criteria for weathergirls are that they are good-looking and she is one of the best looking out there (right next to Trini Kaopuiki). I switch channels just to see her.

Posted by Tiny Tadani on July 23, 2003 2:36 PM:

Howzit? This is Tiny. I never did this before... so I hope it works. I was looking on the internet for an article that Erica Engle wrote on our new radio morning show on KUMU and I found this site with typed out conversation. Pretty cool. I am 40 years old and just a regular guy. I can understand all the gossip and talking about others... I still find myself doing that at times. Although as a Christian, I try not to. For what I do as a profession... and believe me, it's only for work... I do like people talking about me... good or bad. But I am human and get a little offended when I hear negative things. But again... I understand. No one is perfect and let me tell you... I am far from it. But I try to be nice to everyone I run into. I still get mad when people don't let you in a lane while you're driving... or if someone is driving slow in the left lane. I have to admit that I do ignore people sometimes in public. Reason being that I'm kinda shy (in real life) and I don't want to act like "hey, do you know me?" But it comes off as stuck up to some. Other times I feel "on" and I'll act all like I do for my show and say "eh, Howzit... what's your name?" But then again, I'm guessing if they watch the show... and if they don't... I look like a jerk again... assuming they know who I am. When really they could just be looking at me because I look like Guy Hagi. Guy and I get confused all the time. I like Guy... I like Kim. I like Kathy Muneno, Trini, Shawn Ching. I like everyone. There are some people that I dislike... but I try to forgive and release those feelings. Heck, I like you guys for talking about me. And it's not for my ego... it's for promotion. If I do feel good about one thing... it's my marketing skills to promote what I do. As far as myself... I am very self-concious about lots of things. Being able to do my show does give me an arrogance that I wouldn't normally have, and it's kind of fun. Like Spiderman being able to do things he couldn't without the web and outfit. I even get to take my son to neat places because of sponsors and contact that I have made. Anyway, I'm ramblling and I wanted to share just a little of what I'm about... and it's up to you all to say whatever you want about it. God knows who I am and is the main one I try to please. And I hope one day we can all talk story in person... if not here... in Heaven. Not to preach, but if anyone ever needs to hang with me... email me at tinytv@hawaii.rr.com and I'll take you with me to New Hope. If found a great place that I can tag along with whomever and they can tag with me... no worries about who called who and if you are needy. By the way, I am needy and it's kinda need how a few of you spotted that out. I kinda like that part about me though, because the true friends that I do have know that too and what they give to me in "attention"... I give back ten fold. And yes, Bruddah Sam & Lina Girl are beautiful individuals and an even more awesome couple! Lina's band was "Na Wai Ho'olu'u O Ke Anuenue" and they sang "Girlie, Girlie"... remember now? Anyway, I hope you all join me in saying... God is Good and let's all honor Him best we can! Amen!!!


p.s., I'll try to check back here... I hope I figure it out. And you can write whatever you like... no shame, no worry. Ahui hou!

Posted by Ryan on July 24, 2003 8:49 PM:

Both Bruddah Sam and now Tiny Tadani himself have personally popped up in this local celebrities thread. Are we cool yet?

Tiny, thanks for your heartfelt message. It adds another dimension beyond what you show on stage and on television. Thanks also for the New Hope invite, but I think I'll pass on that one.

Posted by Curtis on August 7, 2003 5:41 PM:

I say Kathy Muneno at a bar one time...the bar at Duke's to be exact...the first time I met her in person, and she is(or at least used to be..this was 6 years ago) a major bar fly. She had the small tight skirt on, high heel pumps...and spaghetti strap skin tight tank top on...and was sitting alone drinking at the bar with a probing look in here eyes as if to scope out the next guy who would buy her drinks...

Posted by Arlene on August 25, 2003 1:26 PM:

WOW! This sure can get vicious! Tiny is right this is gossip. But I think the worst part about it is that so many people can read about this and not know the truth from the fiction...I think that Tiny's a great guy and a wonderful example to kids. I don't know how he was before, but I know that I've got alot of ugly skeletons from my past, how about you?! What matters most is now and Tiny seems like a really cool example for alot of the kids now, especially the boys...In fact, he even gave us an open invitation to Church, how bad can that be?!?...Families have the opportunity to watch some really cool, clean stuff with their children on Tiny TV. Unfortunately there aren't more family programs currently running. I say keep up the great job Tiny and LKG!!

Posted by Arlene on August 25, 2003 1:26 PM:

WOW! This sure can get vicious! Tiny is right this is gossip. But I think the worst part about it is that so many people can read about this and not know the truth from the fiction...I think that Tiny's a great guy and a wonderful example to kids. I don't know how he was before, but I know that I've got alot of ugly skeletons from my past, how about you?! What matters most is now and Tiny seems like a really cool example for alot of the kids now, especially the boys...In fact, he even gave us an open invitation to Church, how bad can that be?!?...Families have the opportunity to watch some really cool, clean stuff with their children on Tiny TV. Unfortunately there aren't more family programs currently running. I say keep up the great job Tiny and LKG!!

Posted by Leah Cabanero on August 29, 2003 9:05 PM:

hey der Tiny and Sam! dudes...i love ur guyz show! i love da food dat u show on Local Kine Grindz and da comedy on Tiny TV. well getting to da real point, can either of u judge one event of our homecoming week in waipahu? i know its a lot to ask for, but it would mean a lot to da freshies of waipahu high. da events are taking place on Sept. 24-26. so please...if u guyz could email me back on an answer by the 3rd-5th of Sept., it would mean a lot. also...dont hesitate to ask anie kine of question in da email. well best be going...much PEACE and ALOHAS to ya both.


Posted by Leah Cabanero on August 30, 2003 11:04 AM:

hey Sam and Tiny! its me again..asking the same question...can u guyz judge a homecoming event in waipahu high? please? its very important that u guys answer me by Sept. 3-5, okaies? thanks. much PEACE and ALOHAS!


Posted by tiny on September 8, 2003 7:52 PM:

Thanks Ryan, Arlene, & Leah. Leah, I got your email and one call... call again about the gig.


Posted by Jennifer on September 10, 2003 12:44 PM:

Hey local peeps! I love Local Kine Grindz and TinyTV! Hey Tiny it's me from Kaneohe, hehe! Please everyone, may you please get the Opihi Pickers on the show if ya can. If not, please put more local artists okay. Ya can e-mail me sometime. Keep up the great work! Take care and god bless! Representing from the Windward Side!
Alohaz, Jennifer

Posted by quixlink on January 1, 2004 8:28 PM:

Hi does anyone know if Kathy Muneno is single? How many times was she married, and does she have any kids? How tall do you think she is? What bar do you think I can meet her at?

Posted by Jay on January 4, 2004 1:00 PM:

Hi,Im Jay and I do know from What I Learned that Kathy Muneno is Now Engaged about to Be Married sometime is When She Left Kitv,she met someone and They went to The Mainland to Live and Then The Gm of Kitv Called Kathy Muneno back when Sharie Shima left to Do Weather at Khnl,Kathy Took the Place of Sharie Shima and I do know she does a Wonderful Job being the Best Weather Anchor at Kitv and Also Joann Shin is another one of the Best Weather Anchor's I have watched as is Sharie Shima and Britt Riedl and Trini Kaopuiki and I do Remember once long in the Past when Tiny was Arrested when he had some Personal Problem's,I Figured Kathy Muneno may have bailed Tiny out and She and He I Believe has been Good friend's Ever Since is they once worked at the Same Station Together and I Think Tiny may Still be in Love with Kathy even Though Kathy is Engaged and Yes it's True that Kathy has been Married before only that Marriage didnt work out so She Divorced her Ex and She was alone before she met someone before she left for the Mainland and Then When Sharie Shima's Job Opened up,then Kathy Had the Oppurtunity to Take Sharie's Job as the Best Weather Anchor that she is now so This is a Fact about Kathy Muneno and The Other Weather Anchor's and Meteorologist's that work here in the Island's. Well thanks for your Time:O)

Posted by Ryan on January 5, 2004 3:50 PM:

That was one hell of a sentence, Jay.

Posted by Sharon on January 6, 2004 1:33 PM:

guy hagi rocks.

Posted by quixlink on January 12, 2004 12:15 PM:

Mahalo Jay,

Wow you know alot about whats going on with our TV personalities. Who is Kathy Marrying? Whatever happened to that girl on KGMB before Guy, she was a cuttie?

Posted by quixlink on January 12, 2004 2:31 PM:

Does anyone know who Maila Gibson is and if she is single or taken?

Posted by derek on January 16, 2004 8:01 PM:

wow this forum brought to light a hidden itch in my subconscious. i have to agree, joann shin's voice is super annoying! she talks like a cartoony elitist. if minnie mouse had an english accent and felt she was far better than daisy duck, then what you have is shin.

she looks okay, perhaps she should just point while a teleprompter scrolls the bottom?

Posted by frank on February 18, 2004 7:40 AM:

joann shin is cute but her voice has got to go. is tiny really that bad? i've heard other negative stories about him but he claims to be a religious person so it's hard to imagine. what's up with the new weekend sports guys on the weekends? where are they finding them?

Posted by Rob on February 29, 2004 5:15 PM:

WOW...I was so amazed....I came upon this website - looking for the LKG one - and the people bashing..... I can't get over it ...do you guyz have a life or what??? Isn't there any NICE thing that you guyz can say ? Only negatives? Come on ....say positives...

this world is bad enough without more people giving out negatives..and downing others... :o(

Posted by Riley Moriarty on April 6, 2004 10:40 AM:

Just want to say hello to Dawn O'Brien. We worked together at Ke Kalahea UH Hilo way back when. I am currently working at West Hawaii Today on the sunny side of the island of Hawaii. Your job looks like a lot of fun!

Posted by quixlink on April 15, 2004 6:17 PM:

Hi does anyone know how old Emily Chang is at Khon? Is she single?

Posted by Glen Miyashiro on April 16, 2004 9:27 AM:

She's from Punahou, Class of '98. You can do the math...

Posted by Stuart on April 19, 2004 7:35 PM:

My favorite local television beauties Kathy Muneno, Stephanie Lum, Tasha Kobashigawa & Mahealani Richardson (just wanted to post something:)).

Posted by Dawn on April 24, 2004 8:23 PM:

Hi back to Riley Moriarty, from Dawn. how in the world did you know i'd check in here? anyway, good to hear you're alive & still kicking ... both on Big Island & in media.

My job is great & i still get to meet excellent people in the media (just like Ke Kalahea). If you're ever in Honolulu, drop by New Hope & visit!


Posted by tuna on April 25, 2004 6:41 AM:

Ryan you are a puss*! The venom that you started off this thread with, softened when you knew Tiny was on this site. Stick to your guns. Tiny is a wannabee, scared little punk, hiding behind religion whenever it is convenient. Whenever someone is exposing the truth about you and you don't like it, go for the sympathy vote and try to make people feel sorry about you by claiming religion. Tiny I think the true feelings of Hawaii are in the first postings. Untalented, self promoting scared little boy.

Posted by chicken of the sea on April 26, 2004 9:36 AM:

Who's the p*ssy here? I highly doubt tuna's your real name...at least I'm willing to admit I'm a chicken of the sea...Don't talk about people you don't actually know.

Hey, Ryan...I think it's great that you can be forgiving. (and I'm not even a Christian)

Posted by ekolu on April 27, 2004 4:43 AM:

joann shin is a awesome news person. her voice is not that bad. a lot better than that sports guy?....russell yamanoha. plus joann is a sweety. kathy muneno is also a sweet one.
never had contact with emily chang or tasha kobashigawa or even tanya boyd. but those are the top five babes of hawaii news!

Posted by Jon on May 7, 2004 11:40 AM:

Hey Stella! You're exactly the kind of reader we're reaching out to.

Hey Rob! I have a nice thing to say about local TV news: The technicians don't get enough credit. They make the newscasts look better than they deserve.

never had contact with emily chang or tasha kobashigawa or even tanya boyd. but those are the top five babes of hawaii news!

But if anyone does, or has a sighting or encounter with any other local pseudo-celebrity, send them our way: TalkStink.com (formerly hosted by HawaiiStories) or just mail us: tips (at) talkstink (dot) com.

Another shameless self-promoting post from the good folks at Talk Stink.

Posted by Ryan on May 7, 2004 8:58 PM:

The venom that you started off this thread with, softened when you knew Tiny was on this site.

I don't see the turnaround you did. I made a public comment about a public figure, and stand by it. I did appreciate the public figure in question coming in to add his perspective, though, and thanked him for it. As I said, Tiny showed a different side here from the one he shows in his Tiny-centric projects.

Whew. It's a toss up between this article and the Hawaiian Graffiti one for the "Topic That Will Not Die."

Posted by Brad on June 16, 2004 10:34 AM:

I met Joann Shin at a nightclub once and she was super great! Her voice isn't that high or that bad. And she was so gorgeous and nice. I really like her.

She was with Steph Lum who seemed extremely shallow and Narcissistic.

And since we're on the subject of KHNL Hawaii News 8 anchors, I think Diane Ako is a total hottie. Wish I could run into her at a club.

Posted by Kato on September 14, 2004 11:11 PM:

Diane Ako.... yum!
Joanne Shin.... yum!
Stephanie Lum.... bleah!
Kathy Muneno.... a walking stick!
Trini "Preggy" Kaopuiki.... Cop a feely!!
Tanya (Boyd) Joaquin... bleah!


Tiny Tadani.... Worst excuse of all time for a Hawaii TV "entertainer" or (lack of a) "personality". He sucks the big schlong! His radio show also sucked!! He is so into himself, he would suck his own boto if he could... but, then again, that's why they call him TINY!!

Posted by jen on October 7, 2004 3:01 PM:

who did kathy muneno get married to, when and where?

Posted by ET Spock on November 5, 2004 11:42 PM:

Has Emily Chang left KHON &/or Hawaii?

Posted by steve on January 15, 2005 2:27 PM:

kathy muneno is married to nainoa thompson.i think jodi leong is hot, has anyone seen the size of her tit*, theyre huge for a chinese girl. i know , shes a little older than joann shin, stphanie lum, and the rest of them but i fantasize about a night of hot loving with her. it looks like she needs a good -----.does anyone know her age and if shes married or ever was. i met tasha kobashigawa when she was working at anasias, shes got killer legs and shes friendly.she goes out with the rubber man.tirni is dizzy, by far the worst weather girl ever, shes not that pretty to. joann shin, tannya boyd, melisa uchida, stephanie lum alll hotties.

Posted by rowena on January 19, 2005 2:02 AM:

This thread is hilarious. Why isn't anyone writing anymore provocative topics like this?

Posted by miken boy on February 1, 2005 1:15 PM:

stephani lum is my favorite.......she is awesome!!!

Posted by new 8 on February 1, 2005 2:53 PM:

yup, jodi leong has a rack and i would love to play with those fun bags. however melisa uchida and stephanie lum has to be the most beautiful females on tv. its stroking time while the news is playing

Posted by new 8 on February 1, 2005 2:56 PM:

i forgot about joann shin and diane ako. news 8 has the most awesome chicks. i blow loads thinking of all of them

Posted by bamboza on February 27, 2005 1:46 AM:

man, you guys are funny! instead of just fantasizing, why not go up to them and tell them how you feel? i mean, be polite and all. i bet they'll be flattered. i bet they'd crack up if they read your postings!

Posted by yeah baby yeah on March 6, 2005 8:45 AM:

i gotta agree with all of yeah news eight is now spank myself news..they are the hottest set of repoters n damn they are fine.especially joann shin melisa uchida n steph lum..m-m-m so sexy hahaha

Posted by jennie goya on March 10, 2005 10:15 AM:

Why did Kathy Muneno leave KITV News?

Posted by ekolu on March 18, 2005 10:27 AM:

top 10 news hotties.....
1)joann shin (sweet,nice,beauty,hot solid bod)
2)tasha kobashigawa (eyes.legs,legs,did i say legs)
3)melisa uchida (top rack,another hot bod,gotta love them hapas)
3)marisa yamane (best hair,lot of bondo but what a looker)
4)tannya joaquin (just gotta love that face and bod)
5)stephanie lum (should be number 6 but younger than ako)
6)diane ako (bitchy in real life,but gotta love the look)
7)minna sugimoto (a lil wide load but still hot...)
8)trini kaopuiki (her looks faded as soon as she got married..but good bed warmer)
9)jodi leong (all rack)
10)jade moon (milf baby)

sometimes you gotta sacrifice eye candy for good reporting.

Posted by Fat Jeff on March 22, 2005 1:38 PM:

I used to gas on Trini Kapuiki...you know the "Trini-cop-a feelie" thing...then my wife informed me that Trini is a second cousin of hers. Needless to say I've dropped that...

May I suggest for the lists above, channel 4's Mahealani Richardson.

Posted by doppelganger on March 26, 2005 4:52 AM:

Melisa Uchida is HOT!!! What a HOTTIE!!! My personal favorite... :P~

Second place- Stephanie Lum

Posted by Ryan on April 2, 2005 8:22 PM:

Okay, this thread is nearly three years old. As HawaiiStories is transitioning to be a storytelling site, I'm putting this one to bed, and I encourage everyone looking to gossip about local celebrities visit the Na Kanaka area of the HawaiiThreads.com discussion board. Mahalo!

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