Amit Verma on LinkedIn: #innovation #techlearning #ai #cloudcomputing #freshtalent… (2024)

Amit Verma

Azure || SQL ll Python ll Power BI ll GitHub |l Prompt engg ll Excel || Founder Goal academy ll Marketing intern ll NSIT'22

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"The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible." -- Arthur C. ClarkeAs a passionate technologist and lifelong learner, this quote inspires me every day. In the rapidly evolving world of technology, pushing boundaries is essential for growth and innovation.While I am a fresher professionally, my journey has been fueled by a relentless curiosity and eagerness to learn. Whether diving into the intricacies of AI, exploring the vast possibilities of cloud computing, or tackling new programming challenges, I am committed to going beyond the possible to discover new horizons.Life has taught me that every challenge is an opportunity to grow and innovate. With a strong foundation in tech and a mindset geared towards continuous learning, I am excited to contribute to and learn from the dynamic tech community.For fellow aspiring technologists and innovators, let's embrace the unknown, challenge ourselves, and push the limits of what we believe is possible. Together, we can shape the future of technology.#Innovation #TechLearning #AI #CloudComputing #FreshTalent #ContinuousLearning #FutureOfTechLet's push the boundaries and create the extraordinary! 🚀💡

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  • Amit Verma

    Azure || SQL ll Python ll Power BI ll GitHub |l Prompt engg ll Excel || Founder Goal academy ll Marketing intern ll NSIT'22

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    🌟 Day 7: Advanced SQL - Aggregate Functions and Grouping🌟Welcome to Day 7 of our SQL Revision Challenge! Today, we'll explore aggregate functions and grouping, which are essential for summarizing and analyzing data.🔍Key Concepts to Explore:1.Aggregate Functions: - COUNT:Counts the number of rows in a result set. 📊 Example: SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_employees FROM Employees; - Explanation:Counts the total number of employees in the Employees table. - SUM:Adds up the values in a specified column. - 📊Example: SELECT SUM(salary) AS total_salary FROM Employees; - Explanation: Calculates the total sum of salaries for all employees. - AVG: Calculates the average value of a specified column. 📊 Example: SELECT AVG(salary) AS average_salary FROM Employees; - Explanation:Computes the average salary of all employees. -MAX: Finds the maximum value in a specified column. 📊Example: SELECT MAX(salary) AS highest_salary FROM Employees; - Explanation:Retrieves the highest salary from the Employees table. - MIN:Finds the minimum value in a specified column. - 📊 Example: SELECT MIN(salary) AS lowest_salary FROM Employees; - Explanation:Retrieves the lowest salary from the Employees table.2. GROUP BY Clause: - Purpose:Groups rows that have the same values in specified columns into summary rows, like "total salary by department." 📊Example: SELECT department_id, SUM(salary) AS total_salary FROM Employees GROUP BY department_id; -Explanation:Groups employees by department and calculates the total salary for each department.3.HAVING Clause: - Purpose:Filters groups based on a condition, similar to the WHERE clause but for groups. 📊 Example: SELECT department_id, SUM(salary) AS total_salary FROM Employees GROUP BY department_id HAVING SUM(salary) > 50000; - Explanation:Groups employees by department and only includes departments where the total salary exceeds 50,000.4.Combining GROUP BY with Aggregate Functions: 📊 Example: SELECT department_id, COUNT(*) AS num_employees, AVG(salary) AS average_salary FROM Employees GROUP BY department_id; - Explanation:Groups employees by department, counting the number of employees and calculating the average salary in each department.5. Nested Aggregate Functions: 📊 Example: SELECT department_id, MAX(salary) AS highest_salary, MIN(salary) AS lowest_salary FROM Employees GROUP BY department_id; - Explanation:Groups employees by department and finds the highest and lowest salary in each department.#SQLChallenge #AdvancedSQL #DataAnalysis #LearnSQL#Azure #Cloud #Database#infiniteamitLet's continue this SQL journey together! 💪💻✨

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  • Amit Verma

    Azure || SQL ll Python ll Power BI ll GitHub |l Prompt engg ll Excel || Founder Goal academy ll Marketing intern ll NSIT'22

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    "Thrilled to announce a new milestone in my learning journey! Just earned my 🌟 🌟 🌟 third star on HackerRank, a testament to dedication and perseverance in honing my problem-solving skills. Currently immersing myself deeper into SQL, unlocking its intricacies to master data querying and database management. Open to exciting opportunities, where I aim to apply my skills in crafting innovative and scalable solutions. Additionally, my passion for data analysis and business strategy drives me towards roles where I can leverage insights for informed decision-making.Keen to explore new horizons and collaborate on impactful projects. Let's connect and explore possibilities together! #HackerRank #SQL #Azure #DataAnalysis #BusinessStrategy #OpenToWork"

    Amit kumar verma (vamit6954) on HackerRank


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  • Amit Verma

    Azure || SQL ll Python ll Power BI ll GitHub |l Prompt engg ll Excel || Founder Goal academy ll Marketing intern ll NSIT'22

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    Sharing valuable insights! I've attached a comprehensive guide to Generative AI Prompt Engineering. Covering fundamentals, best practices, and more! Thanks to the creator for sharing!#GenerativeAI #PromptEngineering #AIforEveryone #KnowledgeSharing

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  • Amit Verma

    Azure || SQL ll Python ll Power BI ll GitHub |l Prompt engg ll Excel || Founder Goal academy ll Marketing intern ll NSIT'22

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    Exciting News!I'm thrilled to announce that I've completed the "Generative AI: Prompt Engineering" course by IBM!This comprehensive course covered a wide range of topics, including:- Fundamentals of generative AI and prompt engineering- Designing effective prompts for language models- Understanding prompt syntax and semantics- Working with popular generative AI models like ChatGPT and DALL-E- Ethical considerations and responsible AI practicesThrough this course, I gained hands-on experience in crafting high-quality prompts that can elicit accurate and informative responses from generative AI models. I'm now equipped to harness the power of generative AI to:- Streamline content creation and data analysis tasks- Enhance customer experience with personalized chatbots and virtual assistants- Stay ahead of the curve in the fast-changing technology landscapeI'm eager to apply my newfound knowledge and skills to drive innovation and efficiency in my work. If you're interested in exploring the possibilities of generative AI, let's connect and learn from each other!#GenerativeAI #PromptEngineering #IBM #AIforEveryone #TechEnthusiast #ContinuousLearning #Innovation

    • Amit Verma on LinkedIn: #innovation #techlearning #ai #cloudcomputing #freshtalent… (8)


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  • Amit Verma

    Azure || SQL ll Python ll Power BI ll GitHub |l Prompt engg ll Excel || Founder Goal academy ll Marketing intern ll NSIT'22

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    Staying Ahead in the Tech Game: Why Continuous Learning is KeyHey 🙋♂️ fellow tech enthusiasts!As we navigate the fast-paced world of technology, it's easy to get caught up in the excitement of new innovations and breakthroughs. However, in order to truly thrive in this field, it's essential to prioritize one crucial aspect: continuous learning.As a data analyst, cloud engineer, or any other tech professional, you know that the landscape is constantly evolving. New tools, technologies, and methodologies emerge every day, and it's up to us to stay ahead of the curve.Why Continuous Learning Matters:1. Stay Relevant: The tech field is notoriously competitive, and if you're not continuously learning, you risk becoming obsolete.2. Career Advancement: Upskilling and reskilling are essential for career growth and promotions.3. Problem-Solving: Continuous learning enables you to tackle complex problems and stay adaptable in a rapidly changing environment.4. Networking: Engaging with others in the learning community expands your professional network and opens doors to new opportunities.5. Personal Growth: Learning new skills and expanding your knowledge boosts confidence and enhances your overall professional journey.How to Prioritize Continuous Learning:1. Set aside dedicated time for learning(e.g., online courses, tutorials, podcasts)2. Attend conferences, webinars, and workshops3. Join online communities and forums (e.g., LinkedIn groups, Reddit)4. Read industry blogs and books5. Experiment with new tools and technologiesIn conclusion, continuous learning is the key to unlocking success in the tech field. Embrace the journey, stay curious, and keep learning!#ContinuousLearning #TechEnthusiast #DataAnalyst #CloudEngineer #CareerGrowth #PersonalGrowth #TechCommunity

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  • Amit Verma

    Azure || SQL ll Python ll Power BI ll GitHub |l Prompt engg ll Excel || Founder Goal academy ll Marketing intern ll NSIT'22

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    🌟 Day 6: Advanced SQL - Joins and Subqueries 🌟🔍 Key Concepts to Explore:1. Joins: - Inner Join: Combines rows from two tables where there is a match in both tables. - 📊 Example: SELECT, Departments.department_name FROM Employees INNER JOIN Departments ON Employees.department_id =; - Explanation: Retrieves employee names and their corresponding department names where the department ID matches in both tables. - Left (Outer) Join: Returns all rows from the left table and matched rows from the right table. Unmatched rows from the right table will have NULL values. - 📊 Example: ```sql SELECT, Departments.department_name FROM Employees LEFT JOIN Departments ON Employees.department_id =; - Explanation: Retrieves all employee names and their department names, including employees without a matching department. - Right (Outer) Join: Returns all rows from the right table and matched rows from the left table. Unmatched rows from the left table will have NULL values. - 📊 Example: SELECT, Departments.department_name FROM Employees RIGHT JOIN Departments ON Employees.department_id =; - Explanation:Retrieves all department names and the employee names, including departments without any employees. - Full (Outer) Join:Returns rows when there is a match in one of the tables. Unmatched rows will have NULL values. - 📊 Example: SELECT, Departments.department_name FROM Employees FULL OUTER JOIN Departments ON Employees.department_id =; - Explanation: Retrieves all employees and department names, including unmatched rows from both tables.2. Subqueries: - Subqueries in SELECT:A subquery inside a SELECT statement. - 📊 Example: SELECT name, (SELECT department_name FROM Departments WHERE = Employees.department_id) AS department_name FROM Employees: - Explanation:Retrieves employee names and their department names using a subquery. - Subqueries in WHERE: A subquery to filter results. - 📊 Example: SELECT name FROM Employees WHERE department_id = (SELECT id FROM Departments WHERE department_name = 'Sales'); - Explanation:Retrieves names of employees who belong to the 'Sales' department. - Subqueries in FROM:Using a subquery as a temporary table. - 📊 Example: SELECT department_name, COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT department_id FROM Employees) AS EmployeeDepartments JOIN Departments ON EmployeeDepartments.department_id = GROUP BY department_name; - Explanation:Counts the number of employees per department using a subquery as a derived table. 🚀 #DataAnalysis #LearnSQL#infiniteamit

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  • Amit Verma

    Azure || SQL ll Python ll Power BI ll GitHub |l Prompt engg ll Excel || Founder Goal academy ll Marketing intern ll NSIT'22

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    Mastering MS Azure: Key Concepts to Elevate Your Cloud GameHey fellow tech enthusiasts!As we continue to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of cloud computing, it's essential to stay ahead of the curve with MS Azure. With its vast array of services and tools, Azure offers unparalleled flexibility and scalability for modern applications. However, to truly unlock its potential, one must grasp the fundamental concepts that drive this powerful platform.In this post, we'll delve into the top 10 technical terms that every Azure expert should know:1. Virtual Machine (VM): A virtualized computer environment running on Azure's infrastructure, ideal for lift-and-shift migrations and legacy app support.2. Storage Account: A secure account for storing and accessing data in Azure, offering durable and highly available storage for various data types.3. Blob Storage: A service for storing large amounts of unstructured data (e.g., images, videos), optimized for high availability and scalability.4. Azure Active Directory (AAD): A cloud-based identity and access management solution, providing secure authentication and authorization for Azure resources.5. Resource Group: A logical container for grouping related Azure resources, enabling efficient management and deployment.6. Azure Functions: A serverless compute service for event-driven code execution, perfect for real-time data processing and API integrations.7. Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS): A managed container orchestration service, streamlining the deployment and management of containerized applications.8. Azure Cosmos DB: A globally distributed, multi-model database service, offering high availability and scalability for mission-critical data.9. Azure DevOps: A suite of services for collaborative software development and delivery, integrating version control, CI/CD, and project management.10. Azure Resource Manager (ARM): A service for managing Azure resources and deployments, enabling template-based provisioning and version control.Grasping these concepts will elevate your Azure expertise, enabling you to design, deploy, and manage scalable and efficient cloud solutions. Let's continue pushing the boundaries of cloud innovation together!#MSAzure #CloudComputing #TechExpert #AzureCommunity

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  • Amit Verma

    Azure || SQL ll Python ll Power BI ll GitHub |l Prompt engg ll Excel || Founder Goal academy ll Marketing intern ll NSIT'22

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    🌟 Day 5: Data Modification in SQL – INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and Transactions 🌟Welcome to Day 5 of the 30-Day SQL Revision Challenge! Today, we're delving into data modification techniques in SQL, including inserting new records, updating existing ones, deleting unwanted data, and managing transactions.🔍 Key Concepts to Explore:1. INSERT Statement: - 🧠 Concept:Used to add new records to a table. - 📊Example: INSERT INTO Employees (name, department_id, salary) VALUES ('John Doe', 1, 60000); - Explanation: This adds a new employee named "John Doe" to the "Employees" table with a department ID of 1 and a salary of $60,000.2. UPDATE Statement: - 🏢 Concept: Used to modify existing records in a table. - 📊 Example: UPDATE Employees SET salary = 65000 WHERE name = 'John Doe'; - Explanation: This updates the salary of the employee "John Doe" to $65,000.3. DELETE Statement: - 🧠 Concept:Used to remove records from a table. - 📊 Example: DELETE FROM Employees WHERE name = 'John Doe'; ``` - Explanation: This deletes the record of the employee "John Doe" from the "Employees" table.4. Transactions: - 🏢 Concept: A transaction is a sequence of SQL statements that are executed as a single unit. It ensures data integrity by either committing all changes or rolling back if an error occurs. - 📊 Example: BEGIN TRANSACTION; UPDATE Accounts SET balance = balance - 100 WHERE account_id = 123; INSERT INTO Transactions (account_id, amount) VALUES (123, -100); COMMIT - Explanation: This example withdraws $100 from an account and records the transaction in the "Transactions" table within a transaction block.5. Handling Errors with ROLLBACK: - 🧠 Concept:ROLLBACK is used to undo changes made within a transaction in case of errors or unforeseen circ*mstances. - 📊 Example: BEGIN TRANSACTION; UPDATE Accounts SET balance = balance - 100 WHERE account_id = 123; INSERT INTO Transactions (account_id, amount) VALUES (123, -100); IF @@ERROR <> 0 ROLLBACK; ELSE COMMIT; -Explanation:This example rolls back the transaction if any error occurs during the execution of SQL statements within the transaction block.💡 Tips for New Learners:- Always double-check your SQL statements before executing them to avoid unintended changes.- Use transactions when performing multiple related operations to maintain database consistency.- Be cautious when using DELETE statements to prevent accidental data loss.Mastering data modification in SQL is essential for managing and maintaining databases effectively. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s topic where we’ll explore data normalization techniques! 🚀 #SQLChallenge #DataModification #LearnSQL #DataManagement#DataAnalysis #infiniteamitLet's continue this SQL journey together! 💪💻✨

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  • Amit Verma

    Azure || SQL ll Python ll Power BI ll GitHub |l Prompt engg ll Excel || Founder Goal academy ll Marketing intern ll NSIT'22

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    🌟 Unlock Your Potential: Embrace Data Analysis on Your Path to Success! 🌟As an aspiring data analyst, you hold the key to unlocking insights that can drive corporate success to new heights. 🚀 🔍 The Power of Data: Picture yourself as the detective of the digital age, decoding the language of data to reveal hidden patterns and trends. With every dataset you analyze, you’re not just crunching numbers; you’re illuminating pathways to smarter decisions and strategic breakthroughs.☁️ Cloud Engineering: In your journey, don't overlook the importance of cloud technologies. The cloud isn't just a storage solution; it's a platform for innovation and collaboration. By harnessing cloud tools, you can scale your analyses, collaborate seamlessly, and access resources from anywhere, empowering you to make a greater impact.🎯 Why Your Role Matters:1. Insightful Decision-Making: Your analyses provide the foundation for informed decisions, empowering leaders to navigate challenges and seize opportunities.2. Innovation Catalyst: Data-driven insights fuel innovation, driving product enhancements, process optimizations, and strategic initiatives.3. Professional Growth:As you sharpen your analytical skills and embrace new technologies, you're not just advancing your career; you're shaping the future of your field.👥 Your Journey Ahead:Your path as an aspiring data analyst is paved with opportunities for growth and impact. Stay hungry for knowledge, seek mentorship from seasoned professionals, and dive into real-world projects to hone your skills. Every dataset you analyze is a stepping stone toward your ultimate goal of becoming a data analysis maestro.💡 Keys to Success:- Continuous Learning:Embrace online courses, workshops, and certifications to stay ahead of the curve.- Hands-On Experience: Seek internships, volunteer opportunities, or side projects to apply your skills in real-world scenarios.- Networking: Connect with fellow data enthusiasts, join online communities, and attend industry events to expand your network and gain insights from peers.Join me in embracing the transformative power of data analysis. Together, let's embark on a journey of discovery, innovation, and professional fulfillment! 📊💡#DataAnalysis #AspiringDataAnalyst #CareerJourney #ProfessionalGrowth #TechSkills #UnlockYourPotential


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