Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)


depot, to Mount Ureenwooa A More Aeeommodstlnc Policy on the Part Hannibal Hamlin and Maine Politics- Queens County Still Democratic ana Mount tiope at a ra. Mount Greenwood Cemetery-Office Sec-y SuP Mount Greenwood, 11L Washington su PERSONAL. of the Company wanrea. inn mm whif.h rvrnf between cars Oil Judge Lewis Barker of Bangor, is at the Mount Hope Cemetery-City omce 1UW ve the North State street line cannot be due to Grand Pacific The Judge is one of the leading Building, corner Clark and Jackson-sis. the inexperience of new men or me careiess- oM nni ThprB never been un- Republican politicians of Maine, is an ex-Speaker of the House of Representatives, ana not only has the pleasing ways of the "gentle Graceland and Calvary Funeral Train or Milwaukee.

A St. Paul Railway leave. Un on (Madison and Canal-sts.) dally at U.M p. m. Mr.

J. Lindsley and Mr. Peter Van Schaack of this city were among the passengers tor Europe on the Saale Wednesday. IN GENERAL. ucaa v.

der the old management or the presendireo- i i ai.a 1.1. n.Mnt. -37fl WpAt men of the old school," but affects the magnificent ruffled shirt and solitaire diamond. F. R.

LAWLOR CO. ANNOUNCE A tion any serious enueavor iu Keep iuo on schedule time. They leave the barns in brems At tne residence 01 Louis Brems, aged 18 years 7 months and 4 days, son of John Brems. ki0. kS.r.or.i w.

at 1 o'clock, by carriages to "What was the trouble with ex-Vice-President Hamlin at the recent election?" was asked the Calvary Cemetery. Judge. the morninsr at regular intervals ana get back on the final trips at night probably a little earlier than the schedule requires. During the twelve intervening hours the puolic 1 trt tne 5 vears 4 of Harry H. and Jennie M.

Curtis, aged years Silly old man," replied Judge Barker with a Lieutenant of Police John Mahoney was yesterday transferred Irom Twelfth street to the Harrison Street Station. Serjft. Peter Bannon is made Acting Lieutenant at Twelfth street vice John E. Mahoney, transferred. Marshall W.

Carter has sold thirty-five acres on the southwest corner of Madison street GREAT COMBINATION SALE smile. Mr. Hamlin's predominating characteristic is his stanch adherence to the cause of his niontns a days, uiea ucu Funeral Monday, Oct. 22. at 10 a.

from nis parents' residence. No. 632 Blue to Calvary that depenus on mem must uo it honiuina tn PAmA alnnC. I friends. It governs him, controls his views, and Thtrteenth- iaK6 a tar tvucu iu uaiswuo not infrequently happens that citizens can makes him the enemy of all who go contrary to cuMMiGAt nis p-be.

his wishes in this respect. Mr. Hamnn desirea ano Central avenue lor $70,000 to a Milwaukee Antoine Guinet Cie. Celebrated walk irom any puiulsuulu ui ham', nvsrtilron hv a car. It WOUld syndicate, who will place the property on the tne election of his friena Maroie as a delegate the nominating convention that sent Mr.

market after subdividing it. be better, perhaps, if they should always do loved husband of Jennie Field aKd 4a Funeral Monday, Oct. 22, at 9:30 a. m. from his late residence to the Holy Family Church wh ere hiKh mass will be celeorated, thence by carriages to cai vary.

The temperature yesterday, as observed by 80 BUT oau weauier uuu iu ujcg m'sr engagements the cars are required as a Burleigh to the Gubernatorial chair, but in tnis he was frustrated at every point. When election day arrived Mr. Hamlin went to the polls and voted the Republican ticket, but scratched Manasse, optician (Tribune Building), was as BLACK K-san Francisco papers piewo i lt irn -17 B-jft a. John W. iiecKer, ILKS matter of necessity.

follows: 8 a. 36" above zero; 9 a. 33; 10 a. 39 11 a. 41 12 42 1 p.

43 3 p. Mr. Burleigh's name. His action created con aged 72 years 1 month and 3 days. snnria Vunoral from th residence, 330 Sunday.

It was hoped mat witn tne running oi iuo cable on Clark street the State street service i Thik hrirw baa not been 6 p. iru, 41. Barometer: 8 a. 29.52; sternation from one end oi Maine to tne otner, but evervbody up our way knows of Mr. Ham Oct.

21, at 1 o'clock. Friends and relatives are in 6 p. 29.72. vited without further nonce. I)OYLE-Oct.

19, Julia, beloved daughter of Patrick and Johanna Do vie. nee Sucna, aged i years and 6 lin's peculiarities and allowed him to snow nis indignation over the defeat of his cherished WUU1U fulfilled. The bridge has been the convenient pretext for most ofthe irregularity. Any i -n f'lurli- ctrppt. nr Division hones without protest." H.

C. Morey Co. report the sale of the southeast corner of Harrison and Wood streets. 133x120 to the Chicago College of Dental Surgery, Which way are you traveling' "Funeral Sunday, Oct. 21.

from 113 to Northwestern depot, by cars to Calvary. I 1, Dpt. 1111 UCU11UCU street or any other thoroughfare north oi I am just from inaianapoiis, ana wniie mere who will erect thereon one of the finest colleges of the kind in the country. The purchase price 20, Frank J. Flrmenich, of typhoid-fever, atujr a brief the river nas Dee.n sumcieut i uciar State street cars without the slightest regard for the accommodation of their patrons.

of the above property was 817,000. Illness. called on Gen. Harrison, with whom 1 have stumped several States in years gone by. The Attorney General of the State was present, and 1 was surprised to hear from the reports all over the State that Indiana was surely going Repub Joseph R.

Buchanan, the well-known labor WBuffalo (N. papers please copy. FRKCH John Freeh, 25 years The Dr'uge aeiays are uuavumuuic. i n.niiiiiti Vino hiutn rnn siiirfil in everv agitator and editor, starts for New York City to AT PRICES NEVER BEFORE QUOTED. Lot One 49c worth $100 Lot Two 69c worth 1.25 Lot Three 89c worth 1.50 The above are unparalleled bargains, and.

cannot be duplicated late? SALE OF LYONS SILK PLUSHES. LOT 1125 Pieces at 49c worth 75c. LOT 2 200 Pieces at 69o worth $1.00. LOT 3175 Pieces at 98c worth and never before sold under $2.00. We have all new staple and desirable colors in the above.

AND lira lican next month. Gen. Harrison expressed Mineral irom tne North Thursday, Oct. 23, at 1 clock p. morrow, where he has accepted a position on the UI IUO uujvu.

aspect, and the present ordinance is un- 1 aa ETTIE ROBINSON. Her Mother's Letter to Seven Sutherland Sisters. himself as perfectly confident of this result." Gravhic. Buchanan is an old newspaper man Will the Prohibitionists injure tne success oi to orest itoiue. GORMAN Grace Ignore Gorman, fourth daughter of James and Ellen Gorman, at her borne, Uenry-stj.

witii a varied experience. His ventures in the field of labor iouraalism have not been marked the Republicans in Maine?" Not a particle. The Prohibitionists have ac douoteaiy as juuiviuus uu cuilou, between watermen and landsmen, as any that can be devised. With a little cordiality toward the pub.ic whose franchise he now enjoys Mr. Yerkes could easily overcome the AnnA.mnr.A OTli.h IB i nTl 1 0.

fit ft At. the by financial success and he proposes to abandon fr uneral at 1U a. m. monuay lo by carriages to Calvary. it.

KAY Oct. 20, 1HS8. John Kay. agea years. complished all the power they ever will to any political party.

There are a few old cranks still pegging away at a third party movement, but they get no recruits. Neal Dow, I see, is attending a convention of the W. C. T. U.

a fitting place for him." 11 11W. tfcLlV Whenever cars are to be delayed there lor Dr. Martin Phillips, who is charged with enticing a 14-year-old girl, Sadie Lawrence, away Irom her home. No. 640 Blue Island avenue, and liviner with her for a month, was held under $500 ruiitnti iruiu com." Oct.

23, at 2 p. by carriages to oakwoods Cemetery. MARVIN The funeral of the late Carrie Marvin will take place today tSunday at 1 p.m. Irom 4, a Webster-av. by carriages to Roschill.

any unusual lengtn oi nine ict uim mi ffrr hin 1 -i trt 1 :1 lin th.3 ADVISE AN IMMEDIATE SELECTION. v-ii r. Tmto unriu.ii H- White. The mrl ana ti UUC3 AvAi -J schedule time and run in the redundant de Ex-Congressman John H. Piatt, formerly of OL1NLAN At her home, alo S.

oct. Veronica, beloved daughter of Edward and Catherine Quinlan. WnW Familr her companion, Euima Novak, were fined $100 each and the tine suspended at the request of layed cars on me next trip norm. Tne same accommouawng exycuieui suuum rt.l to whenever the regular trip their relatives. unerai wu Church, li flue by carriages to Calvary Cemetery.

Virginia but now of Jamaica, L. is at the Pacific. He says Queens County is a Democratic one still, but he and ex-Delegate McCormick of Arizona, who also claims New Yoris as his home, alternate in running for An entertainment for the benefit of the Protective Agency for Women and Children will cars are delayed for any other reason. Witn stf rrtM Jl Tl (i The Close I Milwaukee papers yieMc tuuj. SUMMERS At her residence, ttio South Jefferspn- SALE of BLACK and COLORED DRESS GOODS.

50 Pieces 54-in. All-Wool Ladies Cloths, colors Navy, Brown, anl Black, 39o would be a bargain at 75c (EXAMINE THIS.) 150 Pieces Heavy Habit Cloths, 44-in. wide, 49c worth $1.00 ceim. Oct. l'J, at p.

Mrs. Ellen bummers, agea ot be Eiven at the Madison Street Theatre uct s. of navigation the bridge will cease to be the i.i cri-ff rw at 10 a. will rwrformed two comedies, A Mer- Congress, and every year their prospects crow brighter and brighter. Either one or the rv Meetins" and "Peculiar Proposals," by the Irequent Darner mat it is now.

uui wiur interruption on the streets in the North to Sacred Heart Church, thence to Im ago, Mil ine broadcloth finish. Misses May, Loring and, Prussing, and Messrs. waukee pu 1'aul It. It. uepoi, uy ins io v.i,.

j. i i ul rpvantvdmnit-lt other will win some day or give the Democrats a good deal of trouble. At Glen Cove, where the great starch works are located, Mr. Piatt says the Wendell, Gardiner, Ferris Elliott, anu jaiuesuu. Division is too iammar justify auy expectation that with the permanent closing of tha )-t llitricmn fap Will iu1- il of whom have placed tnemseives unuer mo usual Democratic majority will go tne omer way, SALE IN CLOAK DEPARTMENT.

come as regular as witn a little vigilauco and i. i irLA Saturday morning. Ocu 2a li. at 11:40, Collins o. Suuiers, aged years.

Funeral from lmmanuel Baptist Church at 2:30 p. m. Monday. SULLIVAN At Rochester. N.

Oct. 18, May. aged is years, beloved daughter of Ellen M. and the so bitter are the workmen at the Democratic attempts to bring about free trade. Sam Brainerd, ex-member of the Railroad and 166 Lister Seal Plush Sacques, quilted satin lining-, four sealskin loops, chamois pockets, positively worth $20 For this week, $ia 190 Walker's Seal Plush, wear-resisting, warranted best goods, handsomel? generosity mey migut oe uiaue.

iuo that at the southern termini of the North Division lines there are no shelters for the waiting hundreds on Wells, Clark, or State street makes it the more incumbent on the monucrpmfint. of those linea to insure the Warehouse Commission, has just returned from Pittsboro, seventeen miles from Indianapolis. direction of Mr. John Stapleton. Jack Carkeek, the Cornish wrestler, was taken into custody by Detectives Miller and Murtha yesterday on a requisition from Wisconsin.

He is wanted in Darlington, for swindling John J. Jennings of Fayette, out of $375 by means of a "fake" running match with McMillan, who was the stakeholder in the Carkeek-Oollins-Van Praag affair in this city two weeks ago, for which all the parties are now under bonds on charges of conspiracy. Deputy-Sheriff Reinisch starred for Wisconsin with Carkeek vesterday afternoon. late otneer jaines uuivan. uuu utcwvi m.

and Mrs. Lucy Hayes of Chicago. tit*an Francisco papers please copy. SMITH At 188 South Joseph Corron Smith, of typhoid-pneumonia, aged 50 years. Til I.Mr; Oct.

20, ls at her residence, 281 West Mrs. A. K. Thinie, aged years 'i luonths and 11 days. Funeral notice hereafter.

t3f Racine papers please copy. lined and nnisnea, genuine seal loops, lengtn 42 44 in, 46 sizes 32 to 46 in. bust $22.50, $25, $31.50, $35 Each and every garment worth 30 per cent more. regularity and frequency of the cars. Cleveland's majority in the town, he said, was forty-one.

A canvass had been made, and the town now stands for Harrison by a majority of fourteen. One man was still in doubt, but tne THE WILL MAKBY A NEGRO. Chicago, 111., Oct. 15th, 1888. Seven Sutherland Sisters Dear Ladies: It gives me great pleasure to state for the benefit of the public (as well as for your own) that your Hair-Grower and Scalp-Cleaner certainly is a most wonderful preparation, which will do all you promise.

For two years one of my little girls was taking all kinds of medicine for swollen glands, and after a surgical operation was performed on her for the same her hair was falling out and stopped growing. One year ago, while passing through New York for California, I bought two (2) bottles of your Hair-Grower and the Scalp-Cleaner, and after using it as per directions I am happy to say (and so will anybody who will see her personally or see her photograph) that her hair has grown over twenty (20) inches in less than one year, and her hair now is as thick and as glossy as it could possibly ever be. You are at liberty to refer any ladies to me who might question the genuineness of this letter and I shall cheerfully tell them my personal experience with your Hair-Grower and Scalp-Cleaner. Yours respectfully, MRS. M.

ROBINSON, 136 Park Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Republicans had hopes of him. Mr. Brainerd saia that the talk of the Democrats to the effect that the Republicans were going Seal Plush Jackets, Modjeskas, Wraps, Raglans, and Newmarkets at equally low prices. Cloth Newmarkets' Jackets, Wraps, Modjeskas, Raglans, Ulsters, and Paletots in endless variety.

175 handsome Braided Cloth Newmarkets, good value for $15, during this 11, lt-s, William Wallace Wotherspon, in the tisth 1. A scholarly address was delivered before the Institute of Education yesterday morning at Miss Elvide De Plae Says She Will Marry Her Lover Kven If He Is I'-laek. St. jVacl, Oct 20. Special.

In the District Court a remarkable case is be-in savagely contested by both parties inter to colonize negro voters was like the cry of the poker-sharp who had a fine hand under the table, and when his opponent stole the cards the sharper cried out. AXNOUS CEM ETS. the Madison Street Theatre by A. E. Winship, Ariitnr of tha Aew Enaland Journal of Kdiication.

sale gio Misses' and Children's Cloaks from 4 to 16 years, from S3 nn stop the game there cneating going on. 11 the Republicans got ahead of the Democrats in Indiana in ways that were dark they would have CHICAGO DIVISION, NO. U. It. K.

OF P. ALL members are notified to attend the meeting Monday evening. Oct. 22, to make arrangements lor the funeral of Bro. Joseph Smith.

J. J. CAIRNS, Captain. P. ODLIN, Recorder.

ested. A hurley colored man named John Stuart, with a black face, is standing trial Ladies' Suits and Tea Gowns from $6 up Beaver Shawls from $2.50 up Boston. His theme was Genius and Circ*mstance in Education." He explained the various modern eduoational methods employed in dealing with children from 5 to 18 years of age. The boy of 9, he said, had a perfect and insatiable craving for facts, while the boy of 14 was ana- to get up early in the morning. on the charge of abducting little divide ue Dr.

W. O. Blaisdell of Macomb is in the city. Plae, aged 14. Sue is a pretty schoolgirl in lvtic.

At tne latter ae the youth thought he DR. HOMER M. THOMAS WILL LECTURE ON Pulmonary Consumption before the Polytechnic society, at lob 1'wenty-nftn-su, cor. Sunday at 11 a. SALE IN BLANKETS.

was a vountr man and knew it alL He should He says the town four years ago gave Cleveland a majority of one. Two years ago Tanner tied it; and last year Congressman Gest, the Republican, carried it by 340 majority. This year the not be undeceived, as it would hurt his seif-re-spect and make him shut up like an oyster. A Narrow Kscape for the Officer. MED1NA1I TEMPLE, A.

A. O. N. M. next meeting of the Shrine will take place Friday evening, Nov.

23. at o'clock, at 78 Monroe-su ART1N HOWARD, 32-, Sultana. FRANK M. LCCE, 32. Katif.

10-4 Wool Blanket, Leader, pair $2.50 10-4 Wool Blanket, Leader, pair $3.25 10-4 All-Wool Scarlet Blanket "$2.50 10-4 All Pure Wool Blankets, White Sovereign 8375 majority would be increased to 600. Democrats were offering two votes for Fifer for one for Officer John Downegan of the Hinman Street Station arrested two suspicious characters on Ashland avenue Friday night. They gave the Prentiss, Mr. Gest's opponent. EPUBLICAN MEETINGS FOR MONDAY.

OCT. 22. State Auditor Swigert, who was around politic 11- 4 All Pure wool manicets, White Sovereign $4.93 12- 4 All Pure Wool Blankets, White, extra heavy, Sovereign $5.95 Arlingtton Heights Temperance Hall Speak short dresses, living on the est Side. 1 ne remarkable point in the case is that the prirl stoutly stands by the darkey, says he is innocent, and swears she loves him dearly. Further than this, she declares that she left home willing to go with him, and will marry him the hrst opportunity she has.

The trial has created a profound sensation and has brought to light some curious and repulsive facts. The girl's fatner does not object to the match because Stuart is black, but simply because his daughter is too young to marry. Mr. De Plae has another older daughter who is at present the wife of a colored man. The girl, in telling her own story, said that she and Stuart had been unduly intimate.

She first met him last summer, and mey arranged clandestine meetings frequently. Finally he names of Ike Davidson and Kichard Devere. A double action revolver was found in the right coat pocket of each. They were identified by Nicholas Lewis of No. 2010 Archer avenue as the men who entered his store Oct.

15 and under cover of a revolver robbed him of $29 and a gold watch and chain. When Davidson's revolver al headquarters yesterday, was asked about the opposition to the assessments made by the Board of Equalization. He said: "Chicago people ought not to object. Equalization as fixed by the Board is certainly not burdensome SALE IN LINEN DEPARTMENT. in view of tne value.

Cticatro people ougnt to was examined it was discovered that two cart Bleached All Linen Table Damask 29c, cheap at 403 Extra heavy Loom Damask, Satin finish 50c, worth 75o 3-4 All Linen Damask Napkin $1.19, worth $L5Q ridges had been struck by the hammer without exploding. It is thought he tried to shoot bear in mind that the old towns are degenerating and that property in them is depreciating, while Chicago is constantly growing and property is in This Child can be seen at our Parlors, 185 State-st. (Palmer House). ers, Joel M. Lougenecker, Charles hippo, and A.

W. Bodell. Wilmette Roya lArcanum Hall Speakers George W. Kretzinger and Edward T. Cahlll.

KilieeniU Ward Khcka's Hall, SUtf West North-av. Speakers, Col. A. Hlggina, S. A.

Reynolds, and W.J. Luddy. Town of Lake Sivore's Hall, corner State and 4.3d-sts. speakers, Edward Ms tier. Col.

Richard Burke, Capt. Pat McGiath, and Arnold Heap. Lake Vie Radike'a liall.S!Ciybourn-av. Speakers, Lmil Dieusch, N. A.

Miller, and E. S. Metcalf. Seventh Ward Schmidt Hall, 772 South Ualsted-t. Speakers, Hugh Hogan, and others.

Thirteenth Ward Executive Committee meeting of the Thirteenth Ward Republican Club. Business of importance. Eighteenth Ward Grand Republican mass meeting at Berry's Hall, corner Sanganion-st. and Wasmng-ton Boulevard, Monday eveuirig, Oct-22. Speakers, Hon.

Wm. E. Mason, G. N. Humphrey of Utica, N.

Y-, and W. C. Plummer of Dakota. Will be held under the auspices of the Welsh National Republican Club. Everybody invited.

through his pocket at Officer Pcwnegan. A Bookkeepers Association. creasing in value year by year. to far as personal property is concerned nobody pretends that anything like a fair tax is paid on it." An Informal meeting of a number of bookkeep proposed, she accepted him, and they went to Prescott to get married. Their journey was accomplished in a skill.

They were not SPECIAL. ers was held last evening for the purpose of con Maj. W. L. Alexander of Iowa, who was here married, as those in authority at Prescott re with the Executive Committee of the National sidering the propriety of organizing a society for ths promotion of technical knowledge, social in 170 pairs Lace Curtains, bought at a job, for 98c, $1.19, $1.89, $2.59, $3.25, worth at least half as much more.

These prices will continue for the entire week. Republican Convention, is in the city. He says fused to perform the ceremony. ITEMS OF INTEREST. tercourse, among its members, it was decided to hold another meeting to perfect such an organization, and a hearty invitation was extended to all members of the profession inter that the railroads are fighting the Railroad Commissioners in Iowa, and that the last act of the State Legislature giving the State fixed powers and enabling the Commissioners to fix rates SEVEN SUTHERLAND SISTERS.

Yesterday in front of the State Btreet dry ested in such a movement. Those desiring further was having its effect politically. While the Republican State ticket might meet with losses, tne F. R. LAWLOR MADISON AND Information regarding the matter can obtain it by sending their names and addresses to B.

M. Payne, No. 423 West Fourteenth street, or E. A. Worthington, No.

307 West Monroe street. Cable-Car Accidents. Presidential ticket wouiu oe camea oy oia-time majorities. goods house of John W. G-oetz known as the City of Paris Store, swayed an admiring crowd of ladies.

For hours they came and they went, yet the crowd was always there; inside the store was packed with customers. On the outside, on a raised plat Stephen Decatur Fisher of Springfield says A Wells street cable-train ran into a Went-worth avenue street-car at Monroe and Clark that the Colored Democratic Club of that town, over which the Democrats have boasted so much, form in an alcove handsomely draped with IPUE NEXT MEETING OF THE WESTERN RA1L-L way Club will be held in the Phenix Building, opposite Grand Pacific Hotel, on Tuesday, Oct. 23, at 2 p. m. The subjects for discussion will bo: Circulation of Water in Locomotive Boilers." A discussion of the paper presented by Mr.

Johu liickoy at the last meeting. "Material lor Car Construction." A continuation of the discussion had at the last n.eeting. to be opened by Mr. J. N.

Barr, Chicago, Milwaukee St St. Paul Hy. "Car Heating by Steam." Mr. A. Schroyer, Chicago ik Northwestern will present some notes upon this subject.

A room has been secured for the club for the coming season in the Phenix Building, opposite the Grand Pacific Hotel, and it will be comfortably furnished. The club Is thus assured quiet and light quarters for its winter's work, and the attendance should In consequence be materially Increased. All are cordially invited to come. has dwindled down to five members. One of rich curtains, stood a handsome young lady Btreets yesterday morning.

The driver of the Wentworth avenue car foresaw the collision and hurried up his horses, so that only the rear plat them, the color-bearer, is a Republican, but says draped from her hat down in ribbons of every hue. That the picture was an artistic THE OLD RELIABLE FUR HOUSE he has got to carry the flag because the Democrats pay him $5 every time he turns out. form was damaged. There were only two or one was told by tne many Uhs! and Ahs I oi three passengers on the car and no one was hurt, TO EXPEDITE THE KAILS. Another cable-car accident took place at the corner of Dearborn and Monroe streets, only a the crowd, and as an adve-tising scheme was an unqualified success, and only goes to show what Chicago merchants can do when they block distant, at almost the same moment.

A Wells street grip ran into a horse and buggy Notice to the Public Assortine Second and hump themselves. KID GLOVES. owned by E. G. Y.

Collers No. 17 Canal There is no bread that equals Heissler Junge's Columbia. It is absolutely tne best, Third Class Matter. Postmaster Judd yesterday issued the fol street, and driven by one of their employes. The rear wheels were taken off the vehicle by the the sweetest, and the only bread made by STENSTROM STOLBA, MANUFACTURERS lowing notice to the Chicago business public: collision, but the driver escaped unhurt by machinery.

See that th6 trade-mark Col Owing to the large increase of mail matter re umbia is on every loaf. None other is gen jumping. The Vexed Cooking; Question ceived net ween the hours of 6 and 8 o'clock p. m. uine.

each day for transmission from this omce especially during the first six days of each month it The cooking question, so much discussed and which comes home to every one several times rpHE GRADUATES OF THE CHICAGO HIGH A School will meet for their annual banquet at the Sherman House Friday evening, the 26th on which occasion eminent speakers will address the meeting upon the subject of compulsory education and its advisability in this city and State. All graduates and former pupils of the old High School are invited. Tickets fur the banquet may be obtained from W. C. Scupham.

No. H3 Francis Squair, No. 5t7 W. Chas. J.

True, No. b26 W. E. H. King, corner VVabash-av.

and P. Cheney, corner Chicaso-av. arid or from the Treasurer, Chas. J. Kavanaugh No.

lit: i-a Salle-st. riMIE MARRIAGE OF MISS JENNIE BENNOR. 1 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Bennor, and Charles S.

Caryill will be solemnized Thursday evening. Oct. 25, at the residence of the bride's parents, Ajb The quality of Eureka Bread will retain its highest standard of purity and excellence, no matter how high the price of flour is. See daily, is at this time receiving practical illustra is at times lound impossible to separate and distribute a considerable portion of the same in time for the earliest departing mail trains. This office is well aware of the importance tions in Chicago.

Prof. Plan or yuincy, J.U., a THE WORLD'S BEST IN SEAL that every loaf has a tin tag bearing the let ters D. F. B. to the business public of forwarding such retired chef of well-known ability, has opened a cooking class at No.

563 North Clark street matter at the earliest practicable moment, and Dr. S. Henry Dessau advises the use of and is giving lectures that seem to be both suc every effort is made so to do. In order that this Kumyss in the secondary stages of infantile cessful and appreciated. One class of forty well diarrheas; for this Durpose liiode't Kurnysa SKIN GARMENTS AND FINE FUR NOVELTIES.

may be accomplisned, publishers ana business houses are respectfully requested to deposit as much of their mail matter as possible at the known ladies are said to be making such discoveries under the professor's instruction that ray. will be iound peculiarly suitable. their husbands and fathers are greatly envied by Yes, the Brabrook Tailoring Co. make Post-Office and in the mail boxes as early each their neiehbors. The professor proposes to es riMlK HUMBOLDT PARK HARRISON AND MOR-A ton Club of the Fifteenth Ward will have a grand Republican rally tomorrow evening at Klicka's Hall, No.

Wy West opposite Humboldt Park ladies' dresses as well as over garments, and they are simply elegant. Remember the day as they can, making a particular effort to do so before 5 o'clock p. thus affording more time for distribution. tablish a cooking school for cooks. A Benefit for Charlie Ked field' Widow.

VJ opccB niu until CBB U1V UlCCllDH. place, Adams Express Building. Beautifully redecorated and greatly en They are also requested to assort their second 100 Different Styles to Select From Mr. McVicker announces a benefit perform ance to be given at his theatre next Thursday larged. Prof.

Martina's Ada-st. Academy is THE YOUNG MEN'S HEBREW CHARITY AS-H-ciatton will open its annual fair at Battery 1) Armory Hall Saturday evening. Dec 8, and close the following Saturday evening with the usual grand annual charity ball. and third-class matter by States, according to the scheme given below. Mail matter is assorted at the Post-Office for dispatch by the afternoon for the relief of the widow and child now the finest and largest ball in tne West.

PARIS KID GLOVE DEPOT, AT CITY OF PARIS, Now 138 and 140 State-st'. ORIGINAL GLOVE-FITTERS. State-st. Our bargains consist of fresh gods, just imported. NO OLD JOB LOTS Bought for the occasion.

of Charlie Redfield, his late Treasurer. It was proper railway lines, and if publishers and busi We make every Garment we offer you A lady's toilet luxury Swinton's English mHK lIKVUH'HiTIi' ness houses will bag and label their second and TRAVELING MEN ARE i.i.,.,v r. Atte renilOstil tn miml at tha 1. i 1 1 generally supposed that Mr. Redfield was well provided, but Mr.

McVicker has lately learned for sale and make you them to order at tnird-class matter as thus requested, they will Primrose Perlume. Ask drugeist. All the popular periodicals at C. MacDon aid ci 55 Washington-st. that such is not the case, the widow being in im the same price we sell you out of our stock, day, Oct.

24, for permanent organization preparatory for parading before the election. GEORGE LORD, Chairman. HARRY Secrernrv. mucn simpiuy ana lessen tne laDor of mailing such matter at the Post-Office, and greatly facilitate the dispatch of the same. mediate need of assistance.

A M. Palmer's Madison Square Theatre Company have volun Remember, we are exclusive Furs the A Strange Penance. Illinois Bag separately and label "Illinois." leered, and will appear in one of their comedies. Mr. Joseph Jefferson will appear as Golightly in I Combine and label Iowa and Min- year round.

Minnesota. nesota." "Lend Me Five Shillings," and among a host of While I was in San Salvador I saw a strange sight in the street one feast-day. A man was undergoing penance by crawling from one church to another. Both churches were in the Indiana and label "Indiana and Volunteers a strong special bill is being made up. We have no other business to dep end ra Michigan." A Sheboygan Man's Shame, on during the summer months.

We can HnmhiiiB and lahol "Miacnnrl anrl Missouri same street, and the distance between them was A Sheboygan, sensation culminated in Chicago yesterday in the arrest for embezzle Wisconsin." Wisconsin. not afford to misrepresent you any article about half a mile. The man had on a white suit UOl. 1 Slate, Adams, and Dearbom-sts. ment oi r.

vv. jkockow. jae was living with a Mrs. Nehf, under the alias of F. W.

Brown of we offer you for sale. We do not keep of light unaerciotning, ana a white cap was drawn down over his face. He crawled, not on his hands and knees no; those who imposed the WK QUOTE TODAY: Maryland Combine and label "Ohio, etc." Ohio i Combine and label "Kentucky and Tennessee." Hamilton, Ont. Rockow was the Sheboygan any TRASH or LOW GRADE SEAL GAR MENTS. penance Knew a tricK wortn two of that he crawled on hi3 elbows and knees, and in thn Agent for the Esterly Harvesting Machine Company, a married man with three children, and a Pennsylv'a.

-Bag separately and label "Penn." Miscellaneous Alabama, Alaska Territory, respected citizen. Ten days ago he leaving nis wue anu cnuuren, ana it was then Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Con Beware of would-be Furriers that deal in everything from a Necktie to a $500 discovered that he was short in his ac necticut, Delaware, Florida, tieorgia, idano, Kansas Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts. Mis-lssippi. Montana Tarritory. Nevada, New Hamp counts.

The woman with whom he has been living witnessed his arrest and was much Sealskin Garment one that depends aight affected, it is said that Kockow has been re pre shire, New Jersey, New Mexico Territory, New 200 doz. 4-Button Real Kid, plain and embd. backs, Q1 Art PEg. all colors and sizes, worth up to $2.00. for 0L.JJ 30O dozen 5-Hook Foster, plain and embd.

backa. all Q1 A A PgR colors and sizes, worth up to $2.00, for At VU lOO dozen Gents' 2-Button Real Kid, all sizes and colors, worth $L50, for 'uu NOTE-AU the above lines offered are ONE-HALFtheir real value. We fit and guarantee all our Gloves. BETTER GRADES and HIQ EST STANDARD QUALITIES kept in full assortment at equally low as the above prices. months of the year on a Cloak or Dry senting himself to her as an unmarried man.

He will be held until the Sheriff arrives with the York, North Carolina, Oregon, Knode island, South Carolina, Texas, Utah Territory, Ver Goods business for a living and handles requisition. A Chinese Case In Conrt. Furs for four months on COMMISSION for mont, Virginia, Washington Territory, West Virginia, Wyoming Territory. The senders of such mail matter are specially requested, where they have as much as one-iourth of a bag of matter for any of these States ana Territories, or for the District of Columbia, to some Eastern jobbing house, and thus does Jimmy it oung, an intelligent Celestial, claims that Friday night he was robbed in a Chinese len at No. 320 Clark street of $95 in money and a silver watch.

The police located the robbers in not know the qua'ity of the garment him bag the same separately, labeling the bag with the nrooer direction. Where there is less than self he wishes you to buy. STENSTROM one-fourth bag of matter for any particular des middle of the street, over the irregularly laid jagged stones. One or two women staid with the man and spread pieces of cloth to soften somewhat the hardness of the road. What was his sin I did not learn.

Overland Monthly. The Blaine Procession drew great crowds of people to Chicago who had not been here in many years, and it was amusing to hear the remarks of our visitors in noting the changes a few years had wrought in the appearance of the streets and buildings. State street was thronged all day. and the stores did a rushing business. Particularly was this noticeable at the northwest corner of State and Jackson streets.

"The Hub" clothiers had their store attractively draped with flags and pictures of Mr. Blaine. "The Hub" has crept into public favor amazingly fast considering the fact that this popular establishment has been established only eighteen months. Reliable clothing, hats, and furnishings at particularly low prices tells the tale of "The Hub's" great success. A Lady's Opinion of Sealskins.

"I have had three sealskin sacques since I was old enough to wear them," said a prominent society lady. "I regard them as indispensable in this climate, and think the last one is the neatest and handsomest fitting garment I ever saw I had it made by Mr. Chas. at No. 88 State street.

I think he is the most reliable furrier in Chicago." a gambling resort across the street. No. 265 Clark street, and raided the place, capturing twenty-nine inmates. Ah f*ck was bookeu STOLBA Warrant Every Garment they ignation, as indicated, all such matter may be bagged together and labeled "miscellaneous." Citv Matter Matter for delivery in the citv lor robbery and the rest as inmates. PARIS KID GLOVE DEPOT, NOW CITY OF PARIS, justice k.

a. White fined the inmates sell strictly Alaska Seal, London Dye. Salesroom First Floor. each and continued Ah f*ck's case should be bagged by itself and labeled "city." "Mail matter" is handled in the order of its receipt at the Post-Office first in, first out. In $500 bonds.

Both the complainant and defendant appeared with lawyers. Mr. Van Buren, attorney for Ah f*ck. conducted his 138 and 140 State-st. s.

uornixg judd, Postmaster. One Hundred and Twenty-Nine. The last triumph of the Chickermg Piano at 178 Wabash-av. (Successors to H. H.

BROMWELL CO.) client into the other court-room, where a warrant was secured from Justice Lyon for the arrest of Jimmy Young, also on a charge of robbery. Ah f*ck claiming that the stranger from Oregon had robbed his tul of $20 and the watch mentioned in the first charge of robbery. Justice Xyon continued the case in $500 bonds. Jimmy the Massachusetts Charitable Mecnanics' Association, ISfciS, where it again bore the first prize, after being submitted to a comparison xoung expressed a preference of going to jail as lie said he was fearful for his life from the with all the other leading pianos, making a total of one hundred and twenty-nine first prize medals bestowed upon it, is indicative of its continued superiority. inreats oi revenge whicn he had overheard.

Too Much Soothing Strap. Central Haste-Hall Hair Sift Switches, Carpets and Rugs. Malting, Ojlo.h,and Linoleum. Complete Stock of New Fall Patterns at Our Usual Low Prices. $1.10 yard.

"Wilton Velvets, extra quality new choice patterns, with borders. 90c yard. Horner Body Brussels, latest designs and colors, with borders. 50c yard. Smith Tapestry Brussels, new goods, variety patterns.

70c yard. Lowell Extra Supers, new choice patterns. 60c yard. All-Wool Two-Fly Ingrains, best quality-new, choice patterns. 45c yard.

Union Extra Supers, variety patterns. 30c yard. Good Cotton Ingrains. 12 Vzc yard. Good quality Hemp Carpet, 36 inches wide.

Rugs and Mats. $3.89 each. Bromley Son's Smyrna Rugs, size 36x72 in. $3.50 each. Chinese Sheepskin Rugs, size 36x72 in.

Sheepskin Mats $1.49 each Smyrna Mats 75c each Cocoa Out-Door Mats 25c each io7 and Linoleum, all widths. Up to 12 ft. wide, at our usual low prices. Carpets sewed and laid guarantee satisfaction, English Linoleum, 12 ft. wide.

70c sq. yd. in this list is included a grand medal nhtnincii MARRIAGE LICEXSES. miaui. oniiu oi Mrs.

A. Darron died on a Michigan Central passenger-train as it was en tering tne city yesterday morning, and some of at the great Exposition in London in 1851 the first grand gold medal of honor, and the supreme recompense, "The Imperial Cross of the Legion of Honor," at the Paris Exposition of 18t57, bestowed by the Emperor Napoleon only upon Chickering Sons, to the exclusion of one hundred and flftv-eieht other nmr.t. ne passengers declared that its death was due Bangs to an overdose of soothing sirup administered by one oi tne women passengers. The mother, with her children, was coming from Montreal to join her husband in this city. Darron, who is a machinist employed at the corner of Canal and Van Curls, itors; the first grand meoal and a special diploma of distinction at the trrat.

in. fjurcu streets, was notified and came to the depot. Exposition in Santiago de Chili. 175; the grand medal and diploma at the industrial exhi- Are the Best, IN THE ESSENTIAL QUALITIES OF Durability, Evenness of Point, and Workmanship. Sampler for trlsl of 12 different styles by mnil.on receipt of lO cents in etaiupa.

Aa'd lor card SafL xie wouia not take charge of the dead body of T.nri nftriv ami it uma oition at JNew South Wales, 1S79; and a first prize medal at everv world's fair until "a scut io me morgue. Will Send Her Son to Prison. Chickering has become known to the musical public as tne leaiHmate ttanuard of the iuuuu me diamonds in a thousand years if I hadn't told you where to net them, muttered Octave Choquet to the police officer when he was arraigned hpforo Or. Newell Co. are the sole agents in the Northwest for these instruments, and at their warerooms, No.

223 State street, can be seen the largest assortment of grands and uprights in mahogany, French walnut, satmwood, Hungarian The County Clert issued permits wed to the following couples yesterday, the parties living In Chicago where no other place of residence is given. Emanuel Peteraon, Eleonora Larson 21xi John Otto, Anna Trappe 2S 27 Sebastian Nessel, Ida Trappe 24 IS Heinrich Morits, Minnie Homier 27 2 J. S. Enkson. Lake View, Jennie 23 August Ahner, Colehour, Bertha V.

C. Landou same 2721 JOHeph fetoinski. Celia Zolecka 2H 21 Patrick j. O'Kourke. Katie Carey 2.

Si Jooet Wejvoda, Mary isar 2d 20 MalhiHs Kurdick, Mathilda E. Gosnman 2722 Siephen Black. Josephine Goldsoll 21 Frank Valence. Catherine lienor 2118 Adolph Henrichsen. Sijini Ouueo .2723 Charles Olsen, Ingebera Andresen 2tV 22 William Austerlitz, Kmilie Kaufman 2H li) Kmil ileidlemann, l.uke View, Anna Birk, same.25 2ri Horace B.

Krazier, Hattie E. triel 22 27 William Liska, 23 2U Olufa Aliuttren, Mrs. Sophia M. Lee 2rt 5l Henry Sternberg. Annie Mielcarek o2 27 Adolpb Meyer.

Mary Sager 27 'U Henry J. Lefever. Melaine Otaly 22 2it Walter Lopue. Mary Hatten Giovanni Sposato. una A.

Kiori 27 'r; S. R. lloaalund, Morgan Park, M. Cassidy, same.24 24 Edward Kane, Mary E. Ryan 2727 Samuel McMurran, Hote Dailey Johannes K.

Devoid, Betzy Larsen Si as Joseph Witucki, l.illie Lenety jj F. G. Johanson. Pullman. T.

M. Sundell, same Henry Pickart, Gertie Nelles 6 Otto Meiuke, Emilie 01 Gustav Larson, Alma Olson 5 2fi Rappaelo Galgano, Marls Demllt 2a 1 Peter Fetnen, Anns M. Propsem 2 Frank Ryoheuky. Anastasi Hint Anderson, Annie Johnson H. White yesterday morning on a charge of of diamonds OUUVuci tuu muueu tnem under a rail- Coils Matched in any shade Gray, Whte Blonde, and Mouse Colors all NA1U SHADES our specialty.

HIR DRESSING. CUTTING, CUW ING, and SHAMPOOING by compel Hair-Dressers. Our Store Is patronized by the best famUies of An? ica. WE CLAIM to have the best ed HAIR STORE in ths United Staw We solicit your patronage. B.

BURNHAM, ash, rosewood, and ebonized cases that have ever been on exhibition in this city. Lovers oi musical art should not fail to examine their magnificent stock of new Chickenngs. to Prosecute you sont" asked ana all speech impedii ments cured at world's Vocal InstituI tion, S. E. Cor.

vubivv nunc ui mauam noQuet. Her little black eyes snapped as she replied. uuu wu me peniten tiary. iwumgiuu ana mn- av. -T-A-M-M-E-R-I-N-Unr.

(I Rimkrjh tie was neia to the Criminal Court in Si, 000 First-class references. An Exerting Time. As Nov. 6 approaches both of the great political parties work with increasing enthusiasm to win popularity for their respective candidates. A make of bread grows in popular favor in a quieter way.

Mrs. Light says to Mrs. Heavy: Do you use nqiun Cream bread of the Aidrich make? It is the lightest, sweetest, and most delicious bread made." and thus the Aldriou bread gains another customer. i nere is no otner cologne so delicate and lasv- CAED. CHAS.

B. NEWTON, for a number cf year with the Herrick Hat Bouse, now of the firm of HEMEGEN NEWTON, 81 Madison-st. (Opposite SCcVickWa Theatre). Will be pleaaed to meet hie eld frlenda and cue- "lotnTS et hi uw location. ujb utrs mars cologne.

IS photos. 8 styles, tor la on. Kt Mrs. Henry H. Babco*ck's School 71 73 State-st riiB-av, Sena for Circular, Te'whona..

Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)


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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.