6 Ways To Fix 502 Bad Gateway In Nginx (2024)

502 Bad Gateway is an error website visitors see relatively rarely. However, since it can prevent the users from interacting with the website or the hosted application, website owners should make rectifying this error their top priority.

This error typically occurs when a server acting as a gateway or proxy receives an invalid response from an upstream server. Since NGINX is a popular proxy server, users often see error messages like “502 Bad Gateway” and the active NGINX version.

The NGINX 502 Bad Gateway is a common issue website visitors encounter. There are several possible causes for this error and several solutions. This post will examine the most likely reasons and how site owners and developers can resolve the error.

Let’s start with a short introduction to the error.

Table of Content

  1. What Does the Error Code 502 Bad Gateway in NGINX Mean?
  2. The Top Six Possibilities Behind 502 Bad Gateway in NGINX (And How to Fix Them)
  3. Reason # 1: NGINX is Not Running
    1. Examine the NGINX Status
    2. Examine the NGINX Configuration
    3. Check the Port Bindings
    4. Check for Conflicting Services
    5. Examine the NGINX Error Logs
    6. Examine The System Resources
  4. Reason # 2: PHP-FPM Isn’t Working
    1. Examine the NGINX and PHP-FPM Configurations
    2. Check the Status of PHP-FPM
    3. Restart NGINX and PHP-FPM
    4. Examine the Socket or Address and Port Settings
    5. Examine PHP-FPM Error Logs
    6. Examine the File Permissions
    7. Test Configurations With a Simple PHP Script
  5. Reason # 3: The PHP-FPM Timeout Has Expired
    1. Increase the Value of the Timeout
    2. Restart PHP-FPM Service
    3. Improve Your PHP Code
    4. Check for Resource Constraints
  6. Reason # 4: NGINX Requests Denied by the Firewall
    1. Examine the Firewall Rules
    2. Temporarily Disable the Firewall
    3. Examine the Firewall Logs
    4. Allow NGINX Through the Firewall
    5. Test Connectivity
  7. Reason # 5: A Domain Name is Not Permitted
    1. Check the server_name Directive
    2. Examine DNS Resolution
  8. Reason # 6: Bugs In Web Applications
  9. Conclusion
  10. FAQs

What Does the Error Code 502 Bad Gateway in NGINX Mean?

502 Bad Gateway indicates that the server you are trying to reach has encountered an error while communicating with another server. This occurs when one server serves as a proxy to receive data from other servers in the setup. The 502 error occurs when a server returns an error when attempting to connect to another server.

The exciting aspect of this discussion is the several ways to indicate that a 502 error has occurred. Here’re a few ways you’ll find this error being mentioned on various websites:

  • 502 Bad Gateway NGINX
  • HTTP 502
  • HTTP Error 502 – Bad Gateway
  • 502 Service Temporarily Overloaded
  • Temporary Error (502)
  • 502 Bad Gateway
  • 502 Proxy Error
  • Error 502

As with the 404 Not Found error, developers can customize the appearance of the 502 error page to match the current website design.

Before going into the probable reasons for the 502 Bad Gateway error in NGINX, let’s discuss PHP-FPM and its role in NGINX performance.

What is PHP-FPM & How Does It Work?

PHP applications deployed on a server use PHP-FPM (PHP-FastCGI Process Manager) as a tool for handling web requests. When combined with NGINX, PHP-FPM can make websites run faster and use fewer resources for responding to requests.

If you use PHP-FPM, PHP works as a separate service, and the web requests are handled through a TCP/IP port. NGINX only handles HTTP requests in this configuration, while PHP-FPM reads PHP code. This arrangement ensures a faster response by distributing the workload over two services.

Now that you have a good idea about the 502 Bad Gateway error in NGINX, let’s discuss why this error occurs.

The Top Six Possibilities Behind 502 Bad Gateway in NGINX (And How to Fix Them)

Here’re the six reasons users might encounter the 502 Bad Gateway error.

6 Ways To Fix 502 Bad Gateway In Nginx (1)Reason # 1: NGINX is Not Running

If you receive a “502 Bad Gateway” error, first, you should check whether NGINX is up and running. Here’s how you can debug this problem:

Examine the NGINX Status

Start by confirming that NGINX is up and operating. For this, launch the terminal and enter the following command:

$ sudo service nginx status or systemctl status nginx

6 Ways To Fix 502 Bad Gateway In Nginx (2)

As you can see, this command will display the NGINX web server’s current status. If it isn’t running, you’ll see a message saying that NGINX isn’t running.

If that’s the case, you can try restarting it with the following command that restarts NGINX and attempts to bind it to the designated ports:

$ sudo service nginx restart

Examine the NGINX Configuration

An error in the NGINX configuration file can likely stop it from functioning correctly. To verify this, use the following command to verify the configuration syntax:

$ sudo nginx -t

6 Ways To Fix 502 Bad Gateway In Nginx (3)

This command checks the NGINX configuration file for syntax issues. If there are any errors, it will specify the exact problem.

You can rectify the mistakes by editing the configuration file (/etc/nginx/nginx.conf or /etc/nginx/conf.d/*). If the syntax is okay, you will see a similar message:

6 Ways To Fix 502 Bad Gateway In Nginx (4)

Check the Port Bindings

If NGINX is working correctly, you should next check that NGINX is bound to the adequately designated ports. NGINX listens on port 80 for HTTP and port 443 for HTTPS by default.

Open the NGINX configuration file (/etc/nginx/nginx.conf or /etc/nginx/conf.d/*) and look for the listen directives within the server blocks. Here you should check that the ports are correctly specified.

Check for Conflicting Services

If NGINX does not start because of port conflicts, the main reason is that another service may be already mapped to the same port. You can use the following command to identify any conflicting services:

$ sudo netstat -tuln | grep LISTEN

6 Ways To Fix 502 Bad Gateway In Nginx (5)

This command displays all the services currently listening on specific ports. Look for any services that use ports 80 or 443. If you discover any conflicts, you must stop or adjust those services to free up ports for NGINX.

Examine the NGINX Error Logs

When investigating the 502 error, the NGINX logs can help determine what went wrong with the reverse proxy server. Typically, error logs are stored at /var/log/nginx/error.log. We recommend examining these log files for any error messages that may point to the source of the problem.

Examine The System Resources

Verifying that your server has sufficient resources (CPU, RAM, and disc space) to support NGINX operations is always a good idea. Insufficient resources can prevent NGINX from booting up or cause it to crash. We recommend using system monitoring tools or command-line utilities such as htop to examine resource consumption.

Reason # 2: PHP-FPM Isn’t Working

If you’re getting a 502 Bad Gateway error because NGINX and PHP-FPM aren’t “cooperating”, you can troubleshoot the problem by doing the following:

Examine the NGINX and PHP-FPM Configurations

Start by checking that NGINX and PHP-FPM are both correctly configured and functioning.

Open the NGINX configuration file (/etc/nginx/nginx.conf or /etc/nginx/conf.d/*) and verify that the location block for PHP scripts is correctly set up. It should have directives like fastcgi_pass, which points to the PHP-FPM socket or address and port, and fastcgi_param parameters.
Similarly, review the PHP-FPM configuration file (/etc/php-fpm.conf or /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf) to ensure all settings are correctly set up.

Check the Status of PHP-FPM

Check to see if PHP-FPM is currently operational.

For this, launch the terminal or command prompt and type the following command:

$ sudo service php-fpm status

6 Ways To Fix 502 Bad Gateway In Nginx (6)

This command displays PHP-FPM’s current status. If it isn’t up, you’ll receive a message that PHP-FPM isn’t running.

Restart NGINX and PHP-FPM

If NGINX and PHP-FPM are running but not communicating correctly, you can try restarting both services.

To restart them, use the following commands:

$ sudo service nginx restart
$ sudo service php-fpm restart

Examine the Socket or Address and Port Settings

Check that the fastcgi_pass directive in the NGINX configuration file is correctly pointing to the PHP-FPM socket or IP and port.

Here’s what a properly formatted directive looks like:
fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php7.4-fpm.sock;

If you use a TCP address and port, it should appear like this:


Check that the socket or address and port correspond to the PHP-FPM settings. After modifying the configuration, remember to restart both NGINX and PHP-FPM.

Examine PHP-FPM Error Logs

PHP-FPM logs provide essential insight into any PHP script execution issues. Typically, the log file is located in /var/log/php-fpm.log.

Examine the log file for error messages that may illuminate the problem. While you’re at it, we suggest checking NGINX’s error log (/var/log/nginx/error.log) for any relevant error messages.

Examine the File Permissions

An overlooked reason behind PHP-FPM and NGINX-related issues is misconfigured file permissions.

You should confirm that the PHP files and directories have the necessary permissions and ownership so that NGINX can access them and PHP-FPM can execute them.
Typically, PHP files should be readable by the NGINX user, and folders should have appropriate execution rights. Use the chown and chmod commands to change ownership and permissions, if necessary.

Test Configurations With a Simple PHP Script

Write a simple PHP script (we highly recommend printing info.php) to test NGINX and PHP-FPM operations. For this, we suggest the following:

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

Put this line in a file named info.php and save the file in the web root directory (for example, /var/www/html). Now, visit it using your browser (for example, http://your-domain.com/info.php).

If you can see the PHP information page, the NGINX, and PHP-FPM are working successfully together. If not, it could point to a problem with PHP-FPM settings or communication between NGINX and PHP-FPM.

Reason # 3: The PHP-FPM Timeout Has Expired

The error “The PHP-FPM timeout has expired” usually means that a PHP script executed by PHP-FPM took longer to complete than the timeout value mentioned in the config file.

When PHP-FPM receives a request to execute a PHP script, a worker process is launched to fulfill the request. PHP-FPM terminates the process and returns the timeout error if the script execution exceeds the timeout setting defined in the PHP-FPM configuration.

You can resolve this problem by taking the following steps:

Increase the Value of the Timeout

In the PHP-FPM configuration file (typically /etc/php-fpm.conf or /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf), change the request_terminate_timeout setting directive.

We suggest increasing the value of request_terminate_timeout to allow PHP scripts to run for extended periods.

For instance, in the following example, the timeout is set to 300 seconds (5 minutes):

request_terminate_timeout = 300s

We suggest adjusting the value to meet the needs of your application.

Restart PHP-FPM Service

If you change the PHP-FPM configuration file, you must restart the PHP-FPM service to implement the modifications.

The command may differ depending on your operating system and how PHP-FPM is installed. Here is an example of the restart commands:

$ sudo systemctl restart php-fpm

Improve Your PHP Code

If your PHP script takes too long to execute, you may need to optimize your code to improve its execution time frame. You should focus on finding and optimizing bottlenecks like database requests, intensive computations, or inefficient algorithms.

Check for Resource Constraints

Executing PHP scripts requires server resources. Time-out errors might also occur when a script gets stuck while waiting for the resources to continue execution.

As such, you should ensure that your server has sufficient resources to handle PHP script execution.

Reason # 4: NGINX Requests Denied by the Firewall

If you receive a “502 Bad Gateway” error in NGINX and think that the firewall is blocking requests, try the following ideas to troubleshoot the problem:

Examine the Firewall Rules

Start by checking the firewall rules to ensure it is not blocking inbound requests to NGINX.

Depending on your firewall solution ( iptables, UFW, or Firewalld), the rule syntax about port 80 for HTTP or port 443 for HTTPS might differ. You should check and allow inbound traffic to NGINX, and modify the rules accordingly.

Temporarily Disable the Firewall

As a first step in troubleshooting, temporarily disable the firewall and see if the 502 Bad Gateway error persists. This helps you narrow down the firewall as the source of the problem.

However, you should re-enable the firewall immediately to maintain security.

Examine the Firewall Logs

Check the firewall logs to see whether entries are linked to disallowed requests. In addition, firewall logs can give information about blocked traffic and the reasons for denials. The location of the firewall logs differs depending on the firewall solution. We suggest checking /var/log/iptables.log, /var/log/ufw.log, and /var/log/firewalld.log for the logs.

Allow NGINX Through the Firewall

We recommend allowing NGINX through the firewall to eliminate firewall-related causes of the NGINX 502 Bad Gateway error.

Start by configuring the necessary rules to allow NGINX through the firewall. Make changes to the firewall rules to allow inbound connections on the NGINX ports 80 and 443. The particular instructions or configuration procedures vary depending on the firewall solution.

Here are a couple of examples:


Use the following commands to whitelist ports 80 and 443 in iptables:

$ sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
$ sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT

UFW (Simplified Firewall)
Use the following commands to whitelist ports 80 and 443 in UFW:

$ sudo ufw allow 80/tcp
$ sudo ufw allow 443/tcp

Use the following commands to whitelist ports 80 and 443 in Firewalld:

$ sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=http --permanent
$ sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=https --permanent
$ sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Test Connectivity

After modifying the firewall rules and validating the NGINX configuration, see if you can connect to NGINX.

Use programs such as Telnet or curl to verify connectivity locally and from remote systems. For example, to test NGINX’s response, use the following command:

# curl -I http://localhost/

If the connection is successful and the expected response is received, the firewall rules allow traffic to the NGINX reverse proxy server.

Reason # 5: A Domain Name is Not Permitted

If you get a “502 Bad Gateway” error message in NGINX with the message “A domain name is not permitted,” it usually means that NGINX received a request for a domain name not configured or allowed in the configuration file.

You can troubleshoot this problem by doing the following:

Check the server_name Directive

Start by checking the server_name directive to see if the domain name causing the problem is included in the directive block. The path should be: /etc/nginx/sites-available/domainname.conf

For example,
server_name example.com www.example.com;

6 Ways To Fix 502 Bad Gateway In Nginx (7)

If the domain name is missing or incorrect, add or change the server_name directive.

Examine DNS Resolution

Check that the domain name correctly resolves to the NGINX server’s IP address. You can do DNS lookups with tools like nslookup or dig to ensure the domain name resolves to the correct IP address. Here’s a sample lookup command:

# nslookup example.com

If the domain name does not resolve correctly, you may need to adjust your DNS configuration or contact your DNS provider.

Reason # 6: Bugs In Web Applications

Errors at the application level can (rarely) cause the 502 Bad Gateway error.

If your web server logs contain loading errors similar to the following, the application code may be incompatible with the server version and configuration.

[notice] child pid xxxxx exit signal Segmentation fault (11)

You must examine your application’s software needs and re-configure the services to meet the requirements.

Also Read: 12 Effective Ways to Fix the 504 Gateway Timeout Error


The 502 Bad Gateway in NGINX error usually happens when NGINX runs as a reverse proxy and can’t connect to services on either side of the server setup. This error could occur because of a server crash, a network error, a problem with the NGINX setup, or domain-related issues.
Here at Redswitches, we offer The perfect platform for setting up NGINX as a Reverse Proxy server.

Optimizing a reverse proxy can make it run faster and handle calls more efficiently. Remember that the right configurations and optimizations may differ based on how you use the system and what you expect from the NGINX server. Redswitches is a one-stop solution for all of your website hosting needs.


Q. What does the NGINX 502 Bad Gateway error indicate?

The 502 Bad Gateway error means an upstream server sent no or malformed response to the NGINX server in a reverse proxy server role. It usually happens when NGINX can’t connect to the backend server or when the backend server gives an invalid or unexpected response.

Q. Can too much traffic cause a 502 Bad Gateway?

Too much traffic can overwhelm the backend servers or the proxy infrastructure, causing the 502 Bad Gateway problem. In these situations, you may need to optimize your server resources, change timeouts, or use load balancers to handle the extra traffic.

Q. Can DNS problems result in a 502 Bad Gateway error?

Yes, a “502 Bad Gateway” error can be caused by trouble with DNS resolution. Ensure that the upstream server’s IP address can be found by resolving the domain name used in the NGINX setup.

Q. Can a PHP-FPM misconfiguration cause a 502 Bad Gateway error in NGINX?

A 502 Bad Gateway problem in NGINX can happen if PHP-FPM is set up incorrectly. To avoid these errors, ensure that NGINX is set up correctly to talk to PHP-FPM using the correct socket, address, and port. Check the PHP-FPM configuration file (php-fpm.conf or www.conf) to ensure it conforms to the proper NGINX configuration settings.

6 Ways To Fix 502 Bad Gateway In Nginx (2024)


6 Ways To Fix 502 Bad Gateway In Nginx? ›

Clear Your Browser Cache

In this case, clearing the browser cache can offer a 502 Bad Gateway fix. Keep in mind that removing cached files might result in losing important browser data, including bookmarks and setting preferences. To prevent this, simply export your data from the browser and import it back after.

How to fix a 502 Bad Gateway in nginx? ›

Here's how you can debug this problem:
  1. Examine the NGINX Status. ...
  2. Examine the NGINX Configuration. ...
  3. Check the Port Bindings. ...
  4. Check for Conflicting Services. ...
  5. Examine the NGINX Error Logs. ...
  6. Examine The System Resources. ...
  7. Examine the NGINX and PHP-FPM Configurations. ...
  8. Check the Status of PHP-FPM.
Jul 6, 2023

How do I fix 502 Bad Gateway? ›

Clear Your Browser Cache

In this case, clearing the browser cache can offer a 502 Bad Gateway fix. Keep in mind that removing cached files might result in losing important browser data, including bookmarks and setting preferences. To prevent this, simply export your data from the browser and import it back after.

How to bypass 502 Bad Gateway error? ›

How Do You Fix The 502 Bad Gateway Error? (9 Possible Solutions)
  1. Refresh The Webpage And Try A Different Browser. ...
  2. Test Using Another Device. ...
  3. Clear Your Browser's Cache. ...
  4. Flush The DNS Cache. ...
  5. Check Your Site's Error Log. ...
  6. Deactivate Your Plugins And Themes. ...
  7. Disable Your CDN Or Firewall. ...
  8. Restart PHP And Increase Your PHP Limits.
Nov 8, 2023

What is the root cause of 502 error? ›

Server overload: An overloaded server is one of the most common causes of a 502 error. This is where the server has reached its memory capacity, often activated by an unusually high number of visitors trying to access the same website.

How to bypass 502 Bad Gateway NGINX? ›

How to fix 502 Bad gateway Nginx Error? (Nginx Web Server Specific Error)
  1. Check the status of Nginx. ...
  2. Check the Backend Server Status. ...
  3. Check the DNS Configuration. ...
  4. Check the Firewall Configuration. ...
  5. Increase the Buffer Size. ...
  6. Restart Nginx Server. ...
  7. Check PHP-FPM Status.
May 6, 2024

How do I debug 502 Bad Gateway? ›

Flush the DNS Cache

Other common causes of 502 Bad Gateway are DNS problems, such as incorrect IP addresses and unresponsive DNS servers. In this case, flushing your DNS cache can be the answer. This method works similarly to clearing your browser's cache. It will remove faulty files from your DNS server.

Is 502 Bad Gateway permanent? ›

While the 502 Bad Gateway error is usually indicating a networking error outside of your control, it could be extremely temporary. Trying the page again will often be successful.

What is the response status of 502 Bad Gateway? ›

What's an HTTP 502. An HTTP 502 - bad gateway server error response code indicates that the server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from the upstream server. In typical Production scenarios, there are reverse-proxy or load-balancers in front of the server(s).

What is 502 Bad Gateway load balancing? ›

HTTP 502: Bad gateway

The load balancer received an unexpected response from the target, such as "ICMP Destination unreachable (Host unreachable)", when attempting to establish a connection. Check whether traffic is allowed from the load balancer subnets to the targets on the target port.

Why do I keep seeing 502 Bad Gateway? ›

It's a server-side issue. Usually, the 502 appears when a gateway server fails to communicate with the upstream backend (or host) server: The gateway server acts as an intermediary or reverse proxy between a client, such as a web browser, and a backend server.

Is 502 Bad Gateway a hack? ›

The 502 Bad Gateway error is usually a network error between servers on the Internet, meaning the problem is not with your PC or Internet connection. It may also indicate an issue with internet service provider (ISP). Get in touch with your ISP for further assistance.

What does 502 Bad Gateway translate to? ›

A 502 Bad Gateway error indicates that the proxy server, which is the edge server, could not get a valid response from the upstream server, which is the origin server. When you see a 502 Bad Gateway error, it means that something is wrong with the upstream server.

Is a 502 Bad Gateway my fault? ›

A 502 bad gateway message indicates that one server got an invalid response from another. In essence, you've connected with some kind of interim device (like an edge server) that should fetch all of the bits you need to load the page. Something about that process went wrong, and the message indicates the problem.

What is error 502 Bad Gateway origin? ›

An HTTP 502 status code (Bad Gateway) indicates that CloudFront wasn't able to serve the requested object because it couldn't connect to the origin server. If you're using Lambda@Edge, the issue might be a Lambda validation error.

How to resolve 502 Bad Gateway in AWS? ›

HTTP 502: Bad gateway

Cause: Malformed response from the instance or potentially an issue with the load balancer. Solution: Verify that the response being sent from the instance conforms to HTTP specifications. Go to the AWS Support Center for assistance.

How do I fix an NGINX error? ›

Here's a step-by-step guide:
  1. #1 Check the Requested URL. Ensure that the URL entered in the browser is correct. ...
  2. #2 Verify the Location of the Resource. ...
  3. #3 Review Nginx Configuration. ...
  4. #4 Check File Permissions. ...
  5. #5 Clear Browser Cache. ...
  6. #6 Restart Nginx. ...
  7. #7 Set Up Automatic Restart. ...
  8. #8 Check Error Logs.
Nov 27, 2023

What does 502 Bad Gateway API mean? ›

The client application gets an HTTP status code of 502 with the message "Bad Gateway" as a response for API calls. The HTTP status code 502 means that the client is not receiving a valid response from the backend servers that should actually fulfill the request.

How to get NGINX status? ›

If the module is enabled, you should check your NGINX configuration file (located by default at /etc/nginx/nginx. conf or /etc/nginx/sites-available/default for most systems, or within a specific virtual host file). In this configuration, the NGINX status page is available at http://localhost/nginx_status.

How to restart NGINX server in Linux? ›

Restart Nginx

The restart option is quick action of stopping and then starting the Nginx server. Use one of the following commands to restart the Nginx: $ sudo systemctl restart nginx.


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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.